Doom Ray

Chapter 14 Level 2

Chapter 14 Second Order
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After Wei Chen's excitement passed, everyone continued to move forward.

At the end of the path is the back door of the gathering place, but the back door is not open, and the four of them need to take a short detour.

"Everyone, be vigilant, don't relax! It's almost there!" Seeing that several people were relaxing, Chen Zhi reminded.It would be a tragedy if something happened on the last short stretch of the road.

Arrived!The moment they entered the door, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it was safe!After a little relief, several people went upstairs and entered the conference hall.

"How's it going?" Li Wenbo's voice was heard as soon as he entered the door.But at the moment, everyone's complexions were not very good, and Li Wenbo frowned.

"Without a suitable vehicle, Yang Chengang also died." Chen Zhi said flatly, but it sounded unsettling at all.

what happened?dead?Will people with special abilities still die?Questions sounded in the hall, and most of them were aimed at Wei Chen.

In the hearts of everyone, Wei Chen, a person with special abilities, is strong enough to protect them.

But the fact now is that it is not so safe to act with people with special abilities.

"Wei Chen, what's the matter?" Li Chengli also wanted to ask why this happened, but she didn't doubt Wei Chen's combat power, but thought that Wei Chen and Master Yang had a conflict, so at the critical moment Wei Chen didn't to save him.

At this moment, Li Wenbo and Chen Zhi frowned at the same time. They never expected that people with special abilities would be deified so much in the hearts of everyone.

"Okay! Be quiet!" Li Wenbo's rough voice made everyone shut up.

Afterwards, Li Wenbo asked Wei Chen and his party in a soft tone, "What happened?"

Chen Zhiping explained flatly: "It's a hunter zombie that can become invisible!"

"Hiss!" The words came out flat, but everyone was taken aback!
You must know that the speed of the hunter zombies and the unpredictable sneak attack are already a headache!Not to mention a hunter who can be invisible?If this is the case, only one casualty is considered a very good result.

"Don't worry, it's already killed." Chen Zhi's words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Wei Chen also breathed a sigh of relief, the atmosphere just now made him feel uncomfortable.

"What should we do now?" After the little disturbance passed, everyone began to worry about the future.On the one hand, the plan was aborted, and on the other hand, a large wave of zombies was approaching.

Escape is inevitable, but the question is how to escape.

It is nearly half an hour's drive from Shi No. [-] Middle School, so the biggest problem now is how to reduce casualties on this road to Shi No. [-] Middle School.

"Let's go back and rest first, and we'll all gather in an hour!" Li Wenbo couldn't come up with any ideas, his brows were tightly furrowed, and it wasn't just the plan that died!He said that he wanted people to go back and prepare first, but in fact he wanted everyone to go back and prepare for death!

Wei Chen didn't care about Li Wenbo's worries.For him, the most important thing is to absorb the spar!

He hurried back to his room.Putting aside the unhappiness just now, he quickly took out the yellow crystal.

"Finally I can fill up the second flower!" Wei Chen looked at the crystal in his hand and said excitedly: "Let's start!"

Close your eyes and drift into meditation.Wei Chen didn't absorb it from the beginning, it would be a waste of resources!
The first step must be to restore the energy consumed in the previous battle, otherwise most of the energy in the spar will be spent on recovery instead of expansion. .

"Okay!" Holding the crystal tightly, Wei Chen began to absorb the energy inside, only to see that the liquid in the yellow crystal in his hand began to become disordered, like a struggling meat ball, and the final result of the struggle was that this big drop The liquid substance is broken up into smaller droplets.They lost their original restraint and began to escape in all directions.

But at this moment, a suction force gave these 'naughty' particles a place to belong, and rushed towards one direction, which was Wei Chen's palm.

"Huh~huh~huh~" The petals in my mind were covered with golden yellow, very dazzling.

Soon, the seventh petal of the second flower was also dyed, and at this time, the yellow crystal in Wei Chen's hand only consumed less than half of the energy.

Enough energy!Wei Chen secretly resisted the excitement in his heart, and focused more on dealing with the free energy.

Soon!Soon!The eighth film ~ the ninth film ~ the tenth film ~ halfway through!
it is good!
Immediately, a warm current flowed all over his body, Wei Chen immediately opened his eyes, clenched his fists, and punched the air.

"Huh!" There was a sound of punching!
"There are still skills!" Wei Chen suppressed his excitement, no matter how much his body has been strengthened, it is not more important than that new skill in his mind.

'disperse'!The relative information of skills emerged in Wei Chen's mind.

After digesting for a while, the original excitement was completely gone, and Wei Chen let out a soft sigh. "It would be great if I learned it earlier! So many people don't have to die!"

As he said that, the fallen corpses and the tombstones erected in the community appeared again in Wei Chen's mind.That's right, this 'dispel' skill is for detoxification!

Of course, except that detoxification is only part of the function, the main purpose is to dispel the extra status.

The extra state is understandable, just like the BUFF in online games.

However, Wei Chen frowned after digesting the information. He believed that the information that appeared out of thin air would not deceive him, just like a person would not believe that his own hands and feet could deceive himself.

Because this piece of information made him faintly feel that people with ordinary abilities like Li Wenbo and Chen Zhi might also have skills!
But looking at Li Wenbo and the others, it seemed that they didn't know about such a thing.

"If they also have skills, what should I do?" Wei Chen thought, in terms of brains, he was not as flexible as Li Wenbo, and in terms of fighting skills, he was not as superb as Chen Zhi.What he is currently relying on is this powerful ability.

"It doesn't matter, it's important to improve your strength now!" As long as you have more promotions than others, even if you don't have any brains or combat skills.They can be overwhelmed by physical fitness alone.

"There's still some time." Wei Chen looked at the alarm clock beside the bed.There are still nearly 10 minutes until the assembly time.

"Let's go for a while!" The fight will start soon, Wei Chen thinks it's good to enjoy this short-term comfort.

"Wait!" Wei Chen, who was about to lie down, looked at those photo stickers, and suddenly felt a little childish, and had an urge to rummage through boxes and boxes.

Do or not?Wei Chen opened the original owner's drawer without it!Why not do it, no one cares!
Homework paper, pens, secretly hidden test papers, animation peripherals, and figures.A real homeboy.

"A lot of money! It should be New Year's money." Throwing away the banknotes in his hand, Wei Chen set his sights on the next target.Banknotes are no longer worth much, they are just colored paper.

"Phew, there's another one." Wei Chen felt very comfortable after 'ransacking' this room.

Since when did you have a quirk?Wei Chen was thinking, staring at the last place that he hadn't searched, the bed pillow cabinet.

Come to the head of the bed and open the backboard of the head of the bed.

"This!" Wei Chen's eyes widened for a moment, shit luck!Picking up the contents, I saw the label read:

Made of stainless steel, anime and game peripheral swords (unsharpened).

"Haha, good stuff!" Wei Chen smiled happily, stroking the item in his hand.

Judging by the sheath, it should be a sword.Wei Chen held the hilt of the sword, pulled out the blade, and sighed. "The appearance is not very good."

The sword body does not have that gorgeous pattern, nor does it have a domineering shape, it is just a half-meter-long sword.But Wei Chen will not be dissatisfied with this, even if this thing is not sharpened, it is better than a big wrench.

Hold the sword, and then tied a wrist flower.Wei Chen put the sword back into its sheath.

The time was almost up, Wei Chen clenched his fists.No. [-] middle school in the city!There may be parents, sisters there.Maybe Lin Kun, Wang Liang and other acquaintances who took refuge in advance can even learn the truth about the outbreak in the last days!
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(End of this chapter)

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