Doom Ray

Chapter 120 Interrupted State

Chapter 120 Interrupted State

Call ~
A guardrail fell from a high altitude, rubbed against the air, and made a whistling sound.

Afterwards, the guardrail hit the ground heavily, the already rusted railing was squeezed and deformed by gravity, and some parts snapped off.

"You guys jump down first! I'll be the last one!"

Wei Chen swung the keel knife, with a vigorous imitation condensed on it, and every time he swung it, he brought out a light whip, and the cockroaches that flew over were chopped off in pieces.

However, these chopped cockroaches only account for a small part!More cockroaches jumped over Wei Chen's blade and bit his body.

"Brother, hurry up!"

After Xu Jie finished speaking, she was hugged with her head tilted and jumped off the balcony in one fell swoop.The golden wolf followed closely. For safety's sake, it opened the red mist state and jumped down again.

Seeing that the golden wolf also jumped down, Wei Chen quickly swung it twice, and after killing a large group of cockroaches, he turned his head and ran, and jumped down in one fell swoop.

"Follow me!" Wei Chen twitched all over his face, these cockroaches spread their wings and followed Wei Chen overwhelmingly.

When Wei Chen landed, the fifth floor was not high, so there was nothing serious, but his feet were numb from the shock.

"Come on!"

Wei Chen greeted everyone who had already landed, and rode on the golden wolf himself.Tilting her head, she picked up Xu Jie, stuffed it into her breastbone, spread her legs and ran away.But unfortunately, these cockroaches are still following closely, and it seems that they have reached the point of being immortal!

"Why is it crazier than last time?" Wei Chen frowned when he turned his head to look at the cockroaches all over the sky, "No, running like this is not an option."

The cockroaches had no tendency to stop at all, and Wei Chen felt dizzy.Immediately, he began to condense the mimicry in his hands, imitating the golden wolf's mimicry shells, to block the cockroaches behind him.

Compared with the original mimic fish, Wei Chen can now fabricate a mimic ball out of thin air much faster.The support frame, the padded coat, and a moment later, a ball of light the size of a tennis ball was rubbed out by Wei Chen.

"go with!"

With a wave of his hand, Wei Chen threw the ball of light into the pile of cockroaches.

As soon as the light ball touched the cockroach, the structure inside immediately became very unstable, and it exploded directly!The nearby cockroaches were affected and were blown to pieces.

"It's disgusting!" Xu Jie wiped off the mucus splashed on her face, said in disgust, and shot at the cockroach with a pistol in her hand.

"Missed again."

Xu Jie pouted depressedly. Although she could hit cockroaches every time she shot, the one she shot was often not the one she was aiming at.Indeed, as Wei Chen said, she needs training.

"Valid, continue!"

Seeing the lethality of the ball of light, Wei Chen's eyes lit up, so he continued his efforts, and another ball of light was squeezed out by him.

bang bang bang ~~
Explosions occurred again and again, and the group of cockroaches in the back became less and less. Finally, Wei Chen and his party turned around and rushed towards the remaining cockroach remnants.

"Woo~~ I'm finally done killing!" Xu Jie sat on the ground, looking at the slime and dirt all over her body, she suddenly became unhappy, she just took a bath!
The mouthparts of several cockroaches were pulled out by Wei Chen to heal the wound.Then he sat on the ground, staring at the red mist emerging from his body, in a daze.

"Why is this thing not over yet!" Wei Chen was depressed, "Does it have to run out of energy to stop!"

Entering the second stage of Lieyang, the duration of the red mist in the first stage has become longer.Judging from the current consumption rate, it can last for at least ten minutes!

"It should be able to control the retraction! It's just that I haven't found a way!" Wei Chen muttered, "It's not a good thing if the level is too high, you have to do everything yourself, no matter what, you can do it yourself!"

With that said, Wei Chen began to think about ways.

"No, thoughts alone won't work at all." After a few tries, Wei Chen gave up the idea of ​​recovering the red mist by will, and then deduced, "It should be a skill, not instinct!"

"Then the key is how to cut off the energy consumption of the red mist is the key point!"

Closing his eyes, he felt piles of red mist wrapped around the four fruits in his mind. Wei Chen was surprised. This was the first time he calmed down to study these mist, and there was really a way!
The mist surrounds the fruit, but Wei Chen discovered that the real source is not the fruit, but the seeds inside, just like a processing plant, these seeds swallow the energy of the fruit and transform into traces of red mist.

Afterwards, the mist dispersed and entered the limbs, greatly strengthening Wei Chen's body strength!

"Those black spots before are the signs of evolution to the second stage!" Wei Chen saw that the original red seeds have now become completely black, so he deduced, "It's like changing the engine, the same gasoline, more advanced The machine can definitely run fast!"

Knowing the source, Wei Chen began to shift his target to the seeds.

"If you want to cut off the red mist, you should control the seeds to stop!" Wei Chen suddenly felt a little tangled, "How do I stop this?"

From the very beginning, Wei Chen's control over these petals, fruits, and seeds was limited to absorbing and releasing energy.That is to meditate and use skills. As for the others, he can't even move these fruits a little bit.

After thinking for a moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Wei Chen's mind.

"How about trying to meditate? It seems that I have never meditated when the red mist erupts!"

Thinking of this, Wei Chen quickly fell into a state of meditation, and a trace of energy from the outside world began to be absorbed by Wei Chen.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that surprised Wei Chen appeared!

Those red mist just touched the yellow silk threads entering the body, just like iron sand touching a magnet, and were absorbed into the torrent of yellow threads!


Wei Chen was overjoyed, the red mist was originally transformed from these yellow silk threads, and now it is only natural for it to return to the mother body!After a while, the yellow torrent flowed into the fruit, and the seeds that had been absorbing energy and transformed into red mist immediately stopped working!

"Haha, I'm a genius!"

Wei Chen smiled and stood up, dancing with his hands and feet, a sense of accomplishment burst out in his heart!

"Big brother, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Wei Chen's mad face, Xu Jie asked worriedly, "Have you gone mad?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, I was a little too excited." Wei Chen rubbed his head, thinking of his gaffe just now, he felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing Wei Chen like this, Xu Jie had the urge to laugh, but after long-term contact, she understood that this was Wei Chen's real side.Only in front of others, Wei Chen would pretend to be very calm.

"Let's go, let's find a few zombies for you to fight together."

After calming down, Wei Chen began to find zombies to train Xu Jie. Since he regarded her as a member of the team, Wei Chen had to train her well.After all, the enemy in the future will only be stronger!
"Xu Jie, remember, if I don't improve much this time, I won't be able to continue to take you with me!" Wei Chen said seriously: "You also know that the enemies I face are all existences above Lie Yang, It's too dangerous for you to follow me!"

Xu Jie, who heard this, panicked in her eyes, as if thinking of some bad things in the past.But in the next second, a trace of ruthlessness flashed through his eyes, he stomped his feet, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry!"

"Let's go then!"

Seeing Xu Jie's courage, Wei Chen nodded and controlled the gray elves to lift off to find the zombies.


Ready to start revising the previous chapters.

I will correct some loopholes and unreasonable places.

If you have any opinions, you can put them forward in the book review area. After all, it is going to be revised. Your opinions are a very important part. Thank you in advance! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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