Doom Ray

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
"It's done!" Wei Chen exhaled. "The first flower is finally full."

In the past few days, Wei Chen has been relying on the food he bought earlier and the supplies seized from 'Brother Lin' to survive.Forcibly fill the first flower completely.

Similarly, Wei Chen has also discovered many problems in the past few days. Since the second day after he started absorbing the yellow silk thread, Wei Chen has never felt tired from absorbing the yellow silk thread. When I'm not resting, I'm meditating [-]/[-].

Wei Chen also thought about the reason, but now he is the only one, unable to compare with others or refer to each other, so naturally he can't sort out any clues.

Wei Chen also calculated that a whole day of meditation can replenish three-quarters of the petals.In other words, counting from the day when Wei Chen killed someone, about five days have passed.

"Om~" A small knife made of light appeared in Wei Chen's hand.Yes, the knife, not the ball of light.

This skill is called 'mimicry'.After filling up the first flower, Wei Chen found that the frame of a new flower was outlined in his mind.And 'mimicry' is the skill attached to this new flower.However, "mimicry" belongs to "mimicry", it is not a healing technique, that is to say, the knife in Wei Chen's hand does not have any healing function.Wei Chen understood this the first moment he saw the knife.

"What are these abilities?" Wei Chen looked at the knife in his hand, a little confused.

He remembered that when he killed 'Brother Lin', 'Brother Lin' didn't release any special abilities.At the beginning, Wei Chen just thought that 'Brother Lin' hadn't discovered this yet.But now it seems that is not the case.

As long as Wei Chen closes his eyes, he can feel the yellow silk threads running around.And 'Brother Lin' has probably lived in the last days for some time, so he is not so stupid as to not even realize this.

After thinking about it, Wei Chen casually threw out the knife in his hand.

"Bah." The golden light flashed, and finally sank into the wall, leaving a hole where one could see the next room.

"It's powerful!" Seeing that the wall was pierced, Wei Chen said with satisfaction. "It's just a bit expensive."

The knife just cost him a petal.Since the second flower has not yet been filled with yellow silk, Wei Chen can only use this skill ten times at present, after which he will need to reabsorb and replenish the yellow silk.

"No! Why do I know how to use this skill so well?" Wei Chen suddenly realized that his actions just now were very abnormal.

Just knowing the name of 'mimesis', I understand that it can be transformed into a small knife, and I clearly know that this small knife is not transformed from the light sphere of the healing technique.Just knowing this is enough.Wei Chen knows that this skill can also be thrown out to hurt the enemy.

That's not all.Wei Chen also knows that the 'mimicry' skill can even be attached to a weapon, enhancing the damage of the weapon.It can be turned into a rope in a short time, and various information of the whip flashed through Wei Chen's mind, as if it was instinct.

"Papa papa!" Wei Chen patted his cheek. "What do you think about so much, it's the point that keeps me alive."

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Wei Chen began to meditate, which was the only and easiest way he knew to improve his strength.The second flower not only brought him a powerful skill, but it didn't even increase his physical strength. The most obvious manifestation was that Wei Chen started to crush the food again.Therefore, he is eager to fill the second flower, so that the power will increase again, and new skills will appear.

But as soon as he started to meditate, Wei Chen frowned.

too slow!According to this rate, it is estimated that only two-fifths of the petals can be filled in one day, and it will take 25 days to fill them all!
Wei Chen was a little helpless, and then gave up meditation, put on the radio headphones, and tuned to the only channel that made sound.

"Overcoming difficulties... I am Chen, the temporary agent of the city... 呵呵呵... We have joined forces and gathered at the No. [-] Middle School in the city. Survivors who heard the broadcast come and join us... 呵呵呵... Evacuate in nineteen days !… 呲味味… unite and get through…”

This is the source of Wei Chen's helplessness.If Lin Kun and others can get the news in advance, so can the government.Wei Chen even estimated that on the day when the doomsday broke out, the army had already assembled in City No. [-] Middle School, and a large amount of supplies must have been stored there.There are also firearms. Even if soldiers become zombies, they can be cleared quickly. Similarly, the students of No. [-] Middle School in the city can also be well taken care of, and their survival rate has greatly increased.

As for why they gathered there, Wei Chen could easily think of the answer, there are many talents there.There is no university town in the area where Wei Chen is located, so City No. [-] Middle School naturally became the focus of protection.

"It's time to leave." With that said, Wei Chen packed up his backpack.In order to fill the first flower, he has been staying in this old dormitory building for more than a week. Now that the flower is full, he will naturally not stay here.

Wei Chen also has great expectations for the meeting point of City No. [-] Middle School, maybe he can see his parents and younger sister there.

"If they are still alive, they will be surprised to see me!" Wei Chen looked at his fist with a smile.In the past, people who were poor in their studies were not appreciated by others, but now in the last days, it is not about grades, but about strength.Wei Chen may not be able to achieve results, but Wei Chen has strength!

Opening the door of the old dormitory, the hinges squeaked.The corridor was not empty either. There were three corpses lying there beside them. Maggots grew on the corpses and gave off a stench.Wei Chen covered his nose, in order to avoid suspicion, he chose another way to go downstairs.

"I need to prepare some better weapons, water, and food first, and then go to No. [-] Middle School!" Wei Chen made a plan.Towards the new world, took a step.


"There are zombies here too." Wei Chen, who had just walked to the big iron gate of the corridor, found a zombie standing there stupidly outside the iron gate, but when it saw Wei Chen, it immediately rushed like crazy come over.

"Boom~" Unfortunately, it was blocked by a big iron gate.

"This is a zombie." Although the end of the world has erupted for more than a week, this is the first time that Wei Chen has had close contact with Lost.

Wei Chen took a closer look and said, "It's very different from the one in the movie."

He lost his human form, his skin was gray and black, and the hideous blood vessels were visible to the naked eye.Except for the deeply sunken eyeballs, other parts of his face are no different from ordinary people.

Maybe it was because he hadn't experienced the initial big outbreak, or maybe it was because Wei Chen already had great strength, so he didn't have any fear of zombies.

"Pfft." There was a muffled sound.The loser fell down, a hole in its head was smoking, and it took a while for blood to flow out.

"It seems to be easy to kill!" Wei Chen said brazenly after killing a zombie with a mimetic throwing knife. "Waste petals!"

Indeed, for Wei Chen, these zombies are easy to kill.But for ordinary people, these zombies are a disaster.

After opening the iron gate, Wei Chen stepped over the corpse of the zombie unhurriedly, and walked downstairs slowly, feeling very leisurely.

It seems that you can run amok in the future!Wei Chen thought happily.

"Hey, there's another one. This time we don't need skills to kill it!" Wei Chen watched a zombie running towards him confidently, and clenched the stick in his hand.

near!near! "Crack!" This zombie suffered even worse, was blown away by Wei Chen, and its brain exploded all over the place.

Looking at his masterpiece, Wei Chen felt a little sick to his stomach.This was the first time he had seen such a bloody scene. Previously, 'Brother Lin' and his party were all internally injured by fists, but they were not very disgusting.

After killing this one, Wei Chen looked around, he always felt that the surrounding environment was a little out of sync!But seeing that there were no zombies nearby, he relaxed his vigilance.He walked to the door of the carpentry room on the first floor and kicked open the locked door.

This is the first stop of Wei Chen's plan. He wants to find some weapons that fit his hand. The stick provided by the three of 'Brother Lin' is too light for him now!

"Crack!" The lock on the door was still there, but the door was kicked and a big hole was left.Wei Chen looked a little speechless, did he lock it properly or was he too strong?Fortunately, the hole is quite big, and Wei Chen can still get in.

"Phew, it smells much better inside." The rust smell in the carpentry room is naturally much better than the rotten smell outside.

Looking at the dazzling array of tools on the ground, Wei Chen's eyes brightened, and then he began to look for tools that could be used, such as long-handled hammers, large wrenches, etc., which were much easier to use than the sticks in his hands.

Picking up a big hammer, Wei Chen swung it twice, feeling very good.

"I'll definitely need a hammer, and so will a wrench. A screwdriver? No need for this..."

"Patta~pata~" Wei Chen, who was bending over to look for tools, didn't know that a short figure was quietly approaching behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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