Doom Ray

Chapter 125 The Beginning of the Crisis

Chapter 125 The Beginning of the Crisis
With the flow of a large amount of purple blood, the battle gradually came to an end.

After all, maggots are just maggots. With their brains in place, they are not very smart, and their fighting ability is naturally not that strong.Every time the maggot opens its mouth, the golden wolf can always spray a mimic shell into it. Up to now, the maggot's mouth has festered so badly.

But who knows, even so, the maggot is still attacking with its mouth.

bang~ bang~
Finally, the huge body of the maggot fell to the ground, and the golden wolf took this opportunity to rush up and bite, eating the flesh and blood without throwing it away!
"The nutritional value of maggot meat is very high!" Zhang Qian explained from the side: "When you are so hungry that you have no strength, these maggots may save your life."

Wei Chen swallowed, feeling nauseous for a while.Hearing this, he knew that Zhang Qian had really eaten this thing!That crawled out of the corpse!Isn't it disgusting?

While speaking, the golden wolf had already bit through the maggot's head.This white and purple body can't die anymore!Golden Wolf turned his head and walked towards Wei Chen step by step, the red mist on his body had already subsided.

"Xu Jie, tell it, the murderer is actually"

"Big brother, is this okay?" Xu Jie was a little embarrassed when she heard that Wei Chen was going to tell the truth about the poisoning to the golden wolf. After all, one side is a human being and the other side is a beast, and killing each other is inevitable.

Wei Chen put one hand on Xu Jie's shoulder and said, "If he was killed in a frontal fight, the golden wolf probably wouldn't be so angry. Didn't you say that as long as you win these beasts, you can make them submit? ?”

"But if you use some small calculations, you will only usher in the disgust of the beasts."

After finishing speaking, Xu Jie nodded. She told Wei Chen what she said at the beginning, but now she is teaching him the other way around.In fact, there is another sentence that Wei Chen missed, that is, the golden wolf is very defensive, as long as he sees the death of his own guard, he will never sit still and want to take revenge!
It's the same now, and it was the same when Wei Chen subdued the golden wolf!
Immediately, Xu Jie ran over and began to explain to Jinlang.Wei Chen controls the gray elf, looking for the poisoner's breath around, it is estimated that the golden wolf will be furious again in a while, to prevent it from running around, Wei Chen should find a correct path for him first.

But in the next second, Wei Chen frowned.

What people didn't expect was that the atmosphere in this place was very chaotic.Controlled the gray elf to turn around, Wei Chen didn't have a clue!
"I'm looking carefully, there should be some difference." Scratching his head, Wei Chen began to carefully discern, "Hurry up, the golden wolf is probably about to explode!"

Indeed, after listening to Xu Jie's words, the golden wolf climbed down and regained its energy. It was terrifyingly quiet!
"Have it!"

Suddenly, Wei Chen found a very small breath, which was completely different from the nearby breath, and Wei Chen felt a strong sense of crisis there!
This is the poison!
Hearing Wei Chen's words, Jin Lang suddenly opened his eyes, his golden pupils stood up, startling Xu Jie who was beside him.


Wei Chen nodded to Golden Wolf, and ran towards the direction where the toxin was moving.Golden Wolf was the fastest to keep up, tilting his head to pick up Xu Jie and follow closely.

"Why do you want to run again, can you not go?"

Alan looked at Huang Yang resentfully, but Huang Yang had no choice but to pick up Alan and chase after him.As for Zhang Qian, this guy actually ran over to cut off a large piece of meat from the maggot, put it in his backpack, and then followed Wei Chen's pace.I don't know if it was a reincarnation of a starved ghost, but Zhang Qian still held a piece of maggot meat in her hand, and ate it while running.

On the other side, in the direction Wei Chen was running, not far away, there was a truck moving slowly.

"Hahaha, brother Chen, your medicine is really good!"

A big man with golden eyes was stroking the fur beside him.Similar fur, in this carriage, is spread all over the floor!
"Hey~ I'm also lucky. If I didn't meet you, it's useless for me to have poison." As he said, the man called Brother Chen took out a cigarette from his pocket, held it in his mouth, and didn't smoke.

"A few more times, we can enjoy the blessings, haha!"

After the big man finished speaking, all the people in the car were filled with happy smiles.

"By the way, Brother Jin, remember to give some to those big shots!"

"I know!" The big man nodded, no matter how much he gained, they could only eat soup, and those who ate meat had to be those lackeys in the defense line.

"I heard that a line of defense has been captured by free men!"

"Cut~ Who knows if there is a trick in it. The people behind those lackeys are too terrifying!"

"Shut up!" The big man scolded, "Don't talk about this!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Several subordinates who talked about this nodded their heads repeatedly.Immediately, a new topic started.

However, at this moment, the car stopped suddenly!
"Brother Jin, there is someone in front!"

"Who is so short-sighted?"

Brother Jin cursed, poked his head out from the rear compartment, and saw two people walking not far away, one big and one small.The older one was a young woman, and the younger one was a child of seven or eight years old.

"It's just two ordinary people, why stop!" Brother Jin spat at the driver after seeing the scene in front of him.

"No, Brother Jin, that girl is pretty good!"

Completely ignoring the reprimand from the boss, the driver said with a face full of anger: "Anyway, there is no one around, why don't you catch him and eat?"


Hearing this, Brother Jin's heart was moved. Those good-looking women in the defense line were either occupied by lackeys, or they had background and strength, and they couldn't turn to them at all.

"Brother Jin, think about it, even if that woman is powerful, we can still arrest her child and threaten her! Even if there are strong forces behind these two people, wouldn't it be enough if we poured poison on them after we finished the work? In the end, it would be a picture Human skin, who knows who it is?"

"Besides, how can those powerful women go out without guards?"

"Makes sense!"

The driver's words are like the last straw, causing this brother Jin's evil thoughts to explode!So he hurriedly turned around and told his subordinates the plan.

"Okay! Done!"

"Yeah, why are all the good women let pigs beat me!"

"Brother Jin, you go first in a while! We don't mind!"

This group of people suddenly had green eyes!

Immediately, Brother Jin gave an order, and several people got out of the car with shotguns.He trotted over and surrounded the two of them directly.And the one called Brother Chen rolled his eyes, crawled on his body, and walked around from the side.

"You are courting death!"

Seeing this group of people running towards with guns, the woman immediately understood their purpose, and immediately took out a knife and gun from behind, and was on guard.It must be difficult for this woman to walk alone!
"Looking for death?" The driver smiled, "No matter how strong you are, you can't protect your child. Our guns are only aimed at your child. What do you think will happen?"

"You!" Hearing this, the woman got angry, and a panic flashed in her eyes inadvertently. If these guns were really fired at the child, she really couldn't help it!

Suddenly, Boss Jin let out a loud roar, and a figure burst out from the ruins, hugging the child from behind the woman.It has to be said that Boss Jin's timing was very accurate, it happened to be the moment when the woman was distracted.

"Go away!"

The child pulled the woman's pants with one hand, and felt the pants being pulled, the woman turned around quickly, and stabbed the dagger in her hand at Brother Chen who jumped out!

It's a pity that this woman is still one step too late, Brother Chen has already put the child on her attack route!

"You stab!" Brother Chen shouted at the top of his voice.

"Haha, come on, brothers!"


"Hey! It seems that we stopped here for a while." Wei Chen came late, "Did something delay me? No, there are people there!"

Turning his eyes, he soon found two figures lying on the road, a woman was naked, and the other child was unconscious.

"It's drugged! Those people probably did it, what a beast!" Wei Chen was angrily, and he was a little hesitant in his heart, but he immediately wiped it out. Such a scum, death is not a pity!
But in the next second, Wei Chen was shocked, and he found that the woman on the ground seemed familiar!Immediately, he blessed his feet with mimicry, and flew over.

Seeing Wei Chen speeding up suddenly, the people behind him froze and hurriedly speeded up to keep up. Something big must have happened in this situation!
"Wei Chen, what's the matter?" Huang Yang rushed over, seeing Wei Chen's uncertain face, asked, "What happened?"

click ~
Without saying a word, Wei Chen scratched the ground with one hand, and frantically healed the naked woman with the other hand. The red mist wrapped around his body quickly!
He recognized it, this woman was Xiaoqing, and she was Huangfuling's maid!

A crisis enveloped Wei Chen's heart.


Finally got it done. .

(End of this chapter)

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