Doom Ray

Chapter 114 The Skeleton Crisis

Chapter 114 The Skeleton Crisis
After finding the way, He Qi and the other three also joined the ranks of throwing tiles. The tiles were overwhelming before, so there is no need to worry about not having anything to throw.

The metal skeleton in the tunnel was holding the machine gun tightly, and couldn't hear it for a moment. It was crazily spitting out the tongue of fire, and yellow and orange shells poured out from behind the machine gun.

What are they doing?
Everyone was a little puzzled watching the play of these five people.


Ignoring those strange gazes, the five continued to throw tiles.Seeing that there are fewer and fewer tiles that can be touched on the ground, several people feel more and more nervous.

Suddenly, a piece of tile flew out without receiving the sniper fire, and successfully smashed into a pillar.

"It's done!"

Gao Liang clenched his double balls with excitement.

"I'll go and see the situation first!" After He Qi finished speaking, he stood up bravely.

"Boy, you are looking for death, go back quickly!"

Seeing this scene, the people nearby spoke to dissuade them.However, there are also a few characters with the image of the captain who have thought of the key point, but they still dare not tell the truth. It depends on the effect of He Qi after he goes out!
With the expectant eyes of his classmates, He Qi took the last step, which is why he was able to become the captain, he is brave enough!

The rubber sole made contact with the ground, making an inaudible sound. However, this sound was clearly heard in the ears of many people!
last step!
He Qi kept cheering himself up in his heart, saying that it is impossible to not be under pressure, and this kick out may be the difference between life and death!However, you have to step forward!
At this moment, the audience is silent!Many people couldn't bear to close their eyes, not daring to look at the tragedy.In the end, only Wei Chenna's fighting sound continued to be heard.

Afterwards, the expected sound of gunfire did not come, and some people slowly opened their eyes, full of disbelief.

No bullets came, no flesh and blood splattered, He Qi and the other five used this method to forcibly consume all the powerful artillery of the metal skull!
It worked!
Gao Liang showed excitement on his face, he was the one who paid attention, so the moment He Qi stepped forward, the pressure he was under was not insignificant to He Qi!

Immediately afterwards, He Qi let go and ran directly towards the explosive package. Without the metal skeleton with long-range firepower, he could only stare blankly.Soon, He Qi got the explosive package and weighed it, it was quite heavy!
"Why aren't you so fierce?" He Qi frowned, raised his middle finger at the metal skull, and said, "Kneel down, Grandpa has let you go for a long time."

"You are sick!" Lin Yihong couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted directly: "Hurry up!"

After hearing this, He Qi turned around and smiled brightly, pulled out the fuse, and played with the gunpowder bag for a while. Seeing that the fuse was almost burned, He Qi threw it away, and then ran back like crazy.

A huge roar came from behind He Qi, and a wave of heat hit his small body, and he suddenly felt a burning pain behind him.

"Hey~ I'm playing off~~"

He Qi vomited blood, fell to the ground, and was dragged back by Lin Tianxiong and Zhang Zhiqiang.Then a small yellow ball flew over and sank into He Qi's body.

"Brothers, we are coming too!"

"it is good!"

blah blah~~~
Suddenly, the sound of machine guns kept ringing!

"Amazing, faster than me!" Wei Chen couldn't help feeling, "Maybe sometimes the effect will be better if you use your brain more, it's rusty!"

I remembered that when I had no time to challenge the corpse king, I made all kinds of preparations, and even kept thinking of countermeasures on the battlefield, trying every means to kill the corpse king.On the other hand, now, with strong strength, the victory becomes whoever stacks more mimics wins.

"Perhaps it can be played differently."

Wei Chen thought, the bone knife in his hand continued to be inserted into the bone seam of the metal skull. At this moment, the metal skull had become dilapidated, and even the eye was stabbed.

"The weak point is taking it?" Wei Chen was puzzled, he poked all the deadly parts like the head, but the metal skeleton was stunned for what reason.

"It must be in a hidden place!"

Wei Chen squinted his eyes and carefully observed the metal skull through the eyes of the gray elf, especially the gaps in each one, which were the focus of Wei Chen's attention.

"Wait, since the vitals are so concealed, why is there such negligence?" Wei Chen quickly thought of the key, "It should be well protected in places without cracks!"

Wei Chen, who was supposed to come, began to look for a special location.He was wrong at the beginning. He originally thought that there was some key circuit in these gaps, and if he poked it, he would be able to destroy this thing, but only now did he realize that the key parts of the house are not places where there are gaps at all. Who would be that stupid?
"That's the only place!"

With deduction, Wei Chen retreated quickly, and the yellow light began to flash on the blade——

Thirty overlays. Fifty overlays. Seventy overlays.
The 'teeth' on the metal skull were almost pulled out by Wei Chen long ago, coupled with the slow movement, Wei Chen avoided it very easily and slowly accumulated strength.

150 stacked once. 180 twice. Two hundred!

"Almost enough!"

Faintly feeling the majestic energy coming from the blade, Wei Chen gained confidence.

"You can die!" Wei Chen sneered, easily dodging the blade that popped out from the remaining bones, and the keel knife in his hand was draped directly on the pelvis of the metal skeleton!

This knife did not break the pelvis!Not even a crack!

"How is it possible!" Wei Chen's eyes widened, "What kind of material is this!"

Surprised, Wei Chen hurriedly dodged, only to realize that the skeleton had stopped moving after he opened the distance.

"It should be that the chip inside should have been shattered!"

With that said, Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief, only to see the metal skull's eyes dimmed.At the same time, the sound of machine guns in the corridors also stopped!
"Guys, blow it up with dynamite!"

Following He Qi's example, the captains bundled all the explosives of the team members together. Most of the cluster bombs were put together by two or three teams, and their power was absolutely no less than that of explosive packs.

With the first blast, the others quickened their pace and threw the cluster bombs over.

bang bang bang~~~
All of a sudden, debris splashed and dust flew up!
Blue blood flew across, tilted his head and slapped a modified human to death, the white light in his eyes suddenly became much smaller!

He is tired too!

These transformed human beings are extremely powerful, even if they tilt their heads and have a lot of energy, they can't bear such a series of heavy blows!
"Heck!" Tilting her head and roaring, Xu Jie, who was in her breastbone, was already knocked out.Transformed humans have no consciousness, just like zombies, they only know killing.The only difference is that these modified humans are not interested in human flesh.

Looking at the dozens of corpses on the ground, he tilted his head and held the epee again, and slashed down at the rushing reformed humans!

The bodies of the two reformed people were split open obliquely. They turned around with their heads tilted, and swiped the epee in another direction.

"Hey~ What kind of creature are you?"

Hearing a woman's voice from behind, he tilted his head in shock, and jumped forward quickly, preparing to distance himself in the shortest possible time.However, when it tilted its head and was about to jump, it discovered that there were strands of white hair at the joints of the skeleton, which fixed it tightly!

On the other side, after Golden Wolf returned the spar to Wei Chen, he lay down on the ground and meditated to recover his energy.

Putting away the faded spar, Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief. After killing the metal skeleton, the lackeys stopped attacking, and they got a little time to breathe.

"Why don't people from other units come?" Wei Chen frowned, "Is something wrong?"

I guess it is!

"I hope it's okay!" Wei Chen comforted himself, and then, Wei Chen began to control the gray elves to look around and tilt their heads.

"Where did you go?" Sighed, he tilted his head, but he was not afraid, just afraid that something might happen to Xu Jie, Wei Chen didn't want a good friend to leave him again.

"Go and look for it, the golden wolf stays for special situations!"

After making up his mind, Wei Chen told Yang Youyi to manipulate the gray elves to find the breath of one skeleton and one person.

(End of this chapter)

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