Doom Ray

Chapter 13 Level 2 Zombies

Chapter 13 Level [-] Zombies
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"Jingle bell~!"

I have to go to class again.Wei Chen got up from the bed and reached out to turn off the alarm clock.

what!Why doesn't it feel right?Touching the 'strange-shaped' alarm clock in his hand, Wei Chen immediately felt something different, his eyes opened suddenly, and what he saw was a strange room.

It's the end of the world, so what are you going to learn?Wei Chen felt ridiculous at his thoughts just now, obviously he was going smoothly in this new world, but he still went back to think about the past time:
Get up, go to school, leave school, do homework, sleep.Life is really boring.

After getting up, Wei Chen turned his head and found a few photo stickers pasted on the head of the bed. It was a chubby little boy wearing black sunglasses and smiling brightly.

"This guy" Wei Chen found that the person in the photo looked familiar, and then recalled it in his mind.

"Yes." Wei Chen sighed, he remembered that among those who were poisoned to death yesterday, there seemed to be such a face, but it was thinner than the one in the photo.

"It would be nice to have the comfort of the old world and the current ability!" Wei Chen thought happily.

Unfortunately, there is nothing so perfect in this world.


"Brother Weichen is awake!"

"Brother Weichen..."

"Brother Wei Chen~"

As soon as he walked out of the room, he was immediately greeted warmly, and Wei Chen smiled wryly, which he was not used to.

Especially after Chen Zhi's propaganda, after learning about Wei Chen's abilities, these people became closer and closer, wishing they could just go to bed and reciprocate!

To please Wei Chen is to ask for his life!
After getting used to it a little, Wei Chen also began to nod to the people who greeted him.It's like a leader inspecting employees!Not only did this attitude not arouse any resentment, those who were responded to by Wei Chen would feel very excited and shout in their hearts: There is salvation!
When I came to the lobby, I saw a table and a map of the urban area, and several important people were pointing and drawing circles around the map.

"Wei Chen is awake! Is anyone comfortable?"

"Well, Brother Chen."

"Haha, since you call me that, I'll take advantage of it!" Chen Zhi laughed.

"Wei Chen, come and take a look." Li Wenbo called Wei Chen over, probably because he had something important to discuss.

Walking a little further, Wei Chen found that Li Wenbo is in a very good state of mind now!
Although he has black and white stubble intertwined with each other, and his hair is also a few gray, but instead of looking old, he looks more mature and stable, especially those eyes, which are full of vitality!
"There are 27 of us, and my plan is to take a bus and go straight to No. [-] Middle School." Li Wenbo swipe his finger on the map, pointing out the course of action.

27 people!Wei Chen was shocked, even though so many people were poisoned to death, Li Wenbo's team was still very strong.These are not 27 ordinary people, but real ability users, and a special ability user like Wei Chen is also added.

Li Wenbo clicked on the map a few times after speaking, "Do you still remember the group of zombies you encountered yesterday?"

"Well, remember!" How could Wei Chen forget, especially since this group of zombies has a high possibility of being linked to his school.

"We went to investigate again while you were sleeping. This group of zombies is still advancing slowly. According to their speed, it is estimated that they will swarm to us in less than half a day!" Li Wenbo said surprisingly, "This place is our place. The front line of this group of zombies that can be detected!"

After drawing a half-arc on the map, Li Wenbo continued after a few arrows: "It is estimated that we will act soon. Wei Chen, you will play a very important role, so you must be ready!"

Wei Chen nodded, after listening to Li Wenbo's explanation, he was somewhat puzzled, but Wei Chen believed that Li Wenbo could handle it well.

Then Wei Chen picked up his backpack and began to count the items.

Mineral water, compressed biscuits, chocolate energy bars...

Anyway, Li Wenbo's granaries are all open to Wei Chen, and Wei Chen specially picks out some easy-to-carry, high-calorie foods. As for those bags of rice, whoever can handle them will take them.
"Wei Chen."

Wei Chen, who was packing his bags, heard a clear voice calling him from behind, turned his head and saw that Li Chengli was standing at the door with a pink backpack.

"Well, I'm sorry about what happened last time." Seeing Wei Chen staring at her, Li Chengli turned her head slightly.

last time?hand!Thinking of this, Wei Chen felt a burning pain on his face.

"It's okay, it's all over."

"Thank you." Li Chengli apologized and began to pack up her things.For girls, daily necessities will take up more, such as paper towels, and
"Wei Chen, do you think we can succeed?"


The two turned their backs to each other like this, chatting without saying a word.

"Wei Chen, do you have someone you like?"

the person I like?Wei Chen stopped what he was doing and thought about it.A few figures flashed through my mind with difficulty, but these people were all famous.

"Yes, but they belong to someone else." Wei Chen said.

Li Chengli was secretly happy after hearing this, it seems that there is still a chance!

I have to say that Li Chengli's IQ has dropped a bit now, asking some irrelevant questions.Since Wei Chen is traveling alone, it fully shows that he has no female companion!Even if there is, that is the past tense, she already had enough opportunities.

After a while, Wei Chen was ready.According to Li Wenbo's arrangement, he had to follow Chen Zhi and others to get the most critical thing of this plan - the bus!

If no suitable vehicle can be found, this plan will directly fall through.At that time, you can only walk through it on foot, so casualties are inevitable.

Wei Chen and his party came to the street with five people. Besides Chen Zhi and Xiao Li, there were two other unfamiliar faces.One is Master Yang, Yang Chengang, who is the driver.There is also a young man named Fang Yue. The most prominent thing is that there is a long scar on his face, which is very hideous!
Empty cars are everywhere on the street, but cars are definitely not acceptable. People can't sit in it, and they can't knock the empty car in front of them.In the end, several people set their sights on a stronger bus.

"How about this one?" Chen Zhi pointed to a bus parked on the side of the road and said.

"No! It's a car model bought by the government to save money, and the quality is not very good." An expert like Master Yang can see the risks of the car at a glance. "It's best to find that kind of reinforced school bus, that kind of car is safer."

After hearing this, everyone peeped at each other. This is the Great Heavenly Dynasty. Where did this car come from?
"What about this one?"

"No, it's broken."

"There's a car here!"

Master Yang shook his head.

"Wow, there's a big hole there!"

When everyone was picking up the car, Xiaoli pointed to the landslide not far away.

"Go, go and have a look." Chen Zhi waved his hand and led the crowd to the collapsed place.I saw that the pothole was so dark that it seemed to be so deep that I couldn't see the bottom!If you listen carefully, you can still hear the rushing sound of groundwater.

"What a terrifying feeling!" After watching for a long time, Wei Chen became more and more frightened, "What will happen if you fall?"

Thinking of this, Wei Chen immediately stopped the thought.

"Okay, let's go, the zombies are coming!"

After marveling here for a long time, the few people attracted many zombies.Wei Chen pulled out the wrench, and knocked down the head of a zombie in front of him forcefully!

Puchi, peach blossoms splashed everywhere.

After breaking out of the siege, everyone continued to look for the target.

But, it's so hard to find!Five people found three streets and more than a dozen buses, but various problems caused these buses to fail!

Chen Zhi frowned. If this continues, the plan will come to naught.After walking these few streets, except for Wei Chen and Chen Zhi, everyone else was already exhausted.

The streets of the new world are not so easy to walk around, there are wandering zombies everywhere, and it takes a lot of energy to just open the road.

"Forget it, go back and think of a way." Chen Zhi waved his hand, motioning everyone to go back, if this continues, once something unexpected happens, he won't have the energy to run.

"Well, let's go back and find a way!" Wei Chen also agreed, he felt that this method was unreliable from the beginning.Even with a qualified car, it is impossible to drive through some streets that are completely blocked by traffic.

Hard enough!Thinking of this, Wei Chen suddenly understood Li Wenbo's idea. He thought that Li Wenbo implemented this idea based on the premise of no loss, but now it seems that his original intention is to abandon some people to protect the team!

The rampaging car will be scrapped sooner or later, and at that time, everyone will have to face hordes of zombies!At this time, a very sensitive question arises, who will cut off the queen?You must know that the person who is cut off is almost certain to die!
Wei Chen thought that Li Wenbo must have a list in his heart!And he guessed that during this period of time, Li Wenbo was thinking more about how to force these people to quit!
Forget it, it's gone anyway!Wei Chen came back to his senses and began to return to the assembly point with everyone.

After all, the two leaders had already spoken, and the others dared not have any objections, so they found a convenient path and got in.

But within a few steps, a sudden change occurred!Wei Chen's pupils shrank, and he shouted, "Be careful!"

"Be careful!" Chen Zhi also shouted out immediately.

It's a pity that the early warning of both of them was one step too late.

"Puchi!" A head flew into the sky, and the huge blood pressure spurted out the blood.

"So fast!" Wei Chen exclaimed in surprise, even with the warning, the zombie still killed Yang Chengang before the three of them could react!
"Come closer!" Chen Zhi was the first to make the decision to let everyone lean against the wall to reduce the angle of being attacked. This is the best way to deal with the hunter zombies.

Yes, only hunter zombies can possess such speed.

The remaining four were leaning against the wall, tensely defending, looking around, for fear of missing something.But in fact, apart from Yang Chengang's body, how could there be other things?

"Brother Chen, where are the zombies?" Xiao Lifa asked. He was obviously attacked just now. There are many tall buildings on both sides of this path, and there are no other exits.But there was no sign of the zombies.

Will it be invisible?Wei Chen immediately thought of this situation and shuddered.It seems that this zombie is not only a hunter zombie, but also a zombie that can be invisible!
Wei Chen recalled Li Wenbo's words in his mind, the zombies are constantly evolving!If the hunter zombies evolved for the first time, then this invisible hunter zombie is probably the product of another evolution of the hunter zombies.

The second evolved zombie!Thinking of this, Wei Chen's palms could not help sweating, and he concentrated on guarding his surroundings.

"There!" Just as everyone was concentrating on guarding against the invisible hunter zombies, Chen Zhi said abruptly, revealing the location of the zombies.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Wei Chen threw out a net of light and successfully caught the invisible zombies.Then, waiting for it is Wei Chen's signature big wrench.

"Brother Chen, how did you find out?" Fang Yue asked curiously after seeing Wei Chen kill the zombie.But what greeted him was Chen Zhi's stinky face.

Colorblind!Seeing Chen Zhi's expression, Wei Chen and Xiao Li immediately thought of this, with a look of dumbfounding on their faces.

It's also because of the bad luck of this invisible zombie. If it is touched by others, it will inevitably end up completely wiped out.But he happened to meet such a wonderful person as Chen Zhi.

"Let's dig out the crystals and let's go. If the plan fails, let's get someone else." Chen Zhi sighed. This trip not only failed to achieve the expected goal, but also lost a key team member.

Wei Chen didn't have a knife on him, so he had to smash the zombie's chest to get the spar.

"Ouch~" Wei Chen retched.Can't stand it!too disgusting!Thanks to Li Wenbo and Chen Zhi's group, they were able to do it!
"Wait!" Feeling a familiar feeling, Wei Chen's eyes lit up, no longer caring about nausea, Wei Chen directly reached out to pick it up.Because the heart of this zombie is inlaid with the yellow crystal that Wei Chen dreamed of!Due to the second evolution of the zombie, its size is a circle larger than the previous one!
The third flower has fallen!Wei Chen's heart was full of joy, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other!

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(End of this chapter)

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