Doom Ray

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

"Wei Chen!" Huang Yang shouted excitedly.

"You know him!"

Zhang Qian on the side opened her mouth in surprise.And Alan gave Wei Chen a strange look.

"Haha, Brother Huang Yang!"

Wei Chen raised his knife and went over to have a bear hug with Huang Yang.He will never forget that Huang Yang was not related to him at the beginning, but he resolutely accompanied him to rush to the corpse king!
"You're not bad, boy! You killed the corpse king again!"

After the bear hug, Huang Yang gave me Wei Chen a fist. Compared with the dullness when we first met, Huang Yang is much more cheerful now.

"It's okay, it's okay." Wei Chen touched his head and said with a resentful smile: "Brother Huang Yang, how about you, how are you doing? I heard that you are the No.1 one who broke off your collar and escaped from the lackeys." !"

"Hi~ don't mention it." Huang Yang shook his head and said, "The cause and effect of this is too complicated, and I will tell you later when I have time."

"By the way, this is Alan. Just like you, he is an energy-type special ability. This is Zhang Qian, who is also a special ability."

Afterwards, Huang Yang began to introduce his companions.

"Hello there!"

Zhang Qian knew Wei Chen's name a long time ago, so she stretched out her hand nervously to shake Wei Chen, while Alan on the other side just nodded.

Wei Chen mobilized the gray elves to look at the two carefully. Zhang Qian was fine, and he felt quite easy-going.But when he looked at Alan beside him, Wei Chen frowned.

This woman gave him a very uncomfortable feeling!Immediately vigilant!

"This is Xu Jie."

After Huang Yang's introduction, Wei Chen pointed to Xu Jie and said.Xu Jie ran over, looking very curiously at the first human being to untie the collar.

"Wei Chen, that golden wolf king belongs to you too!" After nodding to Xu Jie, Huang Yang pointed to his thumb and said to the golden wolf, "It's so majestic! You can subdue it!"

"And what kind of creature is that?"

Huang Yang boasted about the golden wolf, turned his head to look at the tilted head and asked.But Wei Chen looked embarrassed, and didn't know what to say.But that's about it.

The girls stood aside, Wei Chen and Huang Yang found a place to catch up.

It turned out that after the battle between Wei Chen and the corpse king, the survivors in the city's No. [-] Middle School gathering place immediately reduced the risk of being besieged by the zombie army, retreated in an orderly manner, and the death rate was greatly reduced.The subsequent story is relatively boring, nothing more than running around to join other troops and troubled by food.

It is worth mentioning that on the way to retreat, the military had no choice but to abandon a large number of large tanks and armored vehicles.The reason is very simple, those viaducts and the ground of the high-speed road section can't bear the units weighing hundreds of tons at all. This is also the most fundamental reason why there are no armored vehicles when Wei Chen and his team attack the defense line!

After reuniting with other troops, the development of the matter is the same as what Xu Jie said. Everyone is united in reality, preaching heroic legends, and then being enslaved by the behind-the-scenes creatures.

Listening to Huang Yang wanting to tell a story about his experience, Wei Chen also briefly talked about what happened to him.From falling into the dark river, encountering air pockets, being cheated by the old corpse king, etc., tell Huang Yang one by one.Especially when he heard that Tiltou was covered with keels, Huang Yang's eyes widened, and he looked at Tiltou in disbelief.

It turns out that there really are such things as dragons in the world!
Afterwards, hearing Wei Chen's report that the defense line had been captured, Huang Yang nodded in satisfaction.

"It's really you!" Huang Yang exclaimed, "This way we have a foothold!"

"Not yet." Wei Chen denied Huang Yang's idea and expressed his concerns.

Maybe humans will unite at the beginning, but what will happen when the creatures behind the scenes are defeated?As the government's support rate declines, those leaders who lead the masses to rebel will be respected!After that, titles such as King of the Northwest and King of the Northeast will appear.

And today's people, just need to unite!
Speaking of this, the atmosphere became dull for a while, Huang Yang said: "Since you know that this situation will happen, why don't you stop it? If you continue to develop your power, your voice will definitely be the highest in the end!"

Wei Chen shook his head with a wry smile, easier said than done!Besides, he still knows the truth of shooting the first bird. If the creatures behind the scenes can't kill Wei Chen, won't they settle accounts with his relatives?Father Wei and mother Wei have had enough of being wronged, and Wei Chen will never let them continue to live in hardship for the rest of their lives.

"Okay, let's stop talking, let's find something to eat together."

After chatting for a long time, my mouth is dry.Wei Chen thought about Huang Yang's suggestion to go to the place where the golden wolf hunted to catch some game and taste it.But before again, Wei Chen took Huang Yang back to the place where they met, because there really was a lackey of the team there!

When the red mist broke out, Wei Chen rushed up with the keel knife, tilted his head to keep up, and Huang Yang was not far behind. These three were all powerful and thick-skinned. It was too easy to deal with these lackeys.

Perhaps in order to show her combat strength in front of Wei Chen, Zhang Qian drew her bow and shot two arrows at the lackey. Her ability is to split the arrow into countless small arrows. The number increases, but the power remains the same!

It's a pity that this team of lackeys also wears a lot of protective shields, so her attack will be in vain.

"Sister Zhang, it's okay, just leave it to the big brother and the others."

The blow failed, Xu Jie hurriedly comforted, Zhang Qian nodded, but still looked depressed.When Huang Yang and Wei Chen were chatting just now, Xu Jie and Zhang Qian gradually became familiar with each other, and they talked about some female topics together.

Now, the two of them talked a lot, endlessly.

On the other hand, Alan has a good appearance, but he is indeed the most out of gregarious one!
Gradually, Wei Chen easily dodged the bullet and swung his knife to look at the protective film!

Condensed a large number of mimic keel knives, this blow is extremely powerful!These shields are useless.

"Okay! I'll come too!"

Seeing Wei Chen's fierce killing, Huang Yang also began to act generously. He has good fighting skills and the ability to be immortal. On the battlefield, he is simply a small killing machine!
As for why it is small, because the large killing machine is next to him!

This time the number of lackeys was also more than last time, tilting their heads and wielding the epee, and got a chance to show their strength!He is like a BUG with infinite red mist state!

All kinds of wreckage were chopped up and flew into the sky, and fell to the ground like raindrops!

Once the protective film was broken, Zhang Qian behind couldn't help it anymore, pulled the bow and arrow, relying on a very dexterous operation with one hand, the shot arrow instantly separated into a rain of arrows in the air!
"Wow, Miss Zhang is amazing!"

Xu Jie waited for the big eyes, and said with a look of admiration, Zhang Qian's move is simply too good in terms of group attack, Wei Chen needs such a teammate!

Therefore, the very sensible Xu Jie began to help Wei Chen win over Zhang Qian.

"Damn, what the hell is this woman doing!"

Wei Chen, who killed the enemy in front, felt a pair of cold eyes behind him all the time, as if being stared at by a snake!
"This woman is too dangerous!"


Thanks to the friends who voted and recommended at zero o'clock, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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