Doom Ray

Chapter 15 Zombie Legion!

Chapter 15 Zombie Legion!

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Back in the hall, most people have gathered here.Most of them are a group of people who can't stay still, come out for a walk to relieve their emotions.

"Hey! Wei Chen, what is this?" Seeing Wei Chen walking out with a sword hilt hanging on his back, it was very eye-catching.

Seeing Chen Zhi's interest in this sword, Wei Chen directly pulled it out and handed it to Chen Zhi.

"That's right, but it's not sharpened." Chen Zhi stroked the blade of the sword, a little fondly of it.Although everyone has weapons, they are all uneven and various tools, such as hammers and steel rods.There are only a few short knives that are really considered weapons, but they are too limited to deal with zombies.

"By the way, there is a whetstone in the kitchen, let me sharpen it for you!" After speaking, Chen Zhi rushed into the kitchen with a steel sword, fearing that someone would snatch it.This scene attracted everyone's attention.

More than 30 people are still like children.Wei Chen followed helplessly, and as soon as he entered, he heard the rhythmic sound of sharpening a knife.

However, when Wei Chen came closer to take a look, he was completely dumbfounded. This is not sharpening a knife, it is clearly cutting a stone!
But looking at the energetic Chen Zhi, Wei Chen was too embarrassed to stop him, so he could only let him go.I feel sad for holding a sword in my heart.

After a while, Chen Zhi returned the finished sword to Wei Chen.

"This..." Wei Chen almost burst into tears. This sword was not attractive at first, but after being messed around by Chen Zhi, the sword was covered with scratches.

As for the sharpness, no, there are only gaps.

Chen Zhi's farce ended here, and Li Wenbo started talking over there.

"Okay! I have two suggestions." Seeing that almost all the people had arrived, Li Wenbo started directly. "The first one is to disperse the action, that is, divide everyone into several small teams to act. The second is to act collectively, but this way the target is too big and it is easy to attract more zombies."

"Okay, let's choose the first one to raise your hand!" Li Wenbo started to vote, but very few people raised their hands.

Wei Chen sighed below, he raised his hand, but it was useless.Although the first method may have a higher survival rate, most people don't like this method, it's too insecure!

Li Wenbo also shook his head. Originally, he wanted to disperse everyone and break them into pieces so as not to attract a large number of zombies.But few agree with this idea at all.

"That's how it is." Seeing this, Li Wenbo had no choice but to agree. There are nine out of ten times when life is unsatisfactory, so he can only take one step at a time.

Just as Li Wenbo finished speaking, a sudden change occurred!


The wall suddenly exploded!Everyone didn't have time to react, the flying fragments penetrated the human body with huge kinetic energy!
For a time, there were countless casualties!
Even though Wei Chen stood relatively far back, he couldn't bear the impact of the air waves, and kept falling back, leaving only the continuous ringing in his ears.

save people!After shaking his head and feeling a little better, Wei Chen immediately opened the healing light ball.

However, trouble came, most people were lying on the ground, blood and water were mixed together, and it was impossible to know who was injured and where was the wound?
"Hey, are you okay?" Someone said pushing the person next to him.

"It's okay." Some people got up under the call of their companions, and patted the ashes on their bodies.But there are also some people who will never get up!
"Xiao Li!" Chen Zhi roared, and he also got up, but the first thing he saw was Xiao Li who had lost half of his head.

He was the closest to the explosion point, so he was also the worst one.If it wasn't for the gushing blood donations to fill up the punctured wound, I'm afraid that Xiao Li's body would only make people's scalp tingle after looking at it!

"Hey~" Wei Chen sighed, and when he heard Chen Zhi's screams, his heart trembled. He and Xiao Li went out together twice. Although they didn't talk much, the other party gave him a good feeling. Now It was a bit of a pity to die like this.But it's just a pity. In the last days, human life is the least valuable.

"Yaoyao, ah! What the hell happened!" Another companion yelled, only to see him kneeling on the ground with blood on his hands and red eyes.In front of him lay a woman who was bleeding.

yes!what happened?This sentence asked everyone's heart.

So, everyone looked at the blasted wall and saw a scene of horror.

That's an overwhelming zombie!The relatively rare giant zombies can be seen everywhere in this dense group of zombies.If you look carefully, there are some shadows shuttled among the zombies from time to time, hunter zombies!In addition, there are some types of zombies that no one has seen before, zombies holding bone shields; zombies with bone knives and bone spurs in their hands; and zombies with a huge tumor on their backs and one hand that has been deformed For the muzzle!Fortunately, the number of such zombies is not that many.

escape!Everyone thought of this word at the same time.

"This way!" It wasn't just someone who shouted, bringing the dazed person back to reality.

"Go to the second floor and jump out of the window! Hurry up!" Afterwards, Li Wenbo also began to direct everyone to evacuate.Fortunately, the escape route has been prepared long ago, and everyone will not be running around like headless chickens.

"Did they explode?" Wei Chen was very concerned about the zombies with gun muzzles, and only this kind of zombies had the ability to attack from a distance.Judging by this power, this is not a zombie, it is simply a humanoid tank!
"hurry up!"

After passing through a corridor, everyone came to the escape point. Chen Zhi stepped forward and kicked open the window, and specially reminded: "Don't worry, wait for one to fall to the ground before the next one jumps."

"Go!" After finishing speaking, Chen Zhi was the first to jump off.

This is only the second floor, as long as you jump down and know how to bend your knees and roll to cushion, even ordinary people will not have any major problems. (Don't imitate!)
"Next!" Chen Zhi shouted downstairs after landing.But when he shouted, the people upstairs rushed towards the window, Chen Zhi said there was no hurry, but how could they not hurry?Behind him is an army of zombies!
"Women jump first! I'm last!" Li Wenbo shouted angrily when he saw everyone push me.Obviously spent more than half a month together, but at the critical moment, they are still so ruthless!
Perhaps in the face of death, people are selfish, right?Wei Chen thought.Those who are not afraid of death are only a minority.

With Li Wenbo's instructions, the pushing phenomenon has improved a lot, but small frictions still continue.

Unable to squeeze in for a while, Wei Chen simply withdrew and stood beside Li Wenbo.

Li Wenbo smiled apologetically at him and said, "I have troubled you."

"It's okay, it's the same anywhere in this world." Wei Chen shook his head and said

Li Wenbo nodded. Indeed, even if there is a good gathering place, it cannot withstand the impact of such zombies.

"I hope the No. [-] Middle School in the city will be better!" Wei Chen added.

Seeing that Li Wenbo didn't continue the conversation, Wei Chen turned his head to 'appreciate' the approaching zombie army while there was still time.

"It's really spectacular!" Wei Chen sighed, born in a peaceful age, where can you see such a huge army?

"Huh!" Looking at it, Wei Chen actually saw a very familiar zombie, a giant zombie without a palm!

As if sensing Wei Chen's gaze, the giant zombie turned its head slightly and found this human.


So, a snarky roar responded to Wei Chen, but Wei Chen didn't pay attention at all.Although Wei Chen almost died under its hands before, that was just a matter of the past. Now, Wei Chen guesses that he can deal with it without healing.

But Wei Chen would never have thought that a zombie was watching him inadvertently.

It is inconspicuous in the zombie army. It is not as tall as a giant zombie, nor has the explosive body structure of a hunter zombie, nor does it have any weapons or muzzles in its hands.But where it is located, there is a small vacuum!
It looked at Wei Chen's eyes and narrowed them in a very humane way.

"Wei Chen! Let's go!" Li Wenbo shouted.

"Okay!" Wei Chen turned his head and found that he and Li Wenbo were left here.

"I said I want the last one, you go first!"

"Yeah!" Wei Chen was not pretentious, and jumped off after a little run-up.This is the first time he has jumped from such a high place, Wei Chen might have hesitated for a long time before, but now, it is different!
"Bang!" Standing firmly on the ground with both feet, everyone looked sideways.

"Boom~" Li Wenbo also hit the ground, and everyone was there.

"Let's go!" (The novel "Light of Doom" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "Add friends ", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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