Doom Ray

Chapter 115 Second Rank

Chapter 115 Second Rank
"I'm curious, what exactly are you?"

The white-haired woman stroked the bones of the crooked head, knocked her own face, and walked around the crooked head full of curiosity. During this period, two reformers were about to rush up. The white-haired woman just waved her hand. Just backed off.

"Hey! There's a little girl here?" Before, she was behind the tilted head and didn't look that carefully, but now the white-haired woman turned to the front and naturally saw Xu Jie who was stuck in the sternum of the tilted head.

At this moment, Xu Jie's face was pale. The previous stimulation and the constant shaking of her head during the battle made Xu Jie's condition very poor, and her forehead was already covered with water droplets.

"It looks good!" The white-haired woman reached out and pinched Xu Jie's cheek, "It's quite tender, but I don't know if it will look so good after tearing it apart!"

After finishing speaking, the white-haired woman didn't show any signs, and directly pulled the flesh on Xu Jie's face, pulling it down frantically!

Chi la~
A piece of skin was torn off, exposing the gums, and the donated blood was directly poured into Xu Jie's mouth from the gap between the teeth. Xu Jie fell into a coma long ago, but the severe pain still made her whole body twitch!

Tilting his head and roaring, he used all his strength to try to break free from the hair, but the hair is very strong in both hardness and flexibility!And the white-haired woman is very skillful in binding, which seems to use softness to overcome rigidity.

"Oh! You still have emotions! This is much better than that cold metal skull." Seeing the reaction of tilting her head, the white-haired woman suddenly became more interested, "It seems that you care about this little girl."

"That would be fun!"

After saying that, the white-haired woman had a ferocious face, and touched Xu Jie's other cheek with one hand.

"Look, tear off the skin, how similar it is to you."

The skin on one side was torn off again, the head was tilted, and the bones of the whole body collided with each other, making a rattling sound.

"Yes, continue!"

The dripping blood donation seemed to fully stimulate the woman's desire, and the distorted face began to become excited!
Lips, nose, ears, as long as you can put your hands on it, this white-haired woman will not let go of it.Xu Jie had long since lost consciousness, and the blood in her throat made her cough continuously.


Tilting his head was even more painful. If this continues, how will he explain to Wei Chen.But it reacts so violently, it will only arouse the vicious heart of the white-haired woman, and it will be even more disproportionate in its actions!

On the other side, Wei Chen told the gray elves to start finding their way.

"Where did they go?" Wei Chen frowned, wandering around the empty headquarters, "But where did those lackeys go?"

The things in the headquarters are too strange. For example, now, the main team that just finished dealing with the metal skulls is a little tired. If the lackeys are sent to attack at this time, it is estimated that Wei Chen will suffer a lot of damage.

"Hurry up!"

Thinking about it, Wei Chen quickened his pace again. He thought that he could find the tilted head by looking around, but now it seems that he must go back to the original way to search.

"It's really worrying!"

Wei Chen sighed.


"Oh, there are only eyelids left!" The white-haired woman laughed.

Today's Xu Jie has already changed beyond recognition, no, the whole face looks terrifying!The red muscles were constantly twitching in the cold wind, and there was only a bridge of the nose and two holes left on the nose, blood donations were continuously poured into it, and the entire set of teeth were exposed.

At this moment, Xu Jie no longer coughed, her throat was already clogged by the flowing blood, and she was in danger!
With many efforts, a tied head tilted is better than breaking a few strands of hair, but how much hair a person has!One or two is nothing at all, it will only make the white-haired woman more vigilant, and then more hair will be entangled.

Kong has a whole body of stamina, but there is nothing he can do.

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

The white-haired woman licked her tongue, shook her head, and stretched out her blood-stained hand again, pinching Xu Jie's eyelids.This action is a nightmare for today's tilted head.

Tilting its head and barely raising its head, it didn't dare to look at it anymore.


Suddenly, the white-haired woman was surprised and said, "How could I forget, skeletons have no eyes!"

"Ah ah!"

Tilting his head to understand, he lowered his head to look at the white-haired woman, even two of his teeth were bitten off, and the white light in his eyes trembled even more.

"Then I'm welcome!"

Seeing this, the white-haired woman curled her hair into a pointy shape, and slowly approached Xu Jie's eyelidless, lifeless eye.The white-haired woman stared straight at the tilted head, and it felt wonderful to hear it roaring in despair!

The hair keeps advancing Xu Jie's eyeballs, just a few inches away from the hair, the white-haired woman controls the hair to accelerate suddenly!
"You fucking fuck me!"

A golden bone knife suddenly appeared between the tilted head and the white-haired woman, and slashed at the white-haired woman frantically.

The keel knife touched the hair, Wei Chen only felt that he was hit on a piece of cotton, very aggrieved, but fortunately he forced the white-haired woman back.

The red mist quickly entangled him, Wei Chen threw more than a dozen healing light balls at Xu Jie in his sternum, and then looked angrily at the white-haired woman in front of him.

"You're going to die! I swear!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth, and his voice became dull.

Ever since Xu Jie followed him, she has been very conscious to help Wei Chen. Although Xu Jie's strength is not very good, Wei Chen has already regarded her as a member of the team.

He knew that Xu Jie was a child with a story, so when the big white dog died, Wei Chen felt more and more sorry for Xu Jie, and secretly vowed to help Xu Jie untie that knot.

The ground under his feet cracked, and Wei Chen rushed towards the white-haired woman with a face full of anger. The gray elf adjusted his vision, and now he dare not look at Xu Jie's hideous face.

"Oh, you are the King of Light, you really shine when you fight!" Facing Wei Chen who rushed over, the white-haired woman was not in a hurry, and said softly, "Red Mist, Lieyan, I really envy you. "

"However, do you dare to cut it off?"

Hearing the turn of the white-haired voice, a bunch of hair was wrapped in a bulging thing and placed on Wei Chen's attack route.


Immediately afterwards, Wei Chen tilted his head behind his back at the same moment, and there was a scream.

In one of Xu Jie's eyes, the beautiful eyeball has long since disappeared, leaving only the red flesh inside and the black-red blood flowing out continuously. With the help of Wei Chen's healing seeds, the blood began to coagulate, and this hole is just like this. was filled.

And what was wrapped around that lock of hair were Xu Jie's eyeballs!
At this moment, after listening to the crazy attack, Wei Chen stared blankly at the red and white intersecting eyeball, then the corners of his mouth twitched up and he gave a smirk.

Why is it still like this?Even with such strength, such a tragedy still happened?What have you been doing recently?What King of Light, why do you care so much about this?Why should I care about those people's life and death? Just save my parents, sister and Huangfuling, and I can go to other countries.With this strength, it is not difficult to raise a family!


Wei Chen raised his mouth slightly, his hands trembling slightly.Looking up, those eyes were flat and terrifying, and a few words squeezed out between teeth.

"I said, you are going to die!"

"Hahaha! Am I going to die?" The white-haired woman seemed to have heard the biggest joke in her life, and laughed loudly, and then said, "I came here to kill you!"

"I can't believe it, right? A person who doesn't even reach the Lieyang rank, where does he have the confidence?"

In a few words, the white-haired woman was completely helping Wei Chen to ask questions. In order to prove herself, the white-haired woman took out two needles, which were filled with liquid, one black and one red.

Immediately afterwards, the white-haired woman pierced her neck directly, her face was crazy, and she kept saying: "King Guang, right, today I will show you what is called the second stage of fierce sun outbreak! "

The red and black liquids in the two needle tubes were injected into the body of the white-haired woman in an instant, and the next moment, red mist began to rise around the white-haired woman, but before the red mist rose, traces of black mist wrapped around her body. body of a white-haired woman.

A terrible momentum struck, and the corpse on the ground was blown to the corner.

"King Guang, my name is Zhang Chi, remember my name, so I can report to Hades!"

"A bunch of nonsense!"

Wei Chen's face was full of ferocity, and he breathed out a white breath, and the fluttering red mist wrapped around his body suddenly froze in the air.In the next second, a little bit of black began to climb up along the roots of the red mist!

Just at that moment!The air is stagnant!Then there was only an explosion, and the red mist frozen in the air instantly turned black!An even more suffocating momentum pressed towards the surroundings, and the black mist on the white-haired woman was almost blown out!
Seeing this scene, the white-haired woman felt shocked as if her throat was stuck.

That is the real second-stage outbreak of Lieyang!

An unattainable existence!

sin sin. . .For the protagonist's outbreak. . .

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(End of this chapter)

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