Doom Ray

Chapter 12

Chapter 12
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"Hey, it's a pity, how many scars will be left in the future!" Chen Zhi sighed looking at the scarred ketone body.

You must know that it is very difficult to keep the body clean in the last days, not to mention nails, even such small scratches will be infected if they are not handled properly.

"Let me do it." Wei Chen squatted down, and a ball of light appeared in his hand.Gently let the ball of light touch those small scratches, and the wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Zhi was shocked!He originally thought that Wei Chen would simply deal with these scars, so that the wounds would not be too ugly after they healed.But who knew that Wei Chen could heal the wound perfectly.

"This is your healing ability?" Chen Zhi stared blankly at the ball of light, with an indescribable envy in his tone.

"Well, it's just a nanny." Wei Chen said, "But it's limited to treating wounds, and I can't do anything about detoxification."

Chen Zhi nodded in a daze, even with only this one function, it was already extremely heaven-defying. "What about the corpse poison? Can it be detoxified?" Chen Zhi suddenly asked eagerly.The corpse poison in his mouth is the substance that turns people into zombies, and it can be said to be the biggest threat in the last days.

Even if an ability user can hit a zombie, as long as he is wounded by a zombie, it will be a disastrous defeat.This also caused the ability users to be tied up when facing zombies and unable to exert their full strength.

"Yes!" Wei Chen's reply was undoubtedly a sound of nature to Chen Zhi.

"Hahaha! Brother Wei Chen, you are a treasure!" Chen Zhi exclaimed excitedly, if he was not afraid of causing Wei Chen's resentment, he would probably have kissed him straight away.

"Okay!" Soon, Li Chengli's wound was healed. Of course, those special parts Wei Chen came through the clothes. irrelevant.

Wei Chen raised his head, but he met Chen Zhi's gaze like a hungry wolf, which made his heart shudder.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, I was thinking that if you were a woman, I would definitely take you back as my wife."


Be a wife?Li Chengli gradually regained consciousness, but the first thing she heard when she woke up was 'be a wife', and she immediately became anxious.Who wants to be a wife to these bastards?

She clearly remembered that when she was chasing these murderers, she didn't expect that four of them were knocked unconscious.

what to do?Recalling and recalling, Li Chengli completely regained consciousness. When she dared not open her eyes, once she did, she would be discovered by the murderers, but she would inevitably be beaten up afterwards.

correct!Take the opportunity to sneak up, grab their weapons and escape!that's it!Li Chengli quickly came up with an escape plan.And according to her feeling, the success rate is quite high.

Two people, okay!Opening her eyes secretly, Li Chengli saw two 'murderers' in front of her, but due to blurred vision, she couldn't see their faces clearly.

No matter, hit!Li Chenglian shouted, gathered all her strength, and hit the two 'murderers' in the face.

"Bah~ bah~"


"Sister Cheng Li, what are you doing?"

Why is this voice so familiar?Li Chengli rubbed her eyes, finally saw the two being beaten clearly, and exclaimed: "Chen Zhi! Wei Chen! Why are you here?"

"Sister, why are you so ruthless? Did I provoke you?" Chen Zhi covered his face and said, the attack just now was really not a cover! "Of course I came to save you."

"No, don't lie to me. Didn't you break with Brother Li? Would you still be kind enough to save me?" Li Chengli said, "Also, Brother Weichen, why are you with this kind of person?"

big brother.Wei Chen was stunned when he heard this address, this was the first time he heard someone call him that.

But obviously, Li Chengli didn't know about Li Wenbo and Chen Zhi's plan, otherwise she wouldn't be so excited.

"Sister Cheng Li, don't worry! Let me explain first." Chen Zhi quickly waved his hands to deny Li Chengli's statement, "By the way, can you put on your clothes first?"

Li Chengli was stunned when she heard the latter sentence, and then a piercing scream shook the sky.


Why did you hit me again?Wei Chen looked at Li Chengli innocently, covered his fist wound with one hand, and covered the red handprint on his face with the other.


"Sorry. Sorry!"

After Chen Zhi's explanation, Li Chengli looked at the two people who had been beaten by her with an apologetic expression.

"Forget it, you're almost fine, let's go back quickly." Bai was punched, and Chen Zhi felt helpless.

And Wei Chen, who was punched and slapped, was even more helpless. Fortunately, he had healing skills, which directly eliminated the bruises.At this moment, Li Chengli had already put on the clothes that Chen Zhi pulled out from the moth, and as long as she called Xiaoli back to let the wind out, she could return.

"Xiaoli! Let's go!" Chen Zhi shouted into the distance.But what responded to him was Xiaoli's panicked shouts.

"Brother Chen, run, a large group of zombies are coming up!"

"What's going on?" Chen Zhi shouted anxiously.You can play around on weekdays, but once your life is at stake, Chen Zhi immediately becomes serious.

Xiao Li ran from a distance with a face full of horror.Panting, he said: "The densely packed zombies are coming from that direction!"

After hearing this, Chen Zhi's pupils shrank slightly, "Hurry up and go back!"

Fortunately, the direction of this group of zombies was not on the way back.

All four of them are capable people, and they ran very fast with all their strength. Within a few seconds, they couldn't see the construction site when they turned around.

Just when the others thought they had escaped, Wei Chen frowned. He roughly estimated just now that the group of zombies came from the same direction as his school.

Could it have something to do with all the weird things going on at school?Wei Chen thought of the very clean ground of the school and the weird roar.

At this moment, Wei Chen was very disturbed, this feeling was exactly the same as when he picked up the backpack at school!Therefore, the pace could not help but speed up a bit.


Arrived!Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and the uneasiness in his heart was swept away. In less than a day, he treated him like a small family.

But as soon as he entered the door, there was a sense of sadness.

Grave!At a glance, graves were erected on the originally empty grass!

At this time, Li Wenbo was kneeling in front of these graves in white clothes.

Wei Chen glanced over these tombstones, and saw the words Li Wenbin in an inconspicuous corner.

"Wenbo." Chen Zhi couldn't help calling out, but then he became dumb because he didn't know what to say.Maybe he and Li Wenbo were more decisive in killing and killing those moths directly, and there would be no such result today.

But it is also possible, in exchange for a worse today!
From the perspective of human nature, Li Wenbo has done a good job, but from the perspective of survival, Li Wenbo appears quite incompetent!
Wei Chen stepped forward and put his hand on Li Wenbo's shoulder, holding back for a long time before saying, "It's really not your fault!"

"I was wrong." Li Wenbo said suddenly.

"Wenbo!" Seeing that Li Wenbo was getting more and more depressed, Chen Zhi yelled at him, trying to make him sober up.

"I was wrong!" At this moment, Li Wenbo shouted at the top of his voice: "Sir, save yourself! Save yourself, sir!"

"Boom~" A fist directly smashed the tombstone in front of him.

At this moment, everyone felt that this fist did not hit the tombstone, but hit their hearts!
At this moment, everyone present was shocked by this momentum!

Wei Chen, who was standing closest, felt the most aptly. He could meet that a terrifying character was being born, no, it had already been born!

recommend! (My novel "Light of Doom" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search Official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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