Doom Ray

Chapter 7 Cruel

Chapter 7 Cruel

"Wow~! Whoa~!"


Large numbers of zombies were attracted by the cries.Wei Chen quickly found a bunker and hid.

There were at least thirty or forty zombies surrounding the small room. No matter how strong Wei Chen was, he couldn't break through, so he could only wait and see from the outside.But the longer it drags on, the more zombies are attracted.

"Wow~uh~" The baby's crying suddenly changed its tone and became more dull.Wei Chen felt that someone should have gagged the baby's mouth!It's a pity that it was already too late. The zombies gathered around the hut were still grabbing the walls and banging on the door without dispersing.

Let's go, I can't save you.Wei Chen shook his head, turned around and left.

But at this moment, "Deng Deng!" The sound of metal knocking came from above the hut.Wei Chen paused and looked upstairs.

I saw a couple standing on the second floor. The woman was holding a child in her hands. The baby's mouth was obviously stuffed with cloth-like things.The man on the side knocked on the railing of his house while looking at Wei Chen expectantly.

Seeing Wei Chen looking towards them, the man immediately became excited, waving his arms to call for help from Wei Chen.

"Help us!" The man couldn't help shouting, but this shouting would only attract more zombies.

Wei Chen shook his head, begging them?It's impossible, unless he puts himself in it.He is not related to this family, so there is no need to do this to this extent.

"Please!" Seeing Wei Chen shaking his head, the couple looked ashen, and both knelt down to beg, and the woman kowtowed to Wei Chen.

Wei Chen hesitated for a while, feeling a little unbearable, but he was not that powerful, and the energy of the petals in his mind was almost exhausted.

Seeing Wei Chen's hesitation, the man also kowtowed, but when he kowtowed down and got up to kowtow again, he could only see Wei Chen's running back.

While running, Wei Chen gritted his teeth.

"It's not my fault!" After he killed two zombies who were rushing to the hut, he leaned in a slightly safer corner and panted heavily.

At this moment, Wei Chen was only thinking about the couple who knelt down for him.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." Wei Chen apologized again, but he couldn't get rid of the guilt in his heart.

But what happened next immediately made him feel no guilt at all.Because Wei Chen heard some unbelievable sounds, and immediately started to curse: "These two bastards!"

Right at the place where Wei Chen ran over, there was a creaking sound of the door opening first, and then the baby's crying became louder again, and then Wei Chen could clearly hear the baby approaching him for a period of time. After a while, at the end all he heard was chewing and a slamming door.

In order to survive, the couple even threw their child through the escape door on the second floor!

"Why is this?" Wei Chen felt a little uncomfortable.He had a feeling he killed the kid.In fact, those parents have evil intentions, so how can Wei Chen be blamed?Dare to ask how many parents would use cloth strips to gag their children's mouths?


Just when Wei Chen was annoyed, two zombies wandered over. Seeing the two crimson figures, Wei Chen suddenly felt furious. "Die~"


After passing through the alley, a road appeared in front of Wei Chen.It's a pity that it has lost the old cars and cars, and there are only various wreckages, cars, humans, and of course, those wandering and eating zombies.

Wei Chen subconsciously looked at the sky.Because of the black clouds, it is impossible to tell the time. Whether it is day or night, the sky is so dark and unchanged.

Wei Chen bent down and hid behind the car, proceeded cautiously, and rushed out from the alley. Even a capable person like Wei Chen was a little tired.

"En! There are living people!" Through the broken car window, Wei Chen saw a group of people moving quickly, a few strong men were leading the way ahead, and the women and children following behind each had a bag in their hands.

Then, this group of people broke into a big store and started looting!
"Don't care about them, it's important to hurry."

After encountering ruthless survivors three times, Wei Chen didn't want to get involved with these people. Who knows what kind of character they are?
"Boom!" "Ah! Help!"

A cry for help attracted Wei Chen again. The source of the sound was the team that robbed the store, and it was obvious that they were in some trouble.

"Calm down, Lin Jun, let's support that zombie!"


Different from the noise in the distance, Wei Chen was quietly moving between cars.If there is a chaos over there, zombies from all walks of life will be attracted, and Wei Chen will also be affected at that time.It's better to take advantage of this gap and quickly cross the road to escape.

"Cheng Li, don't!"

"Brother, let's go! Don't disappoint her kindness."

"Hey!" Wei Chen, who was moving cautiously, suddenly felt that the shouts of these people were a little tragic, and his curiosity drove him to poke his head out.But with this probe, he got himself involved.


Li Chengli was originally a candidate who had just been admitted to the university, but she stayed at home because she hadn't registered yet.When the disaster happened, Li Chengli was alone at home. Fortunately, she was not infected and survived.And luck continues to accompany her, allowing her to awaken the power beyond ordinary people and unite with the survivors in the community.

Today, as usual, everyone went out to look for food together, and soon the team locked on a big shopping mall.Only such a large shopping mall has surplus daily necessities and food, and ordinary small shops have long been robbed.

"Cheng Li, I think Lin Jun is interested in you!" An aunt teased Cheng Li while picking up useful daily necessities.

"Mom Qin, hurry up and choose!" Cheng Li said helplessly. In the past few days, several companions have come to her for matchmaking.She also understood that this was probably written and directed by Lin Jun himself.

"...I am as old as you, and I have two children!"

Li Chengli rolled her eyes at Qin's mother, then simply turned her head and ignored her.Although she does not reject Lin Jun, but in this world, there is no time to talk about love, she still wants to find her parents.Thinking of this, Li Chengli's eyes were blurred.

"Boom!" Just as she was distracted, the wall on the side exploded suddenly, and the flying stones hit Qin's mother who was leisurely picking goods.

"Pfft!" I felt some hot spots on my face, it was splashed blood donation spots!This brought Li Chengli back to his senses quickly.

"Roar!" A huge two-meter-tall zombie passed by her, and rushed directly into the ordinary people who were powerless to resist, killing wantonly.


"Giant zombies! Run." Everyone shouted, runners.However, how can ordinary people run away from such giant zombies?Soon, flowers of blood exploded on the ground and on the wall.

what to do?Li Chengli's mind went blank, but when she saw her former companion being mercilessly slaughtered by this big guy, she immediately became ruthless: I want to lure it away!

"Deng~deng~deng!" As soon as Wei Chen raised his head, he saw a girl running towards him.Behind the girl was a big guy about two meters high.

The big man ran amok all the way, and directly slapped the abandoned cars blocking the road with his hands. These vehicles did not constitute an obstacle to him at all!

His pupils narrowed slightly, seeing this zombie, Wei Chen recalled some bad memories.Then he shook his head and said: "No, the hand is not broken, it should be the same species!"

"Huh? Wait, don't run towards me!" Wei Chen, who finally realized something was wrong, yelled out, and his body reacted quickly, but it was a pity that he was one step late.

"Boom!" The car for Wei Chen to avoid was blown away by the huge force, and he was directly exposed under the nose of this zombie.

(End of this chapter)

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