Doom Ray

Chapter 126 Combat Training

Chapter 126 Combat Training
"Come on everyone, this is delicious!"

Beside the bonfire, Zhang Qian held a piece of white meat and greeted everyone.It's a pity that no one pays attention to her, this food is really not something that anyone dares to eat.

Being ignored by everyone, Zhang Qian didn't say anything, just holding the lump of meat and biting down.


Alan looked at Zhang Qian with disgust.Xu Jie moved her position, stayed away from Zhang Qian, and even turned her head, not daring to look at her enjoying herself.And the golden wolf on the side, who was full before, was sleeping on the ground, tilting his head and sticking his feet into the golden wolf's mouth playfully, the white light in his eyes danced, as if he was very comfortable.

It had been a while since I met Xiaoqing, and everyone followed Huang Yang to the place where they could recruit helpers.Constantly rushing, several women began to get tired, especially Alan, as if they would die if they moved too much.

"Who do you think will win?"

Suddenly, Xu Jie pointed to the side and asked with a tilted head.


"Big brother?" Xu Jie nodded and said, "That's right, even if you can't use the power of the Lieyang rank, big brother is sure to win!"


Hearing this, Alan glanced at Xu Jie with disdain. This action made Xu Jie frown.

"Hmph, it's just the truth!" Xu Jie said with a displeased face.

"Heh~ the truth." Alan sneered and said, "Don't you know that Big Brother Huang is also of the Lieyang rank? Hmph, I have no experience!"


Xu Jie was speechless immediately, she really didn't know that Huang Yang was also of the Lieyang rank, so she simply said roguely: "Who cares about you so much, anyway, big brother will win!"

"Oh, then I said Brother Huang will win."

Just as they are talking here, the fight has already started at Wei Chen's place!

Call ~
After punching, Huang Yang's fist slightly brushed against Wei Chen's hair. With the gray elves as his support, he has never been afraid of anyone in close combat!Then Wei Chen also punched out with a very tricky angle!
Unfortunately, it was empty.

Wei Chen has the super eyesight of the gray elves, and Huang Yang also has a lot of combat experience.For these dead-end attacks, he has his own set of coping routines.


Suddenly, Huang Yang took two steps back, distanced himself and called for a stop.

"Adding a restriction, you can only use healing skills!" Huang Yang rubbed his chin lightly, the punch just now had already scratched the flesh.


"This is training your fighting ability!"

Without giving Wei Chen a chance to speak, Huang Yang took it up and said, "I know you have very powerful abilities and a high level, but relying on these all the time, your combat awareness cannot be improved!"

Wei Chen nodded, what Huang Yang said was very reasonable.A higher level than others and powerful abilities are Wei Chen's reliance along the way!But the basic combat ability is constantly deteriorating, which is pitiful!
"Come on! Let go of the beating, we can't be killed anyway."

After saying that, Huang Yang set up his posture and rushed over!
Wei Chen kept the promise, canceled the gray elves, and began to observe Huang Yang's attack route with his own eyes.

"So fast!"

Seeing this, Wei Chen was immediately taken aback, the speed was too much for him!Then he held his breath and narrowed his eyes, trying to capture the trajectory of Huang Yang's attack as much as possible.

Huang Yang stopped and punched out.


Wei Chen's pupils narrowed sharply, and he quickly turned his body to avoid the blow, but even so, he was still hit on the shoulder!

This time, the bone on Wei Chen's left shoulder wailed.However, this is not over yet, Huang Yang still has some strength left!With a twist of his wrist, he directly clasped Wei Chen's left arm, pulled it, and bumped his shoulder!
With a muffled sound, Wei Chen was knocked back again and again, relying on his strong strength, he barely stabilized his body.

"Sure enough." This time, Wei Chen regained consciousness, "It seems that we can't rely too much on the gray elves in the future, as our eyesight and responsiveness have all deteriorated!"

"How is it?" Seeing that Wei Chen was a little confused by the beating, Huang Yang stopped and asked.


Wei Chen shouted, this time, he took the first step and rushed up.

"Oh, look, Brother Huang has won! Just now"

On the other side, Alan got it right, and naturally refused to forgive, and began to mock Xu Jie.

Seeing Alan's embarrassing look, Xu Jie puffed up his cheeks angrily, and finally said harshly: "If big brother loses, I will eat all the remaining maggot meat!"

"it is good!"

Alan smiled and pinched his fingers. This action made Zhang Qian, who was on the sidelines, feel disgusted.

"Step by step! Let your eyes get used to it first!"

After rushing up again, Wei Chen began to do 'recovery' training, since his eyes couldn't keep up, he specially trained his eyes!Ever since, what followed was Huang Yang's unilateral attack. Wei Chen just kept dodging and rarely fought back.

"Left, right, bow your head!"

Every move, Wei Chen watched very carefully.Suddenly, Huang Yang made a punch, an elbow, and hit Wei Chen's chest.

Wei Chen clutched his chest and was beaten back again.

"You are ready to eat!"

Seeing that Wei Chen was beaten back again, Alan looked at Xu Jie with a smile on his face, waiting for the scene of her eating maggot meat to appear.

"Ahhh! This woman is so annoying!" Xu Jie shouted angrily in her heart.

"Big brother, come on!"

Get off!

Wei Chen shouted secretly, and blocked Huang Yang's hands. At this second, Huang Yang's empty door opened wide!Wei Chen saw the opportunity, concentrated all his strength on his fist, and smashed it hard at Huang Yang!
"Give it to me!"

Just when Wei Chen was excited and thought that he was going to hit Huang Yang, his hand was suddenly held by Huang Yang's powerful hand.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yang followed Wei Chen's attack direction and threw him out.Wei Chen rolled around on the ruins twice, looking a little embarrassed.

"Don't use up your strength! Know how to change your moves!"

"Okay!" Wei Chen nodded, stood on the spot and thought for a while, then continued to rush towards Huang Yang.

"Why is it still like this?" Seeing Wei Chen's charging posture, Huang Yang shook his head, "Looks like we need to practice more!"

With two crisp sounds, Wei Chen threw out both fists, and Huang Yang caught them all.

"It's not over!"

Suddenly, Wei Chen said this sentence.Then Wei Chen turned his fists, and changed his claws to clasp Huang Yang's palm upside down.

"This time I win!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Chen tapped his toes, pulled his hands, turned to one side, and his shoulder directly hit Huang Yang's stomach!
A mouthful of white water spewed out.This blow actually made Huang Yang spit out all the water he drank just now!
"Haha! Big brother won!"

"It's not over yet!" Alan looked at Xu Jie with a foolish look and said, "Besides, even if you win, so what? I didn't say that I would eat bug meat if I lost."

"You, you." Xu Jie was dumbfounded, and she said it directly in a fit of anger just now, but she didn't expect to cheat herself alive, and she wanted to cry without tears.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Chen and Huang Yang faced off again. Although it was a training battle, both of them fought very seriously.Huang Yang constantly passed on his understanding of fighting to Wei Chen, and Wei Chen also kept absorbing this knowledge, making rapid progress!
After an unknown amount of time, the two finally stopped.Wei Chen took a deep breath, and a lot of sweat evaporated.

"Let's go here, they've almost rested, and continue on their way." Huang Yang drank his saliva and called everyone to get up, "If you go at full speed, you will arrive in half a day, let's go to the end in one breath!"

"it is good!"

After finishing speaking, a red mist rose from Wei Chen's body, and Huang Yang and Jin Lang also made the same movement.Under Wei Chen's instruction, Xu Jie climbed onto Jinlang's back, tilted her head and hugged the nervous Zhang Qian, and Huang Yang also hugged Alan.

In the next second, everyone spread out at full speed, galloped forward, and moved forward at full speed!This scene is very spectacular!

There is no time to waste!


New week, please recommend tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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