Doom Ray

Chapter 117 Acquaintances

Chapter 117 Acquaintances
Thank you Farmer and Water and WeatherStart for your long-term votes.At the same time, I would like to thank Hardworking Huitian and Ti.Clear for their recommendation tickets.


"What are we going to do now?" Yang Youyi asked, and there are only two options left, one is to lead the troops to occupy here as soon as possible, and the other is to go out to support other teams.

Wei Chen closed his eyes and didn't answer.Golden Wolf lay on the ground to recover his energy, tilted his head and led Xu Jie into the team and sat next to Golden Wolf, releasing Xu Jie from his breastbone.

"It has ended."


Wei Chen's words made Yang Youyi feel a little unreal, the stairs didn't break through, and they didn't know what difficulties were waiting for them above.However, under such circumstances, Wei Chen said it was over?

"Really, it's over." Wei Chen nodded and said it again seriously.

Whether it is the white-haired woman Zhang Chi or the metal skeleton, they have all been wiped out now. Once these highest combat powers are gone, no matter how many lackeys there are, it will only increase consumption.

Next, Wei Chen explained the reason of the matter slowly, of course omitting Xu Jie's tragic experience.After hearing this, Yang Youyi showed a look of joy at first, but then he calmed down again.

"That's it, let's separate. You take people out to support the rest of the team. I'll leave a few people to occupy the headquarters. The golden wolf will accompany you. Its ability can only be effectively used in the team." Wei Chen suggested, and then didn't ask Whether Yang Youyi agreed or not, he rushed up the stairs with his own people.

Seeing this, Yang Youyi could only sigh, and said to the other team members: "It's over here, let's go support other teams!"


"Just kidding, isn't there still a headquarters that hasn't been captured yet, Team Yang, are you kidding us?"

"Yeah yeah."

There was a lot of discussion below, it was like the foreplay had just finished, and there was no follow-up, which was really aggrieved.

"That's what the King of Light said."


Hearing that it was Wei Chen's suggestion, everyone completely shut up, picked up their weapons obediently and followed Yang Youyi out.Most of the team captains knew the offensive routes of the other teams, and they more or less took notes during the combat meeting. In addition, they had sent the two out to explore the way before, so it was not difficult to find the trapped team.

"Hey! What are you bringing this thing up for? It's out of bullets."

Someone in the team suddenly screamed, because he found that a fool next to him actually hugged the metal skull's machine gun.

"What do you know, who told you that there is no bullet!" After finishing speaking, the man patted the backpack on his back, and a chain of ammunition emerged from it, which was connected to the machine gun. "This bullet is the one killed by King Guang!" Those who stay, you are all stupid, you don’t know how to take good things.”

Everyone was dumbfounded, and then they all sighed why they didn't think of it at the beginning.

"What's your name?" Yang Youyi came over and asked after discovering the situation here.

"Xu Jingfa."

"Well done, it will be up to you in a while!"

"it is good!"

Immediately Xu Jing blushed, and he bribed a person with just a few words, which Wei Chen couldn't do.

On the other side, on the stairs, Wei Chen was also violently attacked.

"Go straight!"

Only Weitou and Xu Jie were brought over by Wei Chen. This bit of firepower was simply not enough for them.

Tilting Head was holding a large shield to protect her upper body, bullets couldn't hit its vitals at all, and Xu Jie asked Tilting Head to get her a gun, and she happily fired it on the bone.As for Wei Chen, relying on the super vision of the gray elves, he directly dodges the bullets, or splits them with a knife, which is very violent!
"Fourth floor, almost there!"

Killing wave after wave of lackeys along the way, Wei Chen will never be soft on these people!
Seeing that he was about to reach the ceiling, Wei Chen stopped, took out a large bundle of grenades from his arms, and slowly superimposed the mimicry.

"I remember that the upper limit of C4 was not much last time. Now that the skills have become stronger, let's reduce the number of stacks."

With that said, Wei Chen quickly imitated a few grenades, then pulled the wire, waited for a few seconds, and threw them upstairs.

The flames soared into the sky, and the material of the ceiling seemed to be good, but it was just burnt black, but the large group of lackeys surrounding the door of the command room were not spared!

"Why do you want to be a dog if you don't want to be a good person?"

Stepping over the corpses of these people, Wei Chen sighed with emotion, but he never expected Xu Jie to reply: "Being a dog is comfortable!"


Wei Chen couldn't help laughing, that kind of life that simply satisfies his own desires is more like a breeding strategy, which is probably not uncomfortable at all.

"Although there is no one stronger than me among the lackeys, you still have to be careful."

Wei Chen looked at the door of the command room vigilantly. He would never forget that kind of potion that makes people greatly increase at once. Although it can be dispelled, just to be on the safe side, he can't take risks!So Wei Chen clenched the spar of the old corpse king tightly with one hand, this is the last one!

Soon, Wei Chen recovered his energy and kicked the door directly!Immediately, the door opened.

Wei Chen was stunned for a moment, he thought that the people inside would resist.Now it seems that what he thought was right before, once the highest combat power died, the commander inside would have given up resistance long ago.

"I don't know who the commander is, he has an idea!" Wei Chen admired the commander a little, and almost let them fall here!

Finding that the opponent had given up resisting, Wei Chen walked in with confidence.Of course, before that, he was still a little worried and asked the gray elves to explore the way. It was a bit dark inside, but there were no ambushes.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw two operators in front of the large computer, who had already committed suicide by swallowing a gun. Only a trace of cigarettes on the sofa in the center reminded that there were still people inside.

"You came!"

The sofa turned around slowly, and a man in military uniform was sitting slumped on the sofa, wearing a strange red collar around his neck.

Then with the faint light nearby, Wei Chen saw the face of this person clearly, and then he was shocked, he had seen this person before!
"It seems that you have forgotten me."

The man in the military uniform laughed at himself, "When I saw you using your abilities for the first time outside the gathering place, I knew that your future is limitless!"

"Such a powerful healing technique, but I was thinking, probably only by beheading your head can end your life." The military transfer man shook his head, "Forget it, let's not talk about it, in the end, my conspiracy, In the face of your absolute strength, it is also a joke. Give it a good time!"

"Peng Feng!"

"Yes! It seems that you remembered." Peng Feng smiled, at least his opponent remembered his name before he died.

This is a kind of respect!
Wei Chen nodded, he remembered when Peng Feng mentioned outside the gathering place just now.

"I really didn't expect you to betray me." Wei Chen said disappointedly. In his impression, Peng Feng should be a very upright person.

Peng Feng shrugged and said, "No one is as lucky as you. If we ordinary people want to survive, we must either rely on our brains or die. Which one do you choose?"

"Hurry up, this circle is about to explode, I want to die in your hands."

"Wait, do you know where the old chiefs are?" Wei Chen asked hastily.

"I don't know, everyone has been scattered. If the old chief is here, I don't think there will be any refuge." Speaking of this, Peng Feng shook his head, raised his neck, and said, "Hurry up!" !"


For the sake of the acquaintance, Wei Chen flew out in a mimesis and ended Peng Feng's life.

The collar then explodes, leaving behind a decapitated head.

Looking at this scene, Wei Chen clenched his fists, and familiar figures flashed in his mind.

"Live well! Don't be a dog!"

Wei Chen couldn't imagine what he would do if all his relatives and friends turned to the enemy.

kill?Or not to kill?


There is another chapter tonight, please collect it. .recommend.

(End of this chapter)

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