Doom Ray

Chapter 113 Talented Student!

Chapter 113 Talented Student!
"It's better to go behind the skeleton, so you won't accidentally injure the team members!"

As he said that, Wei Chen rushed forward and passed the metal skull. The metal skull immediately turned its gun and continued to shoot at Wei Chen.But in this way, those lackeys were beaten and beaten to pieces.

"Tsk tsk, the six relatives don't recognize you!" Wei Chen was secretly startled, "This power is enough to fight, but that's all!"

Immediately afterwards, Wei Chen turned his head suddenly, and slashed down at the skull with his yellow-glowed keel knife.

His hands were trembling slightly, and Wei Chen's eyes widened. He had activated the red mist state just now on the road, but he didn't expect the metal to be so strong.

One blow was ineffective, the metal skull started to fight back, many bones on its body cracked a gap, and then a pair of black sharp knives quickly popped out.

"so much!"

Wei Chen's hair was numb, and he hurriedly backed away. The keel knife in his hand slashed at some of them, trying to cut them off, but only after the blades touched did they realize that the sharp blades that popped out would actually lose their strength!

"There must be something cushioning inside." After making up his mind, Wei Chen rushed forward, found a gap, and inserted the keel knife into the gap of the metal bone, "I don't believe it, you still don't give up!"

Wei Chen was ruthless, his bones were hard on the outside, so he strangled him from the inside!

click ~
Sure enough, with a crisp sound, the blade attached to this bone lost its vitality.

"Fortunately, not without weaknesses."

Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief when the blow worked. Although he could condense a large amount of mimicry to strike the metal skeleton, it took too long. The team is still waiting for Wei Chen to go back to support, so it must be done quickly!

With a good start, the next step will be easy. Wei Chen slowly finds an opportunity to destroy the blade on the bone. He is destroying the heavy weapon. As for the future, it will be much more convenient. If he wants to take it back for research, he should just let it be scrapped. It will be all right.

dong dong dong~~~
The situation has not yet stabilized, and the same sound of stamping on the ground can be heard from all directions.Hearing this, everyone's hearts sank.

"and also!"

"What should I do, run away?"

Before everyone could react, shells flew out one after another.

"All disperse! Fight freely!"

In desperation, Yang had no choice but to issue this order. When the enemy had heavy weapons with high lethality, they would die faster if they gathered together.

After receiving the order, the team members immediately dispersed according to the squads. Most of the teams chose to avoid and observe the weakness of the metal skull. After all, not everyone can fight the metal skull in close combat.There was also a small part of the team who rushed up with feverish brains, and some even took out a large bag of explosives, but unfortunately they were killed by stray bullets halfway.

"Hey, come here!"

Behind a pillar, He Qi and a group of people hid together. After seeing the explosive package, Gao Liang had an idea.

"Look!" Gao Liang circled the ground with his hands and said, "Wei Chen is here, so don't worry about the road here, there are still seven or eight passages left."

"See the explosive package in that passage, maybe it's a chance!"

Gao Liang nodded to his teammates and took a deep breath, "We are the closest to that, so we must carry it!"

"Just tell me how to do it!" He Qi patted his head, making a layer of powder.

"I don't know." Gao Liang shook his head, unable to think of any good ideas.For a while, the team fell into silence.And not far from them, there is a group of Wang Zijian. They are the strongest team in the team led by Yang Youyi. There are no casualties, but two people were blown off their palms and calves respectively. The bleeding has stopped, but the fighting power is far from what it used to be.

"Chen Xiang, look at them!"

Wang Zijian pointed to He Qi and his party, and the person called Chen Xiang turned his head to look at it, then shook his head and said, "If they fail, we will go!"

"This..." Wang Zijian expressed displeasure, "Why? Isn't this death? It doesn't conform to our team's strategic thinking."

"Zijian!" Chen Xiang snorted coldly, "This is a battlefield! There are only group interests, no personal interests! If you don't want to join us, don't stay in our team anymore!"

"Cut~" Wang Zijian glanced at Chen Xiang unhappily.

"It's enough!"

Seeing Wang Zijian's expression, a girl on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily, "Can you be smarter, you're like a fool!"

"You are."

"Shut up!" Chen Xiang said angrily, "What time is it!"


Wang Zijian didn't do it again, but at this moment, there was hatred in his heart, hatred for Wei Chen. Since Wei Chen appeared that day and caused him to make a joke, his teammates began to have opinions on him, and some people were even alienated. he.

"wait for me"

The more he thought about it, the more he hated it, Wang Zijian gritted his teeth, and the fingers on his legs were deeply embedded in the flesh.

"Is there a way?"

On the other side, the five people who had been thinking hard to no avail looked at each other with bitter faces.

It's too difficult, because there are not many dead spots left for them, and their movement is greatly restricted.And the metal skeleton they were going to face was in a passage, and the explosive pack was also in the passage!This means that if you want to use explosives to blow up a metal skull, you must support its strafing!

"On the front!" Lin Tianxiong picked up his weapon and was about to charge forward, but Zhang Zhiqiang at the side hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't be impulsive, that thing is not going fast, we still have time." Gao Liang comforted, "Now to find out the weakness of this guy, you must be calm!"

"Hey~ I wish I had Wei Chen's strength, rush up and fuck his mother!" He Qi's whimsical ideas caused everyone to roll their eyes.

But then, the team fell silent again.

"I do have a discovery."

Suddenly, Lin Yihong broke the silence and said, "Didn't you realize that those lackeys stopped rushing up again."

This sentence made everyone's eyes brighten. Yes, everyone's eyes are now focused on a few metal skeletons, and the lackeys who had been running before have disappeared without a trace.

"That's right! The tile mechanism was the same just now, and the lackeys didn't show up at that time!"

With a single word, the five members of the team gradually began to have an idea.

"Also, this skeleton seems to be very intelligent, it won't shoot when no one is around!"

"It's so smart, I've only seen it in movies before." Lin Tianxiong said with emotion, and Gao Liang clapped his hands suddenly, looking at his eyes, he already paid attention.

"You wait, I'll test it!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Liang picked up half of the tile from the ground and threw it towards the entrance.

blah blah~~~
The machine gun opened fire immediately, smashing the flying tiles in mid-air.

"That's right!" Gao Liang felt confident immediately, "This guy probably only hunts and kills moving objects."

"Really?" He Qi looked in disbelief, "Shouldn't it be highly intelligent, just like that movie, with strong fighting power, and maybe some of them can talk?"

"This should be the weakness." Ignoring He Qi, Gao Liang continued: "The lackeys are probably afraid of being accidentally injured, so they hid, and they didn't follow behind the metal skull, which means that the warning range of this thing is 360 degrees. Orientation."

"But it's impossible to be completely still."

"Nonsense!" He Qi imitated everyone and rolled his eyes, but this move would only make him more stupid.

Gao Liang seemed to have gotten used to it, ignored him completely, picked up another tile from the ground and said, "We don't need to be still, we just need to use up its bullets!"

After saying that, the tile in his hand was thrown out, and within a second, it was shot through by several machine gun bullets.

Uh. .Continue to ask for favorites and recommendations.

Also, someone in the book review area asked me for my contact information, so I clicked to reply directly, but later found that this kind of reply could not be seen on the phone.

Reposted it now, it should work.

(End of this chapter)

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