Doom Ray

Chapter 6 Corpse King

Chapter 6 Corpse King

Seeing the two of them going away, Wei Chen felt a little lost. He really hoped that the two of them could join him, so that Wei Chen would have company.And based on the relationship between the three of them, they are not afraid of black people eating black things.

"Forget it, I'm more suitable for working alone." Looking around the familiar small room, Wei Chen left again.

After leaving the old dormitory building, Wei Chen decided to go to No. [-] Middle School of the city.The food problem can only be solved outside, and the resources left for him by this school are running out.

After going downstairs, Wei Chen looked around and found a remote path to advance.

Stepping lightly on the grass with his toes, Wei Chen walked along this path. He was going to climb over the wall to get out of school. This was the fastest and safest way for him to get out of school.As a student, I naturally know where the walls of the school are easier to climb over.

Soon, Wei Chen arrived at the destination.It was a wall that didn't grow grass. There were a few bricks missing in several parts of the wall, and there were a few more holes, so it was very convenient to climb.

Of course, it's not that Wei Chen never thought about finding a random wall to climb over, but most of the school's walls are covered with all kinds of thorny plants, and there is nowhere to stay.

After climbing over the wall, Wei Chen landed steadily.

"Phew, it's quite exciting to climb this wall for the first time." For Wei Chen, an obedient student, it is impossible to have any experience of playing truant, and Lin Kun even heard about this superior location.

But before Wei Chen could stand still, a great crisis struck!

A deafening roar resounded in Wei Chen's ears, shaking half of his body.

Wei Chen turned his head suddenly, and found a huge zombie staring at him aggressively.

escape!Wei Chen suddenly had this word in his mind.It was terrifying, the height of this guy's body alone was almost close to the top of the wall, and looking at the red muscles all over his body, they were like bricks embedded in the skeleton.

It was also Wei Chen who didn't pay attention and turned over the wall directly. If he could observe the surrounding situation carefully, he wouldn't be in such a mess. "Roar!" Seeing Wei Chen running away, the big man roared angrily and chased after him.The entire ground that the huge body stepped on shook.

So fast!Seeing the sound of stomping on the ground getting closer, Wei Chen turned his head quickly, only to see a giant red fist rapidly magnified in his eyes.

hide!Wei Chen's body reacted immediately and jumped to the side.

"Boom~" The fist smashed the ground, splashing a lot of broken stones, scraping Wei Chen's face with a knife, leaving a few bloodstains.

It can't go on like this!Wei Chen understood that he had to fight, otherwise with his speed, he couldn't outrun this zombie.

Having figured this out, Wei Chen, who was still leaping in the air, took out a big wrench from his backpack, kicked it out with the help of the recoil when he landed, waved the wrench in his hand, and slammed the big guy's face fiercely.

With a "bang~", the blow hit the big man's head.Although the head was slightly tilted back, it was only tilted back, and it did not cause any substantial damage at all.

This!how to spell?Wei Chen shouted in his heart, he couldn't even run, he couldn't beat him, wait for death now?
"Boom~" The next moment, Wei Chen ushered in the big man's counterattack, and was sent flying by its big fist.

It's over.Wei Chen, who was flying in the air, felt his eyes were blurred, and the world was spinning. When his body stopped turning over, a sharp pain swept through his whole body again.

"Uh~cough!" A mouthful of blood spat out from Wei Chen's mouth.He looked a little desperately at the big zombie walking slowly towards him.That situation made Wei Chen feel like a mouse being played by a cat.

what to do?Wei Chen thought of countermeasures quickly in his mind, as long as he is not dead, there may be hope!
"Phew, it's just what I want." Seeing that the big guy wasn't in a hurry to kill himself, Wei Chen became a little happy instead.Take this opportunity to heal yourself quickly.

A ball of light rose from his hand, healing his chest.

But who would have thought that the moment the light ball flashed, the big zombie suddenly accelerated and rushed towards it.

In a blink of an eye, the big man had already rushed to Wei Chen's eyes, and immediately after, a pair of huge fists smashed down heavily.

Oops!Wei Chen's heart was ashamed, he wanted to move his body, but the severe pain in his chest made him unable to move, so he could only resist with his hands subconsciously.

"Hey~" There was a loud noise suddenly from the big man's hand.

Not only did the expected attack not come, but the zombie backed away in a little panic.

Wei Chen also looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. The hand he stretched out to resist happened to be the one using the healing technique.

The punch of the big zombie just hit the light ball formed by the healing technique. At that moment, the strong muscles melted like ice cream!Still dripping gravy!

"Roar~roar~roar!" The big zombie stared at his hand and let out a strange roar.The roar became more and more urgent, just when Wei Chen thought it was going to attack again, the zombie turned around, kicked its legs, and ran away!
Wei Chen was dumbfounded watching this scene.

"Huh!" Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, feeling a little lucky for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.Looking at the light ball in his hand, Wei Chen became curious again.The 'healing technique', which was originally used to restore wounds, had a completely different effect on zombies.

"Did I really become a nanny?" Combining his own characteristics, Wei Chen felt more and more that his identity was approaching a profession like a pastor after comparing the online games he had played before.

"It doesn't matter, survival is the most important thing." Immediately, Wei Chen put aside those thoughts and began to heal the wound.The ball of light was pushed back into the chest by Wei Chen.At this moment, the broken bones were forcibly returned to their place, and the gaps were also rapidly healing.

"Huh~" After recovering from the injury, Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and his twitching and deformed face gradually eased.This healing technique is very powerful, but the severe pain during the treatment is unbearable.

"It's too dangerous outside, let's go back to school first!" Looking at his own situation, Wei Chen decided to return.After this battle, he didn't have many petals left, so he had to delay for a day.

Knocking out a few holes in the wall with a wrench, Wei Chen turned back, maybe he was tired of being bored, Wei Chen didn't plan to go back to the old dormitory building again.So I had to find a new place to stay.

Walking slowly on the path, Wei Chen looked around cautiously.This lucky escape made Wei Chen more vigilant, he didn't think he would be so lucky, and he could turn danger into good fortune every time.

"Hey!" This walking speed is quite fast, which is really beneficial!Wei Chen's eyes lit up, because he found a backpack in the grass!The bag was stained with a layer of red plasma, probably left by the original owner.The backpack was bulging, and there seemed to be a lot of things in it, all of which were now cheaper than Wei Chen.

Three times, five times and two divisions emptied the backpack, which can be regarded as solving the problem of food, enough for Wei Chen to eat for three or four days.

Satisfied, Wei Chen continued on the road, but after walking a few steps, he stopped again, suddenly turned his head to look at the backpack, and suddenly realized a very abnormal thing.

From the first time he walked out of the corridor of the old dormitory to the present, Wei Chen has killed less than one-handed number of zombies!This is completely inconsistent with what Wei Chen saw a few days ago. What he saw at that time was corpses all over the ground, zombies everywhere!

Thinking back on this, he finally understood why he felt something was wrong when he saw the environment downstairs in the old dormitory, it was so clean!So clean that there is only one corpse he created on the ground!

What about those zombies?What about the original corpse on the ground?

Thinking of this, Wei Chen retreated, he didn't want to go back to school, it was too weird here.

"Woo~~woo~woo!" Suddenly, a strange cry sounded around Wei Chen.

what sound?Wei Chen was startled and came back to his senses.But it sounded like it was coming from afar, so Wei Chen didn't pay much attention to it.

"Let's go, we can't stay here!" Taking a last look at the blood-stained backpack on the ground, Wei Chen started to run back. As he ran, he felt a bit chilly behind him, so he hurriedly quickened his pace.

Fortunately, it was not far from the point of climbing the wall, and Wei Chen quickly climbed up the wall again, but this time he did not jump down in a hurry, but looked around first, and then jumped down.

Outside the wall is a small alley, perhaps because there are many scattered pieces of meat on the ground, the plants here are very lush, and many grass roots even pierce the cement to absorb nutrients.

"It's normal here!" Wei Chen said, compared to a clean campus, this place looks a bit apocalyptic.

Most of the houses in the alleys are rented out to students and their parents so that they can study here.At this moment, this place has become a sparsely populated area, and Wei Chen quickly shuttles through this alley.

Although it feels normal, there are a lot of zombies here, but fortunately, they are all ordinary zombies, there are no hunter zombies or big zombies.The only trouble is that most of the zombies here are clustered together, which is difficult to clean up.Often, as long as one zombie finds Wei Chen, the rest of the zombies immediately rush forward.


"It's the last one of this batch." Wei Chen shook the bloody wrench and said.Wei Chen looked at the sky subconsciously, trying to recognize the time, but unfortunately the sky has been shrouded in black clouds, and there is no change in sight.

After cleaning up the zombies, Wei Chen continued to walk forward, but within a few steps, he heard a baby crying in the distance.

"Huh? Where did it come from!" Wei Chen turned and walked towards the direction where the voice came from. There should be survivors there.

Maybe it was the crying that lured the zombies away, Wei Chen found it very conveniently along the way.

Sure enough, the closer he was to the sound source, the more zombies there would be. Especially when Wei Chen came not far from the door of a house, he didn't dare to move forward because there were densely packed zombies in front of him.

And that cry came from the surrounded hut!

At this moment, this terrible scene is happening on the campus, which makes all the survivors who saw it tremble.

It was a different zombie, sitting upright in the middle of the playground, with mountains of corpses and pieces of minced meat piled up beside it.At this moment, this strange zombie was chewing the food beside him.And in front of it, a large group of zombies lined up in a column, waiting for its dispatch.

And in this zombie team, there is a big zombie missing a palm.

"Gulu!" The survivors who saw this scene swallowed, their faces turning pale.They all unanimously named this strange zombie the same name - Corpse King.

"Leave now!"

"It's scary, this is hell!"

After an unknown amount of time, the corpse king in the middle of the playground finally ate up all the corpses.It stood up and looked around, like a general inspecting the army.

Then, the corpse king puffed up his lungs and roared out a word with great force.


(End of this chapter)

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