Doom Ray

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
"Here is it?" Zhuang Ban stared at the terrifying scene around him with wide eyes.

Here are all big bottles, filled with people!There are men and women, without exception, all naked, soaked in the solution.

"These people are still alive." Zhuang Ban just said halfway, when he found a skeleton frame in the distance, rubbed his chest, and said bitterly: "Dead!"

"Hey, what is this?"

Suddenly, Zhuang Ban found two bottles not far away, one filled with red medicine and the other filled with black medicine. There was a small needle hole on the bottle, which seemed to be for injection.

"What kind of medicine is this?" Zhuang Ban looked at it suspiciously, then turned around, took two useless sticks, deformed them, and replaced the two reagents.

"The harvest is okay." After finishing everything, Zhuang Ban nodded in satisfaction, but immediately bent down with a look of vigilance.

"What's the use of taking these, hurry up and find the exit!"


"Sir, here we are!"

Rapidly advancing, the team soon arrived at the command center of the defense line. This is the most important existence, and it is estimated that it is also the existence with the strongest defense force.

"Kill in!"

Wei Chen went ahead with the Dragon Bone Knife, Tilted Head and Golden Wolf followed, there was no consumption of spar along the way.

At the same time, most of the teams were on track to carry out their tasks.

"Ma'am, come and sit down."

"Sister Hong, a family said that their child was lost. This is something he used. Look for it quickly!"

"it is good!"

The person called Sister Hong took the object and sniffed it, and then began to look for the direction where the same smell came from. This is a person with special abilities, but the ability is focused on tracking, and the strength is not strong.

In another place, two people sneaked into the sewer and came to a wall.

"Su Li, it's up to you!"

"it is good!"

Immediately, with a whoosh, the two disappeared.And ten meters away from the place just now, these two people appeared again.

"Hey, Brother Su Li, your ability is amazing!"

"Tao Fan, you don't know, this ability is too restrictive."

Tao Fan looked at Su Li with disbelief, Su Li spread his hands and said, "It takes a few minutes to use it once, what do you think?"

"Uh~ I'd better work."

As he said that, Tao Fan came to an electric box, opened his hand, and a film surrounded him.A transparent toolbox suddenly appeared in his hand, he opened it, and took out a screwdriver from it.

If Wei Chen was here, he would definitely be surprised, because this person's ability is very similar to that of the old corpse king, he can create things out of thin air!

Afterwards, Tao Fan clicked on the electric box a few times, and the entire defense line was cut off!All facilities of the creatures behind the scenes are paralyzed!

"It's done!" Membrane said, the original screwdriver and the box disappeared.

"It's amazing." Su Li praised.

"Ha, each other each other."


"This way!"


Wei Chen broke into the headquarters and fought with other teams. Their task was to sabotage from the inside, but they killed Wei Chen so quickly before reaching Wei Chen first, so they simply acted together with the main force.

Suddenly, in an inconspicuous place, a little fire appeared.


Wei Chen hurriedly pulled away a main team member next to him, but it was already too late.With huge inertia, this special bullet directly shattered the man's head, without even giving him a chance for treatment.

Wei Chen's heart sank, and a newly developed weapon in the last days appeared.

"It seems that the output is not high!" Wei Chen wiped the blood donation splashed on his face, "Be careful next time, maybe there will be stronger weapons!"

Thinking of this, Wei Chen blessed the team members with a healing seed again, and told the captains to be careful.

"Lord Guangwang, go up there is the launch pad, if you occupy it, you will win!" The captain who led the team to do small damage inside pointed to the blue ladder in front of him and said: "The brothers in the sewer should have succeeded, now there is no electricity, All organs are abolished, quickly lead everyone to rush!"


Wei Chen's face was solemn, he didn't expect that there was another mystery in it, if he had been brainstorming alone to break in, he probably wouldn't have ended well.

"The brother with the big shield stands in front of the stairs! Let's climb up."

"The rest of the brothers hold up their shields as a shield wall!"

Seeing that they were about to go upstairs, the two team leaders immediately began to command and set up defenses. Soon, with the formation of the formation, a Mitsubishi column was formed!In the front are a few shield players holding large shields. The soldiers in the first row near the stair railing squat with their shields up, and the soldiers in the second row bend their knees while holding their shields.The jagged shields form a shield wall.

Such an action is very slow, but safe.

ding ding ding ~~~
Some lackeys stood on the top of the stairs and fired at a height below zero. The bullets hit the shield, splashing sparks, and many of the bullets passed through the gap between the shield and the shield and hit the flesh.

Wei Chen looked anxiously from below, he couldn't rush up in this kind of terrain, so he could only temporarily go down the stairs and snipe the enemies coming later!
"It shouldn't be that simple!"

Wei Chen is very vigilant at this moment, the creatures behind the scenes obviously have very high technology, but most of the equipment for lackeys are guns, which are outdated weapons.

The team members kept pushing up, and the firepower they received became more and more intensive. Wei Chen had to replenish the healing seeds to the team members again and again.

"Damn, who designed this staircase in a circular shape!"

"Shut up and be serious!"

"Be careful, there are bazookas!"

Hearing the voice from above, Wei Chen froze, and immediately gathered a small yellow knife in his hand, and threw it towards the rocket that was smoking from its tail.

The rocket was detonated in the air, and the team members who formed the shield were safe.

"Fast forward, I'll cover!" Wei Chen shouted at the team members who were circling upward, and he continued to block the enemy with a few team leaders below.

But no one expected that at this moment, a shield in the shield formation split open!The lackeys above saw the opportunity and shot here. Before the later players could fill in the gap, three or four people were beaten into sieves!

"How to do?"

The captains were a little panicked. Although not many people died this time, no one can guarantee that the same situation will not happen to other shields!

"That's right!" Seeing this, Wei Chen subconsciously looked behind him. In this situation, it is most suitable to tilt his head forward and move forward. It only needs a shield to protect his head.However, behind Wei Chen there is only the golden wolf holding the formation, and there is no figure with his head tilted.

"Where did he go!" Wei Chen frowned, "What happened?"

Suddenly, a wave of uneasiness enveloped Wei Chen's heart.

The original plan was to gather everyone and then choose to climb up.As a result, Wei Chen rushed too fast, before many teams even had time to complete the task, Wei Chen's side had already started the general attack.

Of course, no one can be blamed for this. Planning usually relies on a rigorous attitude, but no matter how rigorous a person is, they would never have imagined that the sniper team outside would be so vulnerable.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Wei Chen took a deep breath, and killed two running dogs who came to besiege with a knife in his hand, "Don't mess up now, hold on, and wait for the arrival of other teams!"

After making up his mind, Wei Chen put away the colorless Corpse King spar, took out another one, and held it in his hand.

"It can't be done, but the red mist can only explode and rush up."

The condensed flying knives knocked out a few bullets from special weapons, and the situation calmed down a bit for a while.The team on the stairs also started to come into contact with the first wave of corpses. They replaced their empty guns one after another and started shooting at the running dogs above.

On the other side, Tilted Head was leading Xu Jie along a deserted path.

"Bones, this way!"

Xu Jie, who was stuck in the sternum of the tilted head, pointed with her little hand, where is there a door.

"Kick it open!" Seeing the door, Xu Jie's eyes were red and her little hands were trembling.

Tilting his head and kicking, the huge force deformed the door slightly.


bang bang bang~click~
Finally, the door lock broke!
With the last kick, the blue door was completely kicked open.

"Ah, let me down!" Xu Jie got out of her sternum, ran in impatiently, tilted her head and hurriedly followed, fearing that something bad happened to Xu Jie, she would turn around and have no face to explain to Wei Chen.

"You! You! Who are you!"

"Ah! What creature is this, a skeleton?"

"Bones kill them!" Xu Jie pointed with her little finger and gave the researchers in white clothes a life and death order.

With a wave of the dragon's claw, he tilted his head and ended their lives.After finishing, Xu Jie ran in one direction, she seemed to be familiar with this place, and followed closely with her head tilted.

But it didn't take two or three steps before Xu Jie stopped, crying while hugging an oversized test tube.

"What?" She tilted her head to see Xu Jie was very sad, and for a moment she didn't know what to do.If Wei Chen were here, his whole face would be distorted in shock. In this room, there are rows of oversized test tubes filled with people!
Their bodies are more or less missing, and even if their bodies are complete, there must be some parts that are equipped with machinery!

"Brother, wait, I'll rescue you!" Xu Jie said to the test tube in front of her, then turned her head, "Bone, break it!"


Tilting her head and nodding, Xu Jie should be saving someone.So he punched the oversized test tube, and the glass was covered with cracks.

There is no need to hit it a second time, the water pressure in the bottle directly explodes the glass bottle.

"Brother!" The man inside was exposed to the air, had no water to continue to support his balance, and fell down. Xu Jie hurriedly reached out to catch it.

At this moment, the mutation protruded!
The man's eyes opened, glowing with white light, Xu Jie who was close could see that there were only whites in his eyes!

At this moment, he tilted his head and felt a huge killing intent!Grabbing Xu Jie back with one hand, and protecting the front from now on, he was firmly attacked by the man!
The air exploded, and this blow made it retreat rapidly, its head tilted, its bones and feet gripping the ground tightly, and two black marks were wiped on the ground!

What a force this is!
The light in the black hole on the skull condensed, tilted his head and pulled out the epee behind his back, and stuck the lost Xu Jie back into the sternum, and there was a sense of dullness in the air.

However, this is far from over!There was a sudden red light flashing in the house, and the entire headquarters was beeping!

In the next second, all the test tubes exploded, and unrecognizable human beings who had been played with came out of the test tubes one by one. When they opened their eyes, they were full of horrifying gazes!Densely packed, covering the entire laboratory!
The buzzer sounded, and the captains on Wei Chen's side suddenly turned pale.

"What's wrong?" Wei Chen asked in confusion.

"Someone started the backup power supply, and the mechanism is turned on!" A captain wiped the sweat from his face, his hands were trembling, and he almost couldn't hold the weapon.

Wei Chen's complexion changed, organ!

Although I don't know what this mechanism is, but judging by the faces of these captains, it probably won't be simple!

Today, there are more than 6000 words in two updates, which can be regarded as three updates.

So I'm going to be very, very loud
Please collect~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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