Doom Ray

Chapter 122

Chapter 122
The red corpse fell on the ground, behind which was Xu Jie's figure.

"Big brother, how are you doing!"

Xu Jie ostentatiously put her foot on the giant zombie's head and said, "Kill three of them at once, let's do it!"

"So-so." Wei Chen nodded and said, "That's it."


Obviously, Xu Jie was very dissatisfied with this evaluation.However, after many observations, Wei Chen found that when Xu Jie was fighting, he was always able to find the opponent's weakness in the shortest possible time, and then kill him based on it. Even Wei Chen knew that he was inferior to him.

Of course, there is another small detail that Wei Chen also discovered. Once when facing a very ordinary zombie, Xu Jie was injured. The reason was that the zombie's claws almost scratched Xu Jie's face.

"It seems that there are still sequelae." Wei Chen sighed, "I have to find a way to help her get out of this evil obstacle."

What the white-haired woman Zhang Chi did was really insane!
"Take a break!"

Wei Chen helped Xu Jie take out a towel from her bag, but this action scared Xu Jie a lot.

"Stop! Don't move!" Xu Jie yelled, "No one would casually rummage through a girl's stuff!"

"This..." Wei Chen was dumbfounded. Seeing that Xu Jie was like a she-cat with fried fur, he took his hand back resentfully.

Then Xu Jie snatched the backpack, blushed, reached into it, touched it, and breathed a sigh of relief.This action aroused Wei Chen's boundless curiosity.

"Let's go, find something to eat, or you'll starve to death sooner or later." Xu Jie suggested, indeed, they didn't have much food on them.Wei Chen's original idea was to stay on the defense line and develop together, but after Xu Jie's accident happened, Wei Chen decided to ignore it. No one around him protected him, so how could he have time to help others?

Moreover, Wei Chen estimates that in the near future, various 'kings' will appear among human beings!
"Let's go then!"

Wei Chen nodded, but now it is not easy to go to the store to find things.

"I hope there is still some left." After thinking for a while, Wei Chen shook his head and continued: "Let's go hunting."


Hearing about hunting, Golden Wolf had an idea.

"It says it knows a place with a lot of food!"

"Really!" Hearing Xu Jie's translation, Wei Chen's eyes lit up and said, "Then let's go!"


Then there was a wolf howl, and Wei Chen and his party followed the golden wolf.Thinking about it, the golden wolf used to have so many subordinates, unless it encountered an army of zombies, it really wasn't enough to eat.

However, when everyone passed by a corner, three people rushed in front of them, and behind them, there was a large group of pursuers in silver clothes!
Silvermoon lackeys!

Seeing someone coming, Wei Chen blurted out.

But not long ago, Huang Yang was not in such a miserable situation. They were lucky enough to meet a person with special abilities and were saved.

"Zhang Qian, thank you."

Sitting in the ruins, Huang Yang thanked the woman holding the bow in front of him.However, the girl named Zhang Qian didn't seem to appreciate it very much, and only cared about picking up the running dogs on the ground.

Huang Yang, who had a cold butt, was a little embarrassed, turned his head and said softly to another woman here: "Alan, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little scared." Alan shrank back, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"That's good, let's recover energy quickly." Huang Yang said, then took out a piece of dried meat from his backpack, and brought it to Alan, "Eat something first."

"Brother Huang, eat it. I can't bite."

"Then drink some water."

Huang Yang put away the jerky and took out the kettle.

"Hmph! Hypocritical!" Zhang Qian cast a sideways glance and snorted coldly.

But that was the end of the rest time.Another batch of lackeys appeared from a not-too-distant corner, and they were all Silver Moon ranks, stronger than the previous wave, but not weaker!The most terrible thing is that these running dogs are even equipped with a protective film, Zhang Qian's bow and arrow can't penetrate it at all.

Thus, there was the scene that Wei Chen and the others saw.

"Kill them all!"

Seeing an acquaintance being hunted down, Wei Chen's face immediately turned cold, the red mist immediately surrounded him, and the twitching keel knife rushed forward!He tilted his head and followed closely behind, holding the epee tightly with both hands, and his speed was not slow at all.The golden wolf stayed put, stepped on a foot, and a formation map opened from under him, and three strange characters appeared on the formation map. At this moment, the speed of Wei Chen and Tilting Head skyrocketed again!

"Defend now!"

The lackey of the team leader exclaimed immediately.The lackeys who heard the order seemed to be well-trained, and pushed forward with one hand, and a transparent film wrapped them.

And the film and the film are constantly fused together to form a new protective cover, which looks stronger!
Tilting his head and swiping down the epee, the protective cover only swayed slightly, and then returned to its original state.

"Raise the gun!"

Immediately afterwards, the lackey of the team leader continued to command, pointing strange firearms at Wei Chen who rushed up and the tilted head next to the protective shield.


bang bang bang~~~
Green flames were emitted from the muzzle of the gun, and bullets pierced the air, hitting Wei Chen and the others directly.

Tilting its head and holding its epee to protect its head, its body structure is doomed to not be afraid of these small bullets.On the other side, Wei Chen looked even more sensitive, relying on the powerful dynamic vision of the gray elves, he twisted his body from side to side, avoiding these bullets!As for the golden wolf, whether these bullets can break the defense is still a question.

"The equipment is so good!"

After a wave of attacks passed, Wei Chen raised his eyebrows. If his strength hadn't improved and the gray elves' eyesight had also become stronger, he might not have been able to dodge them.

"But since you're here, let's die!" Wei Chen licked his lower lip, and the keel knife in his hand felt like it was exploding.This is not over yet, at the moment he swung his knife and looked at the protective shield, a black mist instantly surrounded Wei Chen's body!
The mimicry in the Dragon Bone Knife instantly becomes stronger!

As soon as the keel knife came into contact with the protective cover, a terrible wind blew all around.The hard protective cover could only last for two seconds, and then dissipated into the air like a bubble.

Although the protective cover disappeared, Wei Chen's blow was far from over!
A golden blade glow crossed the group of lackeys in front of him, and those high-end silver clothes couldn't stop the blade glow from penetrating at all.

A large group of lackeys were separated from the upper and lower bodies, and various internal organs were left on the ground.Even Xu Jie, who was far behind, covered her mouth and nose, the smell was too stinky!The most appalling thing is that the lackeys who were cut in half are still waving their arms!Want to seize a chance. (Note)

"Let's go, this person is the second rank of Lieyang!"

"Damn it, devil!"

A few lackeys standing behind the team luckily escaped by relying on the bodies of their teammates, but seeing the hellish scene in front of them, they suddenly felt that it would be better to die just now.

"Catch up and kill them all!"

After all, Wei Chen moved, the speed was far different than before!

With the sword in hand, none of the remaining lackeys could run away, and even the one who walked the farthest was only five steps away!
"It's scary, who is this person?"

Alan tightly grasped Huang Yang's arm.Just now they heard the sound of fighting behind them, they stopped, and saw the scene of Wei Chen killing all directions.

"It sparkles when fighting." Zhang Qian glanced at Alan and explained, "This man is the King of Light!"

At this moment, Huang Yang was already so excited that his eyes were a little moist, and he blurted out two words:

"Wei Chen!"


Note: After being cut in half, a person can still live for a while.

It's better than nothing to be on the Sanjiang potential list next week.Also, thank you for your support. If there are any shortcomings, you can write them in the book review area. Tianzhong, I have already started to make major changes to the previous chapters.

The success of a book is inseparable from the readers! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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