Doom Ray

Chapter 124 The Wrath of the Golden Wolf!

Chapter 124 The Wrath of the Golden Wolf!
"Hurry up, it's just ahead, Jinlang said there's a lot of food there!"

Xu Jie followed behind Golden Wolf and acted as an interpreter.Everyone along the way was attracted by the so-called endless food, so they traveled very fast.

But there was one thing that surprised Wei Chen, Huang Yang actually carried Alan on his back along the way!
"Does he like that woman?" Wei Chen glanced at Huang Yang, "No, that woman has a problem, we can't let Huang Yang sink in!"

Wei Chen remembered that energy-type special abilities would only be able to sense each other. In the past, Huangfuling and the little fat man gave him a very friendly feeling, which meant that there was no hostility and they could be trusted.And this woman always brings him a blood, which makes people respect him at a distance.

"How did this kind of person survive until now!"

Apart from Wei Chen, Zhang Qian also dislikes Alan very much, but compared to Wei Chen, she feels disgusted because Alan is too pampered.

"Ah! To"

Hearing the cheers from the golden wolf, Xu Jie also said excitedly, but before she could finish her sentence, the cheers from the golden wolf suddenly turned into an angry growl!

"how so!"

Xu Jie covered her small mouth and looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Wei Chen rushed over immediately, and then he was shocked!
The ground not far away was sunken downwards, forming a large pit.And inside, lay densely packed corpses!All the carcasses of animals!The animals that used to be alive and well, now have their eyelids turned up, and many maggots are drilled out of their bodies.


Seeing this scene, Alan screamed, covered his face with his hands, and slapped Huang Yang's chest in fear.Huang Yang stretched out a hand to comfort her.

The golden wolf bared his teeth, his golden hair stood up, and he kept growling.These are all its subordinates, including one or two wolves who are its immediate personal guards.But now, all of them died tragically here, how could it be called not angry!
"Calm down." Xu Jie stretched out her small hands, and patted the sides of the golden wolf's body to soothe it.

Suddenly, Zhang Qian narrowed her eyes, pulled out an arrow, drew the bow, and shot towards a place in the pit.

The arrow grazed the head of a dead dog and hit an open space.

Immediately afterwards, something creepy happened, where the arrow was inserted, a purple liquid spewed out!
"what's the situation!"

Everyone exclaimed, Wei Chen mobilized the gray elves to take a closer look, and saw that there was a slight undulation on the ground that was invisible to the naked eye!And without this ups and downs, the jet of purple liquid suddenly increased by a few points!
There's something down there!

Wei Chen warned, and drew out the keel knife in his hand, his whole body was tense, ready to explode at any time.Tilting his head was also not slow, and drew out the epee horizontally.Zhang Qian took two steps back, an arrow resting on the bow.

The fluctuations on the ground became more and more intense, Wei Chen controlled the gray elves to fly a little higher to prevent accidents.

Suddenly, the arrow inserted into the ground suddenly retracted into the ground and disappeared without a trace. The original violent ups and downs on the ground also disappeared at this moment.


Everyone looked at each other with strange expressions, and they took off their pants, so why don't you show me this?

However, when several people relaxed their vigilance, Wei Chen reminded loudly——


A fleshy pillar of Optimus broke through the ground, and there were many folds on the fleshy pillar, with strips of soil sandwiched inside.As the pillar of flesh rose, the soil was also shaken off.

"Fuck, why is there such a thing!"

Wei Chen shouted, at first he thought the skeleton murloc was pretty weird, but he didn't expect that there are such big maggots in the world!

The snow-white body is about ten meters high, as for the width, who knows!The big pit where the corpses criss-crossed was abruptly squeezed away by the guy's thick body.A bloody mouth is constantly chewing on the corpses of those beasts.


The golden wolf was furious, regardless of Xu Jie's obstruction, the formation under his feet opened up, surrounded by red mist, he opened his mouth and bit down on the fleshy pillar in front of him!

Chi la~
A piece of snow-white flesh was torn off, and purple blood spurted out from it.


The pain made the maggot roar loudly, its body twisted continuously, and many corpses were thrown out of its mouth!

"Get out of the way!"

The corpse of a giant wolf fell from the sky, from Wei Chen's point of view, it would hit Zhang Qian exactly!
However, Zhang Qian who heard this just smiled slightly at Wei Chen, and then, the body crashed to the ground, and her huge body directly covered Zhang Qian's small body.

"Why don't you hide?" Wei Chen opened his mouth slightly, staring blankly at this scene.

"I'm fine, King Guang, be careful."

But after a while, Zhang Qian's voice came from behind the wolf's corpse.


Hearing this, Wei Chen's throat seemed to be stuck by something, and he was a little speechless. He turned the gray elf to look, and it turned out that the place where the wolf carcass fell was just next to Zhang Qian, and it did not cause any harm to her. what harm.

"How much nerves does this girl have!" Wei Chen cracked his mouth, "You don't have to play with heartbeats like that."

Sighing Zhang Qian's rough nerves, Wei Chen's body was covered with red mist, and he began to superimpose his body on the keel knife.Jinlang's mouth can break the defense, and Zhang Qian's arrow can penetrate the maggot's body. From this point of view, this guy is not very strong.


"The golden wolf said not to interfere!"

Seeing Wei Chen surrounded by red mist, Golden Wolf let out a roar, and Xu Jie quickly translated.

Wei Chen was speechless secretly, it seems that Jin Lang's resentment is not shallow!Immediately, the red mist subsided, and he stepped back a little while holding the keel knife, but he didn't know that the tilted head was already here.

"Do you understand wolf language?" Wei Chen looked at the tilted head and asked, only to see the tilted head nodded.

Wei Chen smiled wryly. When the four of them were together, they couldn't speak the language.

Zhang Qian retracted her bow and arrow, and retreated to the side, while Huang Yang was held tightly by Alan, unable to free his hands, and there was no way to attack.

The golden wolf kept tossing and turning, and the attack method of the maggot was very simple, either biting it with its mouth, or using its head as a stick to sweep it out.


The golden wolf let out a roar, and the mimic cannon in its mouth condensed together, and when the Qingtian maggots bit it, it directly sprayed the mimic cannon into his mouth!

After a roar, a large piece of purple blood flowed out from the maggot's mouth, but it wasn't dead yet!I saw that the maggot endured the pain, changed from biting to bumping, flicked its head, and slapped the golden wolf heavily!
The golden wolf is also a guy who has experienced many battles. After being knocked into the air, he stabilized his body in the air with the fastest speed. Not only that, there was a mimic cannon in his mouth!

One is a behemoth and the other is a behemoth of another kind.Fight and shake the earth!

Watching the battle between the golden wolf and the maggots, a healing seed beside Wei Chen was ready to go, for fear that something might happen to the golden wolf.Sometimes, the size is big enough to even make up for the gap in realm!

"By the way, King Guang, there is one thing I don't know if I should say it." At this moment, Zhang Qian suddenly turned her head and said to Wei Chen.

Wei Chen nodded and said, "Let's talk, you can just call me Wei Chen, the King of Light is just a false name."

"Well, Wei Chen." After saying the name a little nervously, Zhang Qian paused, and then said: "Actually, these maggots should just come to look for food, and these corpses have nothing to do with it."

Wei Chen was shocked, and asked anxiously, "How do you say?"

"Look, there are no wounds on the skin of these corpses. It is likely that someone tried to poison them for the fur."

Wei Chen suddenly woke up in his mind!
Yes, from what the golden wolf said before, there should be a lot of creatures in this place. Since they are used as food, the fighting power of these creatures will not be so strong!Those hunters can poison these small creatures, and then poison these large beasts!

The most favorable proof is that the flesh of these beasts is constantly corroding, but the fur is intact!
Everything is artificial!

"Hey~" Wei Chen sighed, he was entangled.

How should I tell Jinlang about this?

The plot of the fourth volume begins to unfold. First of all, the background setting of this book is very large. .

(End of this chapter)

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