Doom Ray

Chapter 5 Scary Human

Chapter 5 Scary Human
"Why is my back feeling a little cold?" Wei Chen, who was rummaging through boxes and boxes, finally felt something was wrong, and turned his head suddenly.

A red figure flew past Wei Chen's eyes!

"Hey!" The blow that was originally aimed at Wei Chen's neck happened to be hit on Wei Chen's shoulder because Wei Chen turned his head.

The pain from his shoulder made Wei Chen feel bad all of a sudden, "I was scratched! I was scratched!"

Turning his head slightly, he looked at the injury on his shoulder in disbelief.Wei Chen's mind was blank and his face was pale.

It's over!You're going to be infected as a zombie!This thought kept flashing through Wei Chen's mind, and he kept muttering: "What should I do? What should I do?..."

"I don't want to die! It's hard to have such strength!" Wei Chen said in despair.He originally wanted to show off his strength, so that those who looked down on him at the beginning would look at him with admiration.There are also parents, if they meet them in the form of such a strong person, they will be very happy!

Unfortunately, the shoulder injury shattered all Wei Chen's illusions.

The short zombie on the side didn't care what Wei Chen was thinking, his limbs exploded and he jumped up.

This is a completely different zombie from what Wei Chen has seen before. The small body makes this zombie more agile, and it is more explosive when it is on all fours. There are also pads on the palms and feet. Lu Lai was silent.The most eye-catching is a pair of sharp forelimbs and fangs piercing the lips.

This is a born hunter, assassin!
It's just such a monster, which is rushing towards Wei Chen aggressively at this moment, wanting to give him a fatal blow!
Unfortunately, it ran into Wei Chen who was on the verge of erupting.

"Go to hell!" Seeing that the culprit who ruined his life was rushing towards him, Wei Chen was furious in his heart, a yellow light flashed in his hand, and with a wave of his hand, a golden net of light spewed out.

The hunter zombies couldn't change direction at all in the air, and were directly covered by the optical net, and they rushed forward.Not only that, but the optical network made of mimicry is also corrosive, causing the hunter zombies to emit black smoke and make the sound of roasting meat.

Wei Chen stepped forward, casually picked up a hammer, and hit the short zombie trapped by the light net fiercely, only to hear a "bang", and blood spattered everywhere.

Seeing that the enemy was gone, Wei Chen immediately slumped on the ground, his eyes were red, and he started to cry.

If I become a zombie, I will be awesome, right?Wei Chen thought, why things are always so bad!

I originally planned to go out to surprise other acquaintances, and feel the different gazes from relatives, friends and classmates in the past.But now, after turning into a zombie, there is nothing left!
"No, I still have healing skills!" Wei Chen suddenly screamed, holding the last straw, Wei Chen managed to pull himself together.

"Zizi!" The light ball touched the wound, and the wound boiled like hot oil, and after a while, black smoke came out.

effective!effective!The stench emanating from the black smoke, Wei Chen subconsciously thought it was something like a zombie virus, because there was no black smoke when he was treating the wound left by 'Brother Lin'.

The severe pain not only did not make Wei Chen show a painful face, but made him more and more excited.

In an instant, the three petals lost their color, the black smoke stopped coming out, and the wounds began to heal.

After treating the wound on his shoulder, Wei Chen was still a little nervous.Although the healing technique is very effective, Wei Chen is not sure whether this skill can completely clear the corpse poison.

Wei Chen, who had calmed down a little, picked up his backpack and ran back, rushing back to the small room on the third floor in two or three steps.

"It must be fine!" Wei Chen encouraged himself.Then close your eyes and meditate, trying to make this difficult time pass quickly.

In this way, Wei Chen stayed in this small room for another day.

As soon as the first petal of the second flower filled two-fifths, Wei Chen opened his eyes and looked at his hands with joy.

"Haha, I'm fine! I'm fine!" Wei Chen roared excitedly.

After eating something, I stepped out of the room again.Wei Chen had an idea: never go back to this room again!

With the tools, the next goal is naturally to eat.Fortunately, the cafeteria is right next to it.

"I hope the other surviving classmates didn't take it all away." Wei Chen remembered the three of 'Brother Lin' before, "No matter what, even if we grab it, we must grab it!"

Quickly running to the canteen next to the cafeteria, Wei Chen was stunned seeing the scene in front of him, the place was already empty, and the food had already been taken away.

"It's really a crow's mouth." Wei Chen sighed.But he was not discouraged, he still went in without giving up, to see if anyone else missed it.


"Wait, there are people around here!"


"Look, this zombie's brain is blooming like this, no matter how you look at it, it looks like it was made by a human, and it is probably a capable person!"

someone is coming!As a capable person, Wei Chen could clearly hear the words coming from outside, so he immediately stopped what he was doing.Secretly said: "Hide first, see if you can rob something."

Wei Chen remembered that there was a small room in the canteen for the auntie of the food worker to rest.Then Wei Chen walked over, opened the door and prepared to hide inside first.

A stench wafted from the door, and Wei Chen subconsciously pulled up his clothes to cover his nose.When the door was fully opened, Wei Chen was shocked.There were five or six more people in the room, and a dead body hung on the wall.These may not be enough to shock Wei Chen, what really makes him unacceptable is that there are two people in the room who are eating, and their food is the corpse!
These people are eating human flesh!
The people inside this door were also taken aback by Wei Chen.

"Same... classmate, I... I... We are refugees!" One of the faces said, the voice kept trembling.

Wei Chen carefully looked at these people, there were men and women, all of them were unkempt.The more Wei Chen watched, the more frightened he became. These people were all eating, drinking and messing around in this small room.

"A bunch of beasts!" Wei Chen didn't care how these people lived, but he couldn't accept the issue of cannibalism at all.

"We have been robbed of our food. We can't beat those who are capable among them, and the food is gone, so we have to... Can this blame us? We don't want to!" Seeing Wei Chen scolding, one of them The woman retorted, talking and crying.

At this time, another person came out to smooth things over, and began to explain their experience to Wei Chen, hoping to get Wei Chen's understanding.

It turns out that after the outbreak of zombies, powerful people like capable people began to appear, and these people quickly formed a team with their former acquaintances to survive together.But there is such a group of people who are not very popular on weekdays and have a thin physique. They are useless in the team and can only be moths.These people were taken out of the team as a matter of course, and a group of them gathered here.Crouching in a small house, living by eating companions.

"Those capable people are too powerful, we simply cannot survive."

"That's right, they robbed our things by relying on their own strength."

"How can a person with abilities like you understand the difficulties of ordinary people like us?"


The more these people talked, the more excited they became, but Wei Chen could still tell that they had been making various excuses for their cannibalism.

But when Wei Chen listened, he discovered the problem, that is, this survivor only used words such as "strength" and "strong fighting power" to describe a capable person like Wei Chen, instead of "special function" and "super power". Ability' such vocabulary.

Don't other people have the same skills as me?The more Wei Chen thought about it, the more likely it was. If everyone had Wei Chen's ability, the zombies would have been cleaned up long ago. Wei Chen, who has special abilities, clearly knows the power of these skills.

Taking myself alone as an example, I am not afraid of being injured or infected, which directly reduces the lethality of the zombies by more than half!

From this point of view, isn't he very rare!Wei Chen thought about it.

"Student! Classmate!! Big brother!"

"Huh?" Wei Chen came back to his senses and found a survivor calling him.But for these people, Wei Chen feels disgusted from the bottom of his heart, death is better than life like this

Seeing that Wei Chen finally reacted, a survivor begged, "Brother! Can you let us go." These people complained, but they didn't dare to fight Wei Chen at all.

Wei Chen suddenly felt that he was very lucky. If he didn't have all the abilities, he would end up similar to these people. He could only find a place to die.

This is the sorrow and helplessness of the weak.

But even if you are incompetent, you can't eat people!

"Wei Chen! You are Wei Chen!"

Just when Wei Chen was thinking about how to deal with these people, two figures appeared at the door, one of them pointed at Wei Chen and said excitedly.

Surprised, Wei Chen immediately turned his head to look outside the door, and then said in surprise: "He Qi! Lin Yihong! You are still alive!"

Hearing Wei Chen calling his name, He Qi went over excitedly and gave Wei Chen a bear hug.

Both of these two are in the same class as Wei Chen, the woman is at his back table, and the man walked over with Wei Chen from junior high school.

I have to say that classmate is one of the four major relationships. Especially after the past few weeks, the three of them have been very friendly when they meet each other.

"Okay Wei Chen, this is not a place to talk, first find a safer place." He Qi suggested to Wei Chen.

"I know there is a place, come with me." Wei Chen said, but seeing that He Qi seemed to be a little wary, he added: "Don't worry, there is no one there."

Hey, good luck tricks people.Wei Chen secretly sighed, but the former acquaintances had to be wary of each other secretly.

After hearing this, He Qi nodded embarrassedly.But Wei Chen doesn't mind, after all, if you want to survive in this kind of world, you can't be too careless.Just like the previous self, if he didn't have the extraordinary ability of healing, he would have formed a team with zombies long ago.

The place Wei Chen mentioned was the old dormitory building where he stayed for a week.But it is very ironic that before Wei Chen secretly vowed not to come back.

As for those people in the canteen room, who would care about the lives of such people?

"Here we are." Wei Chen opened the big iron gate, and the three of them entered in unison.

"This place is good." He Qi commented.

Then, Wei Chen brought the two of them to the old room.When passing by the corridor, He Qi and the two saw the decayed corpse on the ground, and secretly glanced at Wei Chen, but they didn't take this to heart. In this post-disaster world, who didn't have two or three lives at their hands?
When the two of them sat down, Wei Chen originally wanted to be a little landlord, but unfortunately there was not much ration in the bag.

He Qi saw Wei Chen's embarrassment, and said helplessly, "It's the end, why are you still so civilized?"

"Yeah, we don't mind this." Lin Yihong added.

Wei Chen felt a little dazed after hearing this, yes, this is the end of the world, no one will call the police if someone is killed, and it is only natural to steal things.Thinking of this, Wei Chen shook his head violently.not like this!
"No, what's the difference between humans and animals if this goes on." Wei Chen insisted on taking out two biscuits and handing them to them.

"Hey~" He Qi sighed, but didn't take the biscuit, and there was a brief silence in the small room.

"You're right." Lin Yihong nodded and took the biscuit.He Qi had no choice but to follow suit, but this made him recognize Wei Chen even more.

"Wei Chen, have you always been alone?" He Qi opened the topic, "Then how did you survive?"

Obviously, He Qi was very curious about what happened to Wei Chen.

"Do you really want to hear it?" Wei Chen asked, seeing He Qi nodded, so he continued: "I've only nested here for a week. What about you?"

He Qi smiled, apparently not believing what Wei Chen said.Next, He Qi began to narrate his experience, and introduced his team by the way.On the day when the apocalypse broke out, Wei Chen's class happened to be in physical education class. Compared with the students in the teaching building, they were more likely to escape the first wave of zombies, and naturally there were more survivors.

Afterwards, He Qi, who escaped the catastrophe, found a place to hide, fell asleep and fortunately regained his strength, became a capable person, and soon met other surviving classmates, and formed a team together to strengthen the team.

"You mean there are about twenty people in your group!" Wei Chen found it inconceivable that with so many people, food alone is a problem.

"Yes, including me and Yi Hong, there are a total of eleven ability users. So, do you want to join?" He Qi invited again friendly.In his opinion, it is very remarkable that Wei Chen can survive alone. Whether it is out of love for classmates or consideration of strengthening the team, he must recruit Wei Chen to join the group.

Wei Chen frowned.Of course, he didn't reject He Qi's team, but also in He Qi's narration, there was no such word as 'superpower'.

Seeing that Wei Chen was thinking, He Qi didn't disturb him anymore, but waited quietly.

"Are you the captain?" Wei Chen suddenly looked at He Qi and asked.

"No, the captain is a physical education teacher named Yang Youyi." He Qi replied.But he didn't expect that after hearing so many words, Wei Chen still shook his head, and then said something that almost made He Qi spit out his food, even if it was solid!
"How about you do it with me?"

After hearing this, He Qi didn't have any special reaction, but said lightly: "Impossible." Lin Yihong also shook her head.

This is so nonsense, no matter how strong Wei Chen is, He Qi and Lin Yihong will not agree to him

"Why?" Seeing that He Qi disagreed, Wei Chen asked back.

"It's just the three of us, how can we live? This is the end of the world, and it's not a child's play"

Hearing He Qi's rebuttal points one by one, Wei Chen was completely dumbfounded. He really didn't know that the school had become like this!

(End of this chapter)

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