Doom Ray

Chapter 118 Future Decisions

Chapter 118 Future Decisions

Praying secretly in his heart, Wei Chen began to look around this space.This place is very empty, except for a large number of screens in front of you, there are only a few tables, which looks very simple.

The command room is divided into upper and lower floors, and the place where Peng Feng sits happens to be in the center of the second floor. The view from this position to the screen will be very good.

Xu Jie got out of her sternum and began to run around the room curiously, showing no signs of weakness.Wei Chen shook his head, put one hand on Peng Feng's chair, and stared at several screens, which showed the attack status of other teams.Not only that, even the stairs, the laboratory, Zhang Chi's body, the remains of the metal skeleton, as long as Wei Chen has an impression, they can be monitored on the screen.

"How much effort did it take?" Wei Chen looked surprised, "As expected of a creature with advanced technology!"

Advanced weapons, red and black injection fluids, metal skulls.If there are no creatures behind the scenes, I don't know how many years it will take for these things to be developed.

"But why, their technology is already so high, and their strength should not be weak. Why are they coming to the earth? Purifying the smog?"

Thinking about it, Wei Chen frowned, there should be a very important secret involved! "Fuck, why bother so much." Wei Chen habitually put aside these thoughts, "I'll just go to my parents and relatives. This leader, whoever loves him should go!"

With the incident of Xu Jie, Wei Chen decided not to venture into this muddy water again. Once the creatures behind the scenes knew who his parents were, what kind of torture would his parents suffer?

"Then the next step is to inquire about the location of your parents and improve your strength!"

Having made up his mind, Wei Chen's heart immediately felt relaxed.

"That's right." Wei Chen stretched out his fist, punched twice, and the haze was swept away, "But you still have to be the spiritual pillar, and do it in secret!"

"Since they want a spiritual symbol, give it to them! It's better for humans to unite now!"

While thinking about the future, Wei Chen began to rummage through the room in this room!

"Brother, what are you doing?" Xu Jie looked at the bandit-like Wei Chen with a twitching face. The original bright image suddenly collapsed.

"Looking for something!"

Wei Chen said without turning his head, there might be some valuable documents in this room, but Wei Chen was disappointed, Peng Feng did not put important documents here.

"Really not?" Wei Chen was puzzled.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie couldn't help but get a headache.What age is this? Those important secrets are either placed in the computer and cannot be opened without permission, or locked in a safe and hidden, where Wei Chen can easily find them by rummaging through them.

"No, look elsewhere!"

After speaking, Wei Chen walked out of the command room. It has to be said that Wei Chen became addicted to looking through things and started walking towards the room.

Canteens, bathrooms, dormitories, research rooms, as long as there are doors and cabinets in the doors, Wei Chen will look through them.Of course the harvest is also predictable - nothing!

On the other side, there was also a person who was rummaging through boxes and boxes.

"Research notes! Good stuff!"

Zhuang Ban sneaked into the office of a senior researcher and found such a document from his drawer.

Take a look!

Zhuang Ban glanced around. He is now a cleaner, and he happened to be assigned to clean the researcher's office.As for the original cleaner, it is estimated that he has already entered the incinerator.

"Half a year ago, I was assigned to work here and changed a collar, which I heard is easier to control."

"I'll go, there are grades for collars!" Zhuang Ban read this, and his back suddenly became cold, he didn't know this at all!So along the way, I just simulated the most common collar.

"Keep reading, it's all like this anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor." Zhuang Ban gritted his teeth, looking like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, he put his thorns in place, and read this document seriously .

"Zombies are weird, they seem to have a class."

"Class. That's right, the corpse king." Zhuang Ban nodded and continued to read.

"After many researches and investigations, in addition to the known corpse king, there should also be corpse soldiers, elites, and personal guards. According to my speculation, the fighting ability of this personal guard should be stronger than that of the corpse king!"

"And I think that since it is a class division, there should be zombie aristocrats who are stronger and nobler than the corpse king! But this is beyond the scope of my authority to discuss, and perhaps only those special researchers know."

Continue to turn the page, and there are some irrelevant topics behind, Zhuang Ban puts the document back with both hands, and props his chin with both hands.

"Aristocrat? Aren't zombies low-level creatures that can only bite people?" Zhuang Ban put on a learning posture, and with a cleaner costume, he looked like a dog: "In this way, isn't the zombie A civilized race? Damn, how dare you think about it.”

With a shiver, Zhuang Ban stopped thinking about it. If this is the case, then a lot of problems will continue to be involved in the future!

"Wait, the rhythm is wrong! I'm here to find the exit, why is it getting deeper and deeper!"


"Jingfa, take us to play with the machine gun!"

"Haha, Er Dezi, are you jealous!"

"No way! Can't we change the taste?"

Er Dezi looked at the small Xiuli pistol in his hand, then at Xu Jingfa's more advanced heavy machine gun, and his face immediately resembled that of a resentful little daughter-in-law.


Everyone around burst into laughter, Er Dezi's expression was too funny.

"Continue to rescue the next team!"

After cleaning up the battlefield, Yang Youyi headed to the next rescue point with his growing troops.He Qi and his group were also excitedly discussing the new weapons in their hands. As a group of teenagers who had never even touched an ordinary gun a few times, how could they not be excited!
"Look, look, I still have a lot of bullets!" He Qi took out four or five magazines, and showed off to his old classmates, "Ha, I can have two lackeys in the future!"

"Hmph, be careful of getting stuck!" Lin Yihong rolled her eyes, although she looked disdainful, her eyes still showed a hint of envy.

"Hey, have you seen the golden wolf? Why is it gone?"

Suddenly, Lin Tianxiong exclaimed.

Hearing this, everyone looked around, but they couldn't see the tall golden figure. According to common sense, as long as such a big guy shakes his body, other people will immediately notice him.But the current situation is that the golden wolf has disappeared under the eyes of everyone!

"Is anything wrong with Wei Chen?"

At this moment, everyone had another premonition that Wei Chen left!

Haha, it will be delivered at the third watch, [-] words, super high-profile, please bookmark and recommend! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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