Doom Ray

Chapter 112 Mechanism Skeleton!

Chapter 112 Mechanism Skeleton!

Unknown voices sounded all around, Wei Chen dodged some incoming missiles, slashed and killed those lackeys with a keel knife on one hand, and condensed flying knives on the other hand to blow up those heavy weapons and special weapons. Put it in your mouth.

As if feeling the arrival of hope, the lackeys attacked even crazier.


Wei Chen secretly thought it was wrong, suddenly, those lackeys upstairs gathered all the bazookas and special weapons, and fired down at the same time, Wei Chen didn't care about it at all!

Call ~
Strips of red silk threads began to emerge from the body, and soon wrapped around Wei Chen's body.At that moment, Wei Chen's hand flashed with light, and countless throwing knives caught up with the rockets attacking the shield formation.

Immediately, the corridor was illuminated, making it hard for people to keep their eyes open.

It's a pity, there is still a fish that slipped through the net and exploded towards the shield formation!

People turn their backs.

"Quickly withdraw!"

A small team leader who fell downstairs shouted at the people whose formation was broken. Wei Chen glanced at him and remembered that this person was called Lin Yan.

"Come down!"

"Don't mess around! Take your time!"

Fortunately, there were still several small captains in the team, and the shield team did not collapse.

However, during the retreat, there were still problems. There were too many commanders, and the team members didn't know who to listen to!Especially those players who lost their former captains, they were like headless chickens, uncertain.

"Lin Yan! You are in command!" Discovering the problem, Wei Chen put away the spar in his mouth and hurriedly picked out a head from the team leader.

"Me?" Lin Yan was stunned for a moment, and the next second, his face glowed red and he was overjoyed!But just when he was about to issue the first order, a special bullet exploded Wei Chen's head while he was not paying attention.

"Hey~" Wei Chen sighed slightly, and unconsciously speeded up his hands, either to kill, or to heal, or to resist large-scale attacks.

Due to the slow progress upstairs, these people didn't have much time to evacuate, and quickly joined the battle group, but even though the evacuation time was short, there were still corpses left on the stairs!

The entire team has been downsized by nearly a quarter!

In order to avoid being shot by the lackeys on the stairs as a living target, Wei Chen led the team to the corner, and several small team leaders began to arrange personnel, placing the wounded with severed arms and legs in the center, and the rest took turns to fight.

"Where are there so many lackeys? Why don't other teams come here!" Wei Chen was a little anxious, "And where did Xu Jie and the others go, if this continues, they must die!"

Suddenly, Wei Chen's eyes lit up. Among the crowd, he saw Yang Youyi who was directing the students.

"Yang Youyi, you are the commander-in-chief!"

"Okay!" Yang Youyi was shocked when he heard it, and he said the good word casually!

Immediately, Yang issued a few more orders, and the team suddenly became more orderly. His method of leading the team was the same as leading the students, assigning each team leader to lead a defensive line of defense, which is a good way to avoid headaches Situations that cannot be balanced at the end.

But at this time, the situation is worse again!

The mechanism that had been activated for a long time finally showed its original shape!
Tiles fell from the ceiling one by one. Just when they were about to fall to the ground, they suddenly changed direction and flew towards Wei Chen. Many sharp blades lit up on the edges of the tiles!
I don't know who swallowed his saliva, and many teams panicked.

Wei Chen concentrated his mind, a keel knife danced around his body, splitting tiles.

Behind Wei Chen is the student team led by Yang Youyi. They are honored by He Qi and his party. Wei Chen is afraid that something will happen to his old classmates, so he specially came here to defend.

But other lines of defense are not so lucky.

"Quick, stand up the shield and block it!"

"No, this frisbee is so powerful!"

"Ah, my hand, my hand!"

"Third brother! Ah, I will fight with you!"

"Brother calm down!"

"Huh?" Seeing the flying keel knife, Wei Chen suddenly felt that the attack range was too small!From time to time, tiles were leaked, causing harm to those behind Wei Chen.

"Try this!" Wei Chen's eyes turned hard, and the imitations quickly superimposed on the Dragon Bone Knife.

Call ~
Immediately afterwards, the keel knife whistled, and the energy gathered by the mimicry was slowly released by Wei Chen, and then, a light whip composed of mimicry flashed in the air and disappeared!

"It works!" Wei Chen's eyes brightened, "The attack range is several times larger!"

Immediately, Wei Chen waved the mimic energy slowly through the medium of the keel knife, forming beautiful light whips in the air, and the tiles swung by the light whips were directly shattered in the air.

All of a sudden, a large layer of white debris accumulated under Wei Chen's feet!
"What a nice view!"

"This is the King of Light!"

The students behind Wei Chen couldn't help admiring when they saw this scene.

"Damn it, you shit-lucky kid!"

Seeing this scene, the people on the other defense lines were extremely envious, but their respective captains quickly found a way to deal with it, so that in the end, these flying tiles were no longer a threat!

"Huh~" Wei Chen wiped his forehead, "It's finally gone, but the red mist will disappear soon."

Calculating the time, Wei Chen quickly retreated to the formation, first stopped the bleeding of the wounded on the ground, and then took out the spar to recover.


Wei Chen looked at his body in a daze, and as soon as the new energy entered his body, the red mist dissipated immediately.

"That's fine!" The situation temporarily stabilized, and Wei Chen began to sit down to recover his energy.

Suddenly, a wounded man on the ground picked up his knife and stabbed at Wei Chen directly!

"How dare you bastard!"

"Fuck, there are running dogs here too!"

Puchi, the knife pierced into Wei Chen's body!A trace of blood donation directly stained the coat red.

"King of Light!"

"Mr. Wei!"

"Ah, I fought with you!"

The wounded people around exclaimed, no one thought that there were traitors among the members of the main force!These people hid deep enough, and it was obvious that Bai Kun had already mopped up a round after selecting the team.

In the next second, Wei Chen opened his eyes and looked at the man mockingly.Knowing that he can be cured, he chose to prick Weichen's artery.Afterwards, the man was hacked to pieces by the violent wounded.

"Mr. Wei, are you okay?"

"It's okay, hurry up and rest!" Pulling out the knife, the wound healed quickly, and Wei Chen continued to recover energy.

The tiles were exhausted, and the lackeys rushed up again. I don't know where these people came from, endlessly!
"Captain, did you hear anything?"

"what sound?"

"I don't know, there's a buzzing sound, and there's another machine beeping."

"Don't worry about it, it's our turn to fight the enemy."

In fact, not only this team member, but many people have heard this sound, but they have to face lackeys, so they don't care about it.

"He Qi, why do I have a bad premonition?" Lin Yihong and his team retreated from the front line, and another team stepped forward.

He Qi rubbed the bruised wound, and said solemnly: "It should be your aunt."


The five of them smiled, and with Wei Chen's special care, they are fine until now.But after laughing, Gao Liang became serious, and opened his mouth to analyze: "Her feeling is not unreasonable, let's not talk about where these endless lackeys come from, it's just the agency just now, it may not be the first wave !"

"Also, the creatures behind the scenes have powerful technology, but the equipment of the lackeys has always been ancient firearms and individually modified firearms. Also, have you noticed that many heavy armored vehicles have disappeared!"

As he spoke, Gao Liang rested his chin and fell into deep thought. He used to be a top student, but now he uses his flexible brain to analyze and judge very well. Although he is not the captain, he has become the brains of everyone!
"I always feel that the black hand behind the scenes collected the materials and went to build a big project!"

This is really guessed by Gao Liang, but this is not a secret, many captains present know this news, what big event is brewing behind the scenes!
dong dong dong~
At this time, the sound from the defense line attracted everyone's attention, and then they were stunned!

"Captain, what's that?"

"Is this a prop for a movie? Hehe, don't scare me~"

What appeared in front of everyone was a black metal skeleton!There are many wires wrapped around it, and two rows of missiles are carried on the shoulders. The red warheads make people shudder!

The most interesting thing is the metal skull's hand!He held a box of magazines in one hand, and a large shiny silver machine gun in the other!
"Go to hell!"

A person rushed up. He was a member of the defense team. Judging by the clothes he was wearing, he should be a captain.

After the appearance of Metal Skull, the atmosphere obviously froze a lot, and the captain also understood that this was very damaging to morale.Conversely, if the Metal Skull can be destroyed as soon as it comes out, the morale will be greatly boiled!

As one wished, the captain slashed with all his strength, not only did not cause any damage to the metal skeleton, but his own knife even broke!

so hard!
This was the captain's last thought. The clavicle of the metal skull suddenly opened, and a sharp blade popped out, splitting the captain's skull into the air. Everyone could see that there was still a white brain inside!


The captain died, and the team members hurriedly backed away, but the metal skeleton fired a burst of machine guns, smashing the group of people to pieces!The bullets that passed through the body remained undiminished, and hit the shield behind the defense line!The shieldman hiding behind the shield crossed his eyes, and the sunken shield almost touched his nose!

Immediately afterwards, the metal skull lowered, and the two rows of missiles behind it poured out crazily!

Boom boom boom~~
Just as the shields in front looked dull, these missiles ushered in golden knives!

"Huh, it's okay, the King of Light is here!"

The shield hand heaved a sigh of relief, looking at Wei Chen leaping over his head, suddenly, an inexplicable hope arose spontaneously.

"I didn't expect to see this kind of thing. It only appeared in movies before." Wei Chen sighed, "I don't know if it's as difficult as in movies! By the way, where did my skeleton go?"

blah blah~~
Before Wei Chen landed, a burst of metal storm came directly!

At the same moment, tilting his head was fighting to the death!The transforming people around are huge, every blow is like a bomb, full of explosive power!

The tilted head epee swept out. Although there were several corpses of remodeled people on the ground, the skull of the tilted head, as if an old injury had recurred, and a piece of the eye was shattered!

Uh~~ Here’s a reminder, the book didn’t go to the wrong set
In addition, the new week is here, ask for receipt, ask for tickets

(End of this chapter)

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