Doom Ray

Chapter 121 Xu Jie's Battle

Chapter 121 Xu Jie's Battle

Soon, Wei Chen found a group of zombies gathered together.They are wandering aimlessly.

"It's deserted, and I don't know what these guys eat on weekdays." Wei Chen was a little curious, but soon recovered, and said to Xu Jie: "I found it, please check!"


Xu Jie nodded, took out her gun, and counted the bullets.However, the gun was confiscated by Wei Chen the next moment. Using this thing would not achieve the purpose of training at all.

"Only use melee weapons!"

The firearm was confiscated, Xu Jie pouted, and found a piece of cloth from her bag to wipe the short knife. This knife was the one Xu Jie had always used. Wei Chen once suggested that she change it, but Xu Jie dared not.

"Okay, let's go, I'll watch from the side."

After saying that, Wei Chen led Xu Jie towards the place where the zombies gathered.There are a total of six zombies in this batch, all of which are cannon fodder zombies. The highest level is Silver Moon Level [-], and the lowest level is Star Level.It was the first time for Xu Jie to fight independently, and Wei Chen did not choose too high-end zombies.

"That's it." Wei Chen pointed to the target and said, "I won't plant healing seeds for you, you can figure it out yourself."

"Woo~ big brother, this is murder."

Xu Jie looked at Wei Chen with wide eyes worryingly. After following Wei Chen, she barely reached the third level of Yinyue. Although she is a special ability, it is a pity that her ability is animal language, which is of no help in battle.


Wei Chen waved his hand, Xu Jie had no choice but to run over obediently, but when Xu Jie was not paying attention, Wei Chen planted a healing seed for her just in case.

"I don't know how to fight." Wei Chen found a place to sit down, while controlling the gray elves to look down on the battlefield, and on the other hand, he condensed a mimetic energy ball out of his hand, which was convenient for rescue.

And Xu Jie's side is slowly approaching the six gray corpses. If they fight head-on, there is no possibility of winning, so they can only rely on outsmarting!There are many ways to outsmart, but Xu Jie chose to use traps to kill zombies.

So, Xu Jie started to arrange with the few tools she had.

"Hmph~ Big brother is underestimating me!" Xu Jie puffed her face and said, "On the theory of zombies, I'll beat you two streets!"

As she spoke, Xu Jie took the rope, straightened it, and tied it to two pieces of ruined buildings.

"It's a good idea to set up traps."

Seeing Xu Jie laying traps calmly, Wei Chen nodded. Because of his strength, he basically never did such a thing.

"I don't know how she will use it." Wei Chen thought while watching, "Well~ if it's me"

"Finally fixed it, scare the big brother to death and tell him to take my gun!"

Xu Jie clapped her hands, took a stone, aimed at the group of zombies, and smashed it hard.

dong dong dong~~
The stone bounced several times on the ground. Although the sound was low, it successfully attracted the group of zombies!

"Haha, come on, idiot!" Xu Jie smiled and waved at the zombies running over.

The zombie running at the forefront is naturally the zombie of the third level of Silver Moon, but the one at the back is not the zombie of the star rank, but another zombie of the first rank of Silver Moon, because the zombie's The ankle has been greatly twisted and deformed.

Soon, the first zombie is approaching!

"Brother, look, I'm safe, don't panic!"

Xu Jie finally cheered herself up, clenched the dagger tightly, and started to run backwards.Not far ahead is the rope, and her trap starts from here!
Seeing Xu Jie running away, the third-level zombies of Yinyue immediately sped up their speed, their feet wobbling as they ran, looking very weird.


Xu Jie jumped over the rope in one fell swoop, but the zombie behind was not so lucky, and fell straight to the ground!
"Chance! Go to hell!"

Seeing the gray corpse of Level [-] Yinyue fall to the ground, Xu Jie turned around abruptly, murderous intent arose!

"Amazing! Start killing the strongest!"

Wei Chen couldn't help but praise, if he were of the same strength, he would probably pick the soft persimmons first.

"Phew, there are five more!" Xu Jie wiped off the dirty blood on her face and said excitedly, "Haha, big brother must be admiring me now! I will never tell him that this zombie has a problem with its feet and can't lift it up." leg!"

I have to say that Xu Jie was right on this point.Wei Chen's knowledge about zombies is quite lacking!

Sure enough, the few zombies who came after them all raised their feet and jumped over the rope, even the last Yinyue zombie with a rotten ankle slowly raised its feet and collapsed.

The next trap is on the stairs of a faulty building.The most special thing about this staircase is that it only has one half, and Xu Jie covered it with a layer of gray cloth instead of the other half.

"Xu Jie is also hardworking!"

Knowing Xu Jie's mechanism design, Wei Chen shook his head. Under the gray cloth, there are all sharp steel bars and wooden spikes. Once Xu Jie slips and falls, Xu Jie will die immediately!

"I guess she's going to jump over and trick the zombie into stepping into the air." Wei Chen was a little worried, "I think I'd better get closer."

So he rushed towards Xu Jie, for fear of accidents.

But the fact is that Wei Chen is overthinking, this trap is dangerous, but Xu Jie is so good at making fun of his own life?

To seduce the zombie, Xu Jie climbed up the stairs unhurriedly. In order to ensure that the zombie stepped on the air, Xu Jie slowed down a little.

"Kill two in the pit and fight directly!"

Xu Jie made up her mind, one step forward would be a trap, she leaped with all her might, put one foot on the wall beside her, climbed over the handrail and jumped down!

Seeing this, Wei Chen's eyes lit up.

And the two zombies at the back couldn't stop for a while, and both fell into the trap. One was stabbed to death, and the other fell later. Maybe it was buffered by the front one. It didn't die, but Being fixed on it, Xu Jie made up the knife and killed the zombie.

So far, the remaining zombies are only two star-level zombies and one silver-moon-level zombie with a broken foot.

"It can still be like this!" Wei Chen turned his face, Xu Jie chose to turn down the stairs, not only did not have the danger of slipping, but also successfully killed two zombies.

There is no need to watch the subsequent battle, Xu Jie's strength is enough to deal with the remaining three zombies.

"Big brother, how are you doing?"

"That's right." Wei Chen nodded and said, "But this is just the most basic zombie, it's nothing."

Xu Jie wiped off the blood on her face with a dissatisfied face. Wei Chen was talking big about her natural way. To achieve such a result, she must have a wealth of knowledge to find the weaknesses of the zombies, and then set traps for them.

Although many people can do this, Wei Chen is not included.

"Uh~ okay, let's go to the next place!" Stared at by Xu Jie, Wei Chen blushed, and began to change the subject, leading Xu Jie to the next training point, where there were two tall giant zombies.One Silver Moon Level [-] and one Silver Moon Level [-]!
"By the way, no traps are allowed!"

"Ah, why!"

Xu Jie protested, but Wei Chen didn't care about this, except for the dagger, everything else was confiscated!
A real encounter will not give you time to get these things!

The new chapter has started, and the outline has been carefully sorted out.

Uh~ Nothing to say, ask for a collection. .It's almost the end of the month, and I hope that this month's manuscript fee will be more than last month. .

(End of this chapter)

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