Doom Ray

Chapter 119 Seeing Cockroaches Again

Chapter 119 Seeing Cockroaches Again
In the distance, several hounds were fighting the zombies. The attack methods of both sides were very consistent, tearing with claws and biting with mouths.

"Big brother, is this really good?" Xu Jie sat on the shoulder with her head tilted, and turned her head to ask.

Wei Chen pursed his lips and did not speak.Seeing that Wei Chen didn't want to answer, Xu Jie sulked out of her mouth.Tilting his head and touching his head, the smashed head was repaired again with the materials it found, and it looked a little harder, but the head was still a little crooked.The golden wolf followed silently with his head down, his eyes full of tiredness, as if he would fall asleep in the next second.

Just behind them, a sentry line was slowly moving away from them.

"Xu Jie!" Wei Chen said suddenly, "I think you are too weak!"


"I'm going to give you special training!"

"Okay!" Wei Chen looked serious, and Xu Jie agreed without saying a word.

Seeing that Xu Jie agreed so readily, Wei Chen was a little surprised. He had prepared a set of rhetoric to persuade Xu Jie.

"Okay, let's find a place to rest first, everyone is tired!" Seeing the golden wolf walking and almost falling asleep, Wei Chen suggested.


Golden Wolf grunted and agreed very much.

So, the group walked for a while, found a house that hadn't been destroyed by the bombing, and climbed up.

This time, Wei Chen deliberately found the fifth floor, so that no one would disturb him in such a high place.As for the problem of fleeing, just jump down directly. Now this height can't kill Wei Chen and other rough-skinned and thick-skinned creatures.

After walking into the suite, Wei Chen discovered that this place turned out to be a building within a building!Big and roomy!
"There is a corpse king nearby!" Standing on the balcony, Wei Chen looked around at the bustling zombies, and said, "Just use it for surgery!"

Suddenly, the roar of the machine sounded from behind Wei Chen. It turned out that Xu Jie had found a vacuum cleaner.There is a large box of batteries on the back of the vacuum cleaner, it is estimated that the power is sufficient!

"Maybe you can stay here for a while." Wei Chen said: "This place is quite suitable for training Xu Jie. Step by step, first let Xu Jie improve his fighting level, and then do other things."

After thinking about it, he went in to help clean the room. The golden wolf had already fallen asleep, tilting his head and stuffing his feet into the golden wolf's mouth mischievously.

"Ah! Brother, there is water!"

After cleaning, when Xu Jie put the vacuum cleaner back, she found that there were a lot of bottled water in a warehouse-like place under the stairs!Immediately overjoyed.

"It shouldn't be bad."

Hearing Xu Jie's exclamation, Wei Chen hurried over and said comfortingly.Then, Xu Jie and Wei Chen carried a bucket each, carried them to the toilet to clean up.


Afterwards, Wei Chen lay on the sofa, stretched his limbs, and soon fell asleep.The offensive and defensive line is really too tired, and energy is constantly consumed, replenished, consumed, and replenished.The fighting can't stop even for a moment.

The same goes for Xu Jie, with bumps along the way, plus the big ups and downs in his heart before, it is not easy to still have the strength to clean up.As for Xu Jie's inner problems, it can only be resolved by time.

Just like that, the room fell into silence, with only a little breathing sound left, and he sat there motionless even with his head tilted, looking like he was sleeping.

But in this situation, some rustling voices began to sound!

"Alan, hurry up!"

A man reaches out and pulls a woman out of the hole.

"Catch up!" The man grabbed the woman's hand and quickly shuttled through the ruins.And behind them, there were hundreds of people holding various firearms, chasing and killing them.

"Alan, do you still have energy?" the man asked.

The woman named Alan shook her head with a bitter face, and the man who saw it felt distressed.

"It's okay, I'm here!"

The man promised responsibly, but just as he finished speaking, a series of bullets sank into his chest!But what is surprising is that the wound that was supposed to ooze blood quickly healed up!

"Fuck~ It hurts like hell."

Huang Yang reached out and took out a trapped bullet from his chest, complaining: "As expected of a dog, you can pay it back endlessly!"

As Huang Yang said, he consciously ran a little slower, and used it as a gun for the girl named Alan.

"Brother Huang, why don't you go on your own." Alan looked at Huang Yang and said with some unbearable heart. Sometimes not being able to die means that you have to endure more pain!

"No! You are too important to fall into their hands!" Huang Yang said resolutely.

"but you"

Before Alan finished speaking, Huang Yang directly interrupted her, saying: "There's nothing wrong with it, I can handle it!"

Just as Huang Yang said these words, another series of bullets continued to land on his back, splashing a series of blood.

"That guy can't be beaten to death!" said a running dog in silver clothes beside him.

"Idiot, lead! I don't believe that he can survive by blowing his head off!" Another lackey cursed angrily, and they couldn't stand the long pursuit.

"Nonsense, start, give me a try!"

"Enough!" Seeing that the dispute was becoming more and more intense, the leading lackey immediately stopped, and then looked at the fleeing Huang Yang with the same ferocious expression.Originally thought that this task was a good job, just to catch two people.Now it seems that this is definitely a hard job, and it is probably the kind of thankless job.


In the end, the leader had no choice but to vent his anger on this word.

But not long after, something unexpected happened. Suddenly, black lines flying all over the sky in the distance. If you look carefully, those black lines are all excellent arrows crafted one by one!
Huang Yang was overjoyed, this rain of arrows was not aimed at them!

"Ah! What!"

After an unknown amount of time, Wei Chen was awakened by a scream, opened his eyes, and found a pug-sized thing lying on his chest, with two tentacles swinging back and forth, touching Wei Chen's face itchy.

It's a giant cockroach!


The golden wolf screamed, and big cockroaches lay on its back. It was difficult for the golden wolf's mouth and claws to attack these places, so it could only keep rolling on the ground. A tenacious creature that can live for a few days cannot be crushed to death by rolling around!
Xu Jie looked terrified, this kind of thing is not lovable, and her hand was bitten by a cockroach, blood flowed down, the cockroach's mouth was full of acid, and the wound was unbearably itchy!

Wei Chen slapped the cockroaches away, planted healing seeds for Xu Jie and Golden Wolf, and then ran to help Golden Wolf kill the cockroaches on his back, tilting his head and protecting Xu Jie.

"Really, how could I forget this thing!" Wei Chen was annoyed, "Obviously I was attacked by a cockroach once, but I still don't improve my memory!"

Don't blame Wei Chen, he is still a bit young, and his strength will more or less bring him some arrogance.

After cleaning the cockroaches on the golden wolf's back, Wei Chen picked up the keel knife, and the red mist quickly enveloped him.Quickly imitating the bone knife, and then, whips were thrown out one after another, killing the flying cockroaches.

"It would be great if he had group attack skills." Wei Chen fantasized for a while, and then put aside this unrealistic idea.

"It seems that I can't stay here any longer, it's really a dog!"


Hey~~ Please collect, please collect. . .

(End of this chapter)

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