Doom Ray

Chapter 9 Small Gathering Place

Chapter 9 Small Gathering Place

Following the crowd to the residential area, Wei Chen began to look around.

The community is surrounded by building walls, and there is only one main entrance to enter and exit, so it is very suitable as a stronghold.And in case of being besieged by zombies, you can also jump off from the second floor on the other side to escape.

This place is no exception in that the landscaping is 'very nice' and overgrown.

"Brother Wei Chen, here we are, what do you think?" Li Wenbo asked Wei Chen, pointing around. "This is our stronghold, not bad!"

Wei Chen nodded undeniably, the environment is quite good, compared to the outside, this place is simply a fairyland.

Then Li Wenbo took him to a self-run kindergarten in the community. Because it was run by itself, only a few garages were vacated for classrooms.Li Wenbo walked to the pull-down door of one of the workshops, and knocked rhythmically on the door.

Just when Wei Chen thought that the pull-down door would rise, a small door with no edge opened next to it.An old man poked his head out for a look, then immediately shrank back.

"Wen Bo is back!" Next, Wei Chen only heard a lot of noise from the workshop. It turned out that the old man was going to report the news.

As everyone walked into the small door together, the inside suddenly opened up, and Wei Chen could hear the echo of his footsteps.

"Dad! Dad!" Wei Chen saw a little girl happily running over just after entering the door, "Where is it? Where is it? Where is Dad hiding?"

The only response to her was the silence of the crowd.

"Tingting, your father hasn't come back yet." Li Chengli hurried over to pick up the little girl, otherwise she would find something unusual. "Did you forget that your father went out with another group of uncles and aunts?"

Hearing this, the little girl nodded unhappily, but then she pouted and said, "Hmph, don't let daddy be with those bad guys in the future."

"Okay, how about letting Tingting's father and sister be on the same team in the future?" Li Chengli said as he took out a piece of candy and stuffed it into Tingting's mouth, which temporarily calmed her down.

"Hey~" Wei Chen sighed. If he had said it, he would probably tell the truth directly. After all, he couldn't hide it. Sooner or later, this little girl would find out that her father would never come back again. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. .

"Brother Wei Chen laughed." Li Wenbo scratched his head and smiled wryly.No one can come up with a perfect solution for this kind of thing.

"Just call me Wei Chen." Wei Chen replied.To be honest, he is not used to being respected so much by others, and this character is a bit cheap.

Hearing this, Li Wenbo was overjoyed, this was a step closer to his recruitment plan.

After walking about the distance of two garages, a group of people arrived at the rest point.Unlike the previous two garages, here are two emergency lights hung on the walls.Although the light is weak, it is enough to illuminate everyone's face.

These faces are inlaid with a pair of hot eyes, full of expectations.These people use such eyes to search for their targets.

Soon, Wei Chen felt that these gazes went out one by one, followed by joyful faces, and of course pale faces.However, these people were unexpectedly quiet, and they were not overjoyed or sad about it.

"Everyone put the food in the warehouse." Li Wenbo directed the crowd and said.

Everyone put the food they found in a large storage box.There are a few old people standing here early, helping to sort things into several other smaller storage boxes.

Seeing this, Wei Chen was very confused.This is a community, but these people don't live in their own houses, but live in the garage on the floor.Secondly, with so many families here, how could there be a shortage of supplies? Who would be so full that they only had enough rice for a day?

"Wei Chen, come here!" Wei Chen, who was thinking, saw Li Wenbo waving to him, and walked over.Then follow him into a room.

"Wei Chen, sit down first." Li Wenbo closed the door and motioned Wei Chen to sit down first. "I'm going to make tea."

Wei Chen nodded and looked around the room.This place used to be a kindergarten teacher's office or something. There are nameplates on every table, and one of them has the word Li Wenbo written on it.

"Wei Chen, come here." Li Wenbo placed a teacup in front of Wei Chen and filled it with boiling hot tea. "I suppose you have a lot of questions?"

"En." Wei Chen nodded, put his hands on his legs, frowned, and waited for Li Wenbo's speech.

"Let's start with the capable person!" Li Wenbo suggested, without waiting for Wei Chen's reaction, he continued, "You also know that we all find that our power has grown stronger when we wake up. But according to me Presumably, the longer the sleep period, the greater the potential."

"Look at me." Li Wenbo pointed at himself, "My brother and I have wrestled wrists. I used to be able to win every time, but after the apocalyptic awakening, I never beat him once. Do you know why? "

Faced with Li Wenbo's rhetorical question, Wei Chen shook his head and expressed his puzzlement. Strictly speaking, he only really started to get in touch with this world today.

"The reason is very simple. I woke up earlier than him." After finishing speaking, Li Wenbo took a sip of tea, paused for a while before continuing, "So, there is also a big gap between capable people and capable people." !For example, my brother and I, you and us. I estimate that a person with special abilities like you will sleep for at least two days."

Li Wenbo's words were astonishing, which directly frightened Wei Chen.Indeed, Wei Chen did not pay attention to this problem. At that time, he had no object to observe the time, and later he relied on the number of days reported in the radio earphone as a reference.

"But unless you become a person with special abilities like you, there is not much difference between waking up early and waking up late." Li Wenbo said, seeing that Wei Chen's tea was cold, he poured it out for him and poured a new cup of hot one.

"The next thing is the important point. You should also find that some zombies are quite different, such as the giant zombie that you killed." Li Wenbo continued to explain to Wei Chen, "These zombies can actually evolve! They will grow more and more. The stronger they are, I estimate that every time they evolve, the rise in strength will be very terrifying. For example, ordinary zombies, even ordinary people, can kill them, but when they evolve into giant zombies, even we capable people have no hands Measures. Of course, it is an exception for you."

Wei Chen found that whenever Li Wenbo talked about a person with special abilities like himself, there were waves of envy in his eyes.

"Then what should we do?" Seeing that Wei Chen didn't answer, Li Wenbo began to ask and answer. "Actually, those of us with abilities can also become stronger."

"How to become stronger, tell me." Hearing this, Wei Chen became interested.

"Hmm~ Although I don't know if this method is effective for you, but this is how I do it now." After Li Wenbo finished speaking, he spread his palms to Wei Chen. "Touch here." Li Wenbo pointed to the palm of his hand with the other finger.

Wei Chen stretched out his hand and touched the center of Li Wenbo's palm, then his eyes widened.It was a different kind of touch. Compared with other parts of the skin, the skin in the center of Li Wenbo's palm became very hard!

"This feels so familiar, it seems like I've touched it somewhere before." Wei Chen said, and kept comparing the things he touched before in his heart.

"It's this!" Soon, Wei Chen found the familiarity, and he took out the yellow double pyramid from his pocket.

"En." Li Wenbo nodded. Although his face was calm, he was still extremely surprised. Based on his current experience, Wei Chen was the only one who could think of a double pyramid through his palm.Li Wenbo continued: "This is what I discovered. We capable people can absorb these crystals!"

Then, Li Wenbo took out a handful of crystals from his pocket and put them on the tea table.Wei Chen looked at these crystals a little dullly, there were too many!Make a hill on the tea table!And there are many kinds of colors. Through the reflection of light, this pile of crystals emits colorful light, which is very dazzling.

No, why are there no yellow crystals?Wei Chen flipped through it casually, and he could clearly feel that there are so many crystals that none of them is yellow!
"Wei Chen, don't look at the amount, but I guess it's not as much energy as yours. Watch it, and I'll show you how our ability users become stronger!" After finishing speaking, Li Wenbo Pick out a blue crystal, and then use the tip of the crystal to stab it into the palm of your hand.

"Huh!" Wei Chen let out a sigh, and the blue crystal melted into Li Wenbo's palm very 'friendly'.

After a while...

"Okay, you can take out this crystal when it becomes colorless." Li Wenbo said as he pulled out the crystal that had become transparent.And the moment he pulled it out, the crystal was directly turned into powder.

"No change?" Wei Chen wondered, except that the crystals turned into powder, Wei Chen couldn't see any obvious changes in Li Wenbo.

Li Wenbo said with a wry smile: "It's not that easy, I guess at least 100 yuan of crystals can be absorbed to have an effect."

"By the way, Li Wenbo." Wei Chen suddenly remembered something, and asked Li Wenbo, "Have you ever seen someone with special abilities like me?"

Hearing Wei Chen finally called his name, Li Wenbo felt joy in his heart again, so he immediately replied: "Yes, probably on the third day after the end of the world broke out, our team met when we were out looking for things. Watching the fight between the special ability user and a hunter zombie, it was amazing! Just a few hits killed the hunter zombie."

"By the way, have you seen that kind of hunter zombie?" Li Wenbo gestured in the air for the general shape of the hunter zombie. "It's the kind of small zombie that likes to sneak attack in the dark."

"I've seen it." Wei Chen nodded. Not only did he see it, but he was also hurt!

"I have another question. How many days is it when the apocalypse erupts?" Wei Chen asked. He wanted to know how many days he had slept through this. It shouldn't be the first batch of people who care about themselves here.

"It's been more than two weeks, what's the matter? Estimate the time you fell asleep?" Li Wenbo immediately understood Wei Chen's purpose, and looked at Wei Chen with eyes full of curiosity.

More than two weeks!Didn't he just sleep for a week?Thinking of this, Wei Chen's heart surged suddenly.If you can become a person with special abilities after sleeping for two days, what about yourself?

Wei Chen suppressed the shock in his heart, picked up the teacup on the coffee table, raised his head suddenly, and drank it all in one gulp, as if he wanted to suppress the shock in his heart with this sip of tea.

The warm tea made Wei Chen smart, this was the first hot drink he had in half a month.

"It's nothing, just a question. Let's continue. There are still a few questions to ask." After drinking tea, Wei Chen returned to that posture and asked Li Wenbo.

Seeing that Wei Chen was unwilling to disclose, Li Wenbo didn't force it. Forcing the question would only arouse Wei Chen's disgust.So he nodded and started a new round of answers.

From Wei Chen's reaction just now, Li Wenbo can fully guess that Wei Chen's sleeping time is definitely not short. He has made up his mind that even if he can't win Wei Chen over, he must have a good relationship with Wei Chen. This is definitely a potential stock!

(End of this chapter)

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