Doom Ray

Chapter 116 Arrangement

Chapter 116 Arrangement
Surrounded by black mist, Wei Chen looked at Zhang Chi with a terrified face, and reached the second stage of eruption. The most obvious improvement effect was perception.As long as Wei Chen closes his eyes, he can clearly feel the surrounding things, such as a very weak Xu Jie behind him, and a tilted head that gives him a thick head.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, this feeling became much weaker.

"So what if you're at the same level, you don't necessarily win!" Zhang Chi said with a teary face.

Call ~
The strands of hair fluttered in the wind, with traces of black mist on them.Suddenly, these strands of hair curled together, turned into a long spear, and stabbed at Wei Chen!
Looking at the air pierced by the hair tip, this blow is full of power!In just a moment, this bundle of hair guns appeared in front of Wei Chen, aimed at his heart, and stabbed it hard!
"Go to hell!"

Zhang Chi's eyes burst into flames. If Wei Chen was killed, her status would definitely be elevated a lot!

It's a pity, just hearing a 'pop', Wei Chen flipped his wrist, and firmly grasped the strand of hair!
At this time, the tip of her hair had already poked Wei Chen's clothes!But no matter how hard Zhang Chi tried, he couldn't let this strand of hair get any further!
"This kind of forcibly improving the state by relying on drugs is indeed stronger than when the red mist erupted!" Feeling the power of that blow, Wei Chen said: "But it is far from the real one!"

As soon as the words finished, Wei Chen turned sideways and pulled his hair violently. Zhang Chi's feet were off the ground and he was pulled over!

Afterwards, Wei Chen raised one foot slightly, and the yellow light on it shone crazily!

Soon, nearly seventy mimics were superimposed on the feet. In the past, this was already the upper limit, but now, it is far from enough!
Eighty times. One hundred times
The black mist erupted, not only strengthened the body, but even the mimicry became stronger!
"130 times!" Wei Chen was also a little frightened, "So many!"

After being surprised, Wei Chen looked forward, and there, a woman was being pulled over by him!

Wei Chen licked his lower lip, and then, with a whip leg, hit Zhang Chi's abdomen!

There was a sound like drumming, Zhang Chi flew upside down, and a line of blood shot out from his mouth!And don't forget, a lock of her hair was still tightly held by Wei Chen!
Chi la~
The tough strands of hair were not broken, but were ripped directly from the scalp!
"Ah, I fought with you!"

Zhang Chi, who was boosted by the potion, has good resistance to blows. Although he was seriously injured this time, he can still hold on!And the most unbearable thing for her is to have a spot of baldness on her head!

With a cold snort, Wei Chen ignored her, and a ball of white light flashed in his hand. Compared with before, when the black mist broke out, it became more white and shiny.

Lightly tossing her hand, the ball of white light quickly sank into Zhang Chi's body, and she didn't even have a chance to hide!
In the next second, the black mist that Zhang Chi was relying on collapsed immediately!There is no need to continue this battle. Due to his ability, Zhang Chi doesn't even have the strength to resist.


Feeling the rapid weakening of power, Zhang Chi panicked. All her pride was based on her strength.

Immediately afterwards, without further ado, Wei Chen raised the saber in his hand and lowered it, the keel saber was shining with yellow light, when the black mist erupted, one mimic could be used as seven or eight before.

"It's cheap for you!"

Looking at the head rolling away, Wei Chen's anger has not been eliminated, and he always feels that this is not enjoyable.

"Forget it, I'm not a child anymore!" Shaking his head, Wei Chen gave up some naive thoughts, and a yellow ball of light rose in his hand.After the black mist erupted, the size of the healing light ball not only did not increase, but shrank a lot, but it looked more prosperous.

"I hope Xu Jie can be cured!"

Feeling the soft breath emanating from the light cluster, a gleam of hope suddenly rose in Wei Chen's heart. His ability is constantly evolving, and it may not be impossible to be able to live to the death and bones one day!

"Don't be sad, I don't blame you!" Walking in front of the tilted head, Wei Chen comforted, "I know you have tried your best."


Tilting her head, she was still a little lonely. She took Xu Jie out of her breastbone and held her in her hands. Looking at her completely ruined face, she suddenly felt an urge to cry, but unfortunately her body didn't give it this ability.

"let me try."

Holding this hope, Wei Chen pressed the ball of light on Xu Jie's face.At the beginning, he only hoped that the ball of light could make the flesh on Xu Jie's face grow out. As for the ears and nose, he would treat her after the ability became stronger.

But what Ren Weichen never expected was that the improvement of the healing technique this time greatly exceeded his expectations. Not only did the flesh grow back, the nose gradually recovered, and the ears that were pulled out also grew a new pair. of!
"very nice!"

Wei Chen smiled, very happily.Tilting his head was also very excited, and his bones were trembling.

"The eyes shouldn't be able to do anything."

Seeing that there was no movement in Xu Jie's eye holes, Wei Chen didn't have any hope for it.

"I don't know if I can put it back again?" Wei Chen thought, so he took a few steps and picked up the eyeball.The blood-stained eyeball rolled across the ground, covered with dust and gravel.

Wei Chen washed it with a bottle of water, opened Xu Jie's newly grown eyelids, and put the eyeballs back. These actions would have been terrifying in the past!
"Success!" The black mist did not subside, Wei Chen raised the ball of light again and pressed it on Xu Jie's face, praying secretly in his heart.Tilting her head and holding Xu Jie firmly, she remained motionless, for fear that Xu Jie would lose her chance of healing if she accidentally made a mistake.

Since Wei Chen didn't continue to open Xu Jie's eyelids after putting his eyeballs back, neither a person nor a skeleton could see what happened inside the eyeballs, so he lost his sight?Or was it repaired by the healing technique?

Just as Wei Chenhe tilted his head and stared blankly, Xu Jie uttered a cry and woke up.But when Xu Jie opened her eyes and saw only a white thing, she panicked immediately.

"Bone, big brother, where are you guys?"

Hearing Xu Jie's shout, Wei Chen's heart skipped a beat.

Not cured?
Wei Chen sighed, he had tried his best, and he just entered the second stage, it is impossible for him to burst into the next stage directly.

"Xu Jie, I'm here. It's okay, I will cure you in the future!"

As he spoke, Wei Chen took Xu Jie's little hand with one hand, tilted his head and held the other little hand cooperatively.But at this action, Xu Jie laughed out loud.

"Brother, take the ball of light away!"

"En." Wei Chen nodded solemnly, and then——

With a crisp sound, Wei Chen slapped himself hard on the forehead, and blocked people's sight with the light ball that was a healing technique just now.

"I won't age prematurely, will I?" Wei Chen secretly slandered, "This problem needs to be corrected."

After examining himself, Wei Chen turned to Xu Jie and asked, "Can you see things?"

"Yes!" Xu Jie replied, which made Wei Chen heave a sigh of relief.

"What about here?"

Wei Chen covered the eye that hadn't been gouged out and asked.


"How much is this?"

"A finger."

"What about this?"

"A pair of fingers."


Tilting his head also stretched out his hand to join in the fun, but was ignored by Xu Jie, making it a little sad.

At this moment, Xu Jie has completely changed her face. The appearance is only similar to the previous one, not exactly the same.Maybe it's because newborn flesh is fairer, so Xu Jie looks very soft and beautiful.

"By the way, Xu Jie, can you still stand up?"


Xu Jie stood up unsteadily, but looking at it like this, Wei Chen's worry was indeed right. Now Xu Jie estimated that a gust of wind could blow her down.


Seeing Wei Chen's worry, he tilted his head and volunteered, and stuffed Xu Jie back into his breastbone.

"Don't let anything happen again this time!" Wei Chen tilted his head and warned, "Don't listen to her, unless I agree, Xu Jie has no right to freedom for the time being."

"Brother, you can't do this!"

Xu Jie protested, but these words only received a cold snort from Wei Chen.

"What the hell!" Xu Jie muttered softly, but she also knew that Wei Chen was doing it for her own good.

"By the way, where's my brother?"

Suddenly, Xu Jie remembered something, and hurriedly yelled while tilting her head.Tilting his head and scratching his head, he pointed to the pile of corpses on the ground with a look of embarrassment.
Afterwards, Xu Jie's eyes dimmed.

Transform humans!
"These bastards!" Seeing this, Wei Chen scolded.

There are still some "alive" reformers standing there, looking straight at Wei Chen, but because of Zhang Chi's "step back" just now, these reformers only dare to stand far away , did not launch an attack on Wei Chen.

Although the strength is high, it is a pity that they are a bunch of dead heads.

"Can you still support it?" Wei Chen asked with his head tilted. When he picked up the epee just now, his hands were obviously shaking.Wei Chen was secretly startled watching this scene, Wei Chen knows the stamina of tilting his head, he can beat the tilted head like this, the strength of these reformers should not be underestimated!

"I can't hold it anymore and say it, don't resist!"

Patting Tilted Head's shoulder bones, Wei Chen led Tilted Head back the same way after a few words of advice. For some reason, there was no lackey again along the way!
Wei Chen was relieved to come to the gathering point where the main force was brought. There was no major damage here.

"Wei Chen!"

Seeing Wei Chen came back, everyone looked sideways, but only He Qi and his group dared to go forward and call him by his first name.

"He Qi, are you all right?" Before the black fog dissipated, Wei Chen sent a healing seed to everyone present. The seeds in the black fog state were better than the previous ones.

"It's okay, but why are you blackened?"

Seeing Wei Chen wrapped in black mist, He Qi asked curiously, Wei Chen just shook his head and didn't say much.

"By the way, Teacher Yang is looking for you!"

After a few chatters, He Qi returned to the topic and said, "I heard it's a problem with other teams, so go and have a look."

"it is good!"

Wei Chen nodded solemnly. None of the other teams showed up, so something bad must have happened.Sure enough, after listening to Yang Youyi's description, Wei Chen finally understood why the lackeys they met had such backward weapons. It turned out that the advanced weapons were all used to block other teams!

"What a good plan! Use high-end weapons to block the ordinary team, use mechanisms, metal skeletons, and even transformed people to solve the main team, and finally use that white-haired woman to kill me!"

Summarizing what happened just now, Wei Chen has to admire the person in charge behind, all the blocking forces are somewhat stronger than the attacking team!If Gao Liang hadn't happened to find the weakness of Metal Skull, and Wei Chen had happened to advance, this attack would probably end in annihilation!

Of course, there is one thing Wei Chen doesn't know, that is, the backup power supply and the reformer were pried open by Xu Jie and Tilted Head, so these two items have nothing to do with other people's calculations.


Ask for collection.

The noon chapter may be late
(End of this chapter)

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