Doom Ray

Chapter 10

Chapter 10
The faint light shone on the coffee table, reflecting the silhouettes of two people, one of them lowered his head, looking down on his expression, and the other opened and closed his mouth, talking about something.

"Ask any other questions."

Wei Chen nodded, and had to say that Li Wenbo's appearance had supplemented his understanding of the end times.Of course, Wei Chen reckons that what Li Wenbo said is probably just the tip of the iceberg of the end times. There are still many questions in this world waiting for Wei Chen to discover and answer.

"Well, there are two more questions. Why do you live in the garage instead of the suite? There are so many families here, there should be a lot of spare food, but I feel that you are very short of food." Wei Wei Chen asked out his doubts in one breath.

Li Wenbo sighed when he heard this, and said helplessly: "Most of the houses here have been bought by real estate speculators, and there are not many real residents. Moreover, the number of people in our group at the beginning could be more than a hundred people, and the food will be eaten up early. gone."

"The second is the moth problem. Most of these people want to get something for nothing. Even now, many people still maintain this attitude."

Hearing this, Wei Chen recalled in his mind the canteen next to the cafeteria, where such a group of people lived.Wei Chen has no doubt that these people will do many extreme things when they are desperate.


"Hahaha! There's food again!"

"Brother, take more, let's take it upstairs to have fun!"

"Okay Brother Chen!"


"What happened outside, why is it so noisy?" Wei Chen glanced at Li Wenbo, "Is this a moth?"

Li Wenbo didn't nod or shake his head, he just drank the tea in his cup, stood up and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to have a look."

Follower Li Wenbo walked out of the office, seeing a mess. The daily necessities and food he had just brought back were scattered all over the floor.The two youths were constantly digging things out of the storage box. It was obvious that this mess was their masterpiece.

These two are very smart!Pick something more useful like medicine.

When Wei Chen and Li Wenbo stepped into the crowd, the crowd consciously moved out of the way.

"Hey! Brother Li!" One of the bald men greeted Li Wenbo with cupped fists, but his tone was full of condescension.

"Hmph, Chen Zhi, are you worthy of everyone?" Li Wenbo spread his hands, expressing his anger, and angrily reprimanded the bald head. "If you are capable, go find something to eat yourself!"

In this scene, Wei Chen suddenly had the feeling that a scholar met a hooligan.Li Wenbo has a good temperament, although his voice is a bit rough, he looks gentle on the whole, but the bald head, wearing a windbreaker, with a few scars across his face, is full of ruffian.But if you look closely, you can find that Li Wenbo seems a little strange. When did his expression become so rich?

"That's right, if you have the ability to find out by yourself."

"What's the point of grabbing something?"

Following Li Wenbo's reprimand, many people around him also began to agree, denouncing the bald man Chen Zhi together.

"Get the hell out of here!" Li Chengli couldn't bear it anymore, and pointed at Chen Zhi and shouted angrily.


At this time, the scene became more and more chaotic, and most people pointed at Chen Zhi and began to curse.After all, what he was grabbing was the food these people needed for their lives!

According to popular opinion, Chen Zhi's face turned red for a while, but it was not shame, but anger!He raised his left foot and stomped hard towards the ground.

"Boom!" The huge force shook the whole house. At this moment, the world was quiet.

"What are you bastards yelling at! You eat meat, and I can't even drink soup? Ah!" Chen Zhi glanced around with a fierce look on his face, and every time his eyes swept, the people there subconsciously took a step back , The momentum is amazing!

When he glanced over Li Chengli, his eyes stopped, and he said frivolously: "Sister Cheng Li has become much prettier. It's getting colder and colder these days. When are you going upstairs to warm Brother Chen and me?"

When Li Chengli heard that she was being molested, she gritted her teeth. Just as she was about to retaliate, Lin Jun beside her rushed up angrily, "Chen Zhi, you are courting death!"

Lin Jun was aggressive, but Chen Zhi stood where he was, as if what rushed over was not a person, but a fly.He put his hands in his pockets and lifted his left foot unhurriedly.

Just at that moment!Chen Zhi exerted all his strength, his feet were so fast that he left afterimages in the air.

Hearing only a "bang!", Lin Jun's feet left the ground and flew upside down.

"Hiss!" There was a sudden gasp from the audience, and everyone looked at Chen Zhi in fear.You must know that Lin Jun is also a capable person!It was solved easily like this, how good is Chen Zhide?

"Hmph! It's almost there, let's go!" Seeing the two younger brothers packed their backpacks, Chen Zhi left contentedly.He left an insurmountable image in everyone's heart.

"Hey~ Let's leave, everyone, there is still enough food, it's all right." Seeing the dead silence, Li Wenbo stood up to comfort everyone.

"Lin Jun. Are you okay?" Li Chengli squatted down on one knee in front of Lin Jun and asked with concern. "I'll give you those medicines."

"I'm fine!" Seeing that the goddess was caring about him, at this moment, Lin Jun felt that the kick was not in vain.

Seeing that the crowd of onlookers dispersed, Wei Chen took two steps forward and whispered to Li Wenbo, "Is this a moth?"

"Eh~" Li Wenbo saw Wei Chen's expression of seeing through, and suddenly he couldn't hold back, so he waved his hand and said, "Come with me!"

As he said that, Li Wenbo led Wei Chen out of the workshop. Their actions also attracted some people's attention, but they didn't take it to heart. Where to go is the freedom of others.

"Here we are." Li Wenbo came to the door of a suite upstairs and knocked on the door, which was also very rhythmic, obviously a secret signal.

"Wenbo, you are here!"

really!As soon as he entered, Wei Chen saw a completely different Chen Zhi.From Li Wenbo's performance just now, Wei Chen felt a little strange, but now it seems that these two people are really acting.

"Haha! You did a good job just now!" Li Wenbo stepped forward and hugged Chen Zhixiong.

"That's right, don't look at what I used to do!" Chen Zhi said proudly.

"Come on, let me introduce you." Li Wenbo gave up half of his body, allowing Chen Zhi and Wei Chen to stand opposite each other. "This is Wei Chen, he has a special ability!"

"Really!" Chen Zhi's eyes widened when he heard these words, and his hands were unambiguous. He immediately grabbed Wei Chen's hand and shook it violently and gently. "Hello! Hello! My name is Chen Zhi."

For a while, Wei Chen couldn't bear this enthusiastic behavior.

"Chen Zhi, let him sit down first." Li Wenbo reminded from the side.

Chen Zhi slapped his head, finally came to his senses, pulled Wei Chen, found a place for him to sit down.

"Xiao Li, go get a bottle of wine, it's better!" Chen Zhi ordered to the side.The one called Xiao Li hurriedly went to the wine cabinet to pick out a bottle of wine.Wei Chen recognized Xiao Lilai as one of the two who rummaged through boxes and boxes just now.

"No, no need, I don't know how to drink." Wei Chen hastily refused. According to the new calendar, he still has a few months to come of age.

But Chen Zhi ignored Wei Chen's excuse and poured him a glass anyway.Wei Chen felt very helpless.

"Okay, Chen Zhi, let's get down to business first!" Li Wenbo couldn't stand Chen Zhi's enthusiasm, he almost knelt down and licked Wei Chen's feet. "Wei Chen, since you can see that we are acting, then you should also know our purpose?"

Wei Chen nodded. He could guess a little bit. Based on what Li Wenbo said about moths, this should be a trick played by Li Wenbo and Chen Zhi. Not enough, distribution according to work to force those moths to go out with them to find supplies.

At this moment, Wei Chen had to admire these two people for their good intentions!If they think moths are too cumbersome, they can be forced to leave, but Li Wenbo and Li Wenbo used this method to show that they are sincerely doing their best for their companions.

"Okay, Wei Chen, I want to ask you a serious question, are you willing to join us now?" Li Wenbo once again sincerely extended an invitation to Wei Chen, and after saying this, Li Wenbo's heart suddenly stopped.

Chen Zhi on the side also quieted down, with a serious expression on his face.

"Hey~" Seeing Wei Chen shaking his head, the two of them sighed together.

"It's not impossible to join." Wei Chen jumped out after shaking his head, Li Wenbo's eyes lit up, and Chen Zhi also looked at Wei Chen expectantly.

"You should all know that the army is assembled in City No. [-] Middle School, and it will be evacuated to other places in about ten days." Wei Chen said the information he heard through the earphones. "I'm going there, maybe my family is there too."

"Wei Chen, you're not stupid. You should know that tens of thousands of people are expected to gather there. How can there be food?" Li Wenbo shook his head, not optimistic about the gathering point of No. [-] City Middle School.

"How could it not be enough?" Wei Chen asked Li Wenbo back. Maybe others don't know, but Wei Chen did know that the disaster had been warned in advance.In this case, the government has enough time to store a large amount of grain in the city.

In fact, it's more than that. Just from the earphones, one can hear a message, that is, the government's food reserves in the city's No. [-] middle school are enough for the survivors of a city to eat for more than a month!

So Wei Chen told Li Wenbo and Chen Zhi the hidden information.At this moment, the two began to regard Wei Chen as a heavenly being.

"Brother Wei Chen, you are so awesome!" Chen Zhi patted the table, gave a thumbs up, and said excitedly to Wei Chen.

"Okay, let's change our plan and go to City No. [-] Middle School!" Li Wenbo also said excitedly. At this moment, a real expression finally appeared on his face, which was the joy from the heart!

(End of this chapter)

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