Doom Ray

Chapter 110

Chapter 110
On the walls of the defense line, the hands of many lackeys were shaking.

They are used to being comfortable in the defensive line, how can they be as strong as these people who are fighting outside all day?

"Fire, fire! Kill them!"

Finally, the people on the city wall reacted and pulled the triggers one after another, shooting the same kind below.

"Quick, Shield!"

Seeing the flames flickering on the city wall, the captains of each team immediately asked the team members to hold up their shields. This is one of the most common pieces of equipment in the last days, and it can effectively resist the bites and claws of zombies.

Ding Ding Ding ~
When bullets hit these shields, only a few sparks would come out, and occasionally those who were hit would not be able to cause the above damage to these ability users.Even some powerful captains can split bullets with a knife!

"Give me that early one!"

There is also a smarter commander on the wall, who understands that Wei Chen is the leader of everyone. If he is killed, it will deal a huge blow to the morale of the opponent!
Immediately, at least half of the guns turned around and aimed at Wei Chen. In the next second, the guns fired!

Seeing a bunch of bullets flying towards him, Wei Chen snorted coldly. Although he couldn't reach the speed of the bullets, it was quite easy to dodge them, not to mention that there was a gray elf floating beside him.

Wei Chen clenched the keel knife tightly. In the eyes of the gray elves, these orange dots were too slow!

"At least half of the bullets can't hit me!" Wei Chen quickly judged, "Only a dozen or so bullets can be effectively hit by the first wave!"

Gaining confidence, Wei Chen remained motionless and continued to maintain the original state, because the speed of the golden wolf was enough to throw away most of the bullets!
After a certain distance, a bullet will hit Weichen. These are generally things that experienced shooters will do.The so-called starting uphill and kicking downhill is exactly the case.

It's a pity that shooters are strong, but Wei Chen is even stronger than them.

Wei Chen had judged the paths of the dozen or so bullets long ago, and then he swung his knife down!

"it is good!"

Many captains watching Wei Chen saw this move and screamed.Slashing dozens of bullets with one knife, this kind of thing is currently only done by Wei Chen!
It's also because these gunmen didn't have a tacit understanding. The places they aimed were all in the open space in front of Wei Chen. The prediction told them that when the bullet flew by, it would hit the man's head!If these Kens were separated and aimed at different positions, maybe there would not be such a stunning blow.

"The King of Light is mighty!"

"Mighty, kill!"

The smart captains immediately made a fuss about this, and the morale skyrocketed again in a short while!
After missing a hit, many experienced gunmen directly shifted their targets and harvested the trash fish behind.After all, with Jinlang's speed, the next time he shoots, Wei Chen may have already arrived at the city, or even rush into the city!

"Scratch! You bunch of trash!"

The commander standing aside saw the golden voice running down the city, and immediately cursed.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out.

A gunshot sounded so inconspicuous on this noisy city wall, but to the ears of this commander, it was like a thunderclap!Because it was for him!
Seeing that the commander hadn't fallen down, he fired a shot and made up a knife.

"There are still seeds, get up! Open the city gate to King Guang!"

"I'm coming!"

"Reverse you!"

"court death!"

Immediately, the lackeys on the city wall quickly divided into two groups to fight each other!

"It's still bloody!" Wei Chen heard the shouts from the city wall and closed his eyes.

The door opened, and the screaming from above was gone.

"Revenge for my compatriots on the wall!"

Many small captains shouted one after another, boosting morale!


"All the teams dispersed after entering the defense line, and acted according to the plan!"

Xu Qing stayed in the car and followed the team. Seeing that everyone was a little hot and uncontrollable, he hurriedly reminded them.High morale is a good thing, but getting carried away is not good.

"Fangzheng...Liang Ying, let's go!"

"Sister Hong, this way!"

The team leader was reminded by Xu Qing and called the team members to carry out their own tasks. As the team leader, he would not be too affected by the atmosphere. In the last days, calm thinking is the foundation of survival!
"The main team comes with me!"

Wei Chen got off the Golden Wolf and continued to run at the front of the team. He had seen the map, so he naturally knew where he was going!After listening to the words, the main regiment members left the original team one by one and followed Wei Chen forward.

Suddenly, a figure fell beside Wei Chen.

Tilting his head and nodding towards Wei Chen who was running, he pointed to the city wall behind him, looking at the blood stains left on its epee, he guessed that the lackeys above would not end well.

Xu Jie was stuck in the sternum of the tilted head, and her face was pale. It seemed that some scenes just happened were too bloody.

"They're all hiding." Wei Chen glanced at Xu Jie, then ignored her, and controlled the gray elves to look around. On the deserted streets, there were many murderous intentions hidden!
"If you don't come out, you will die!"

The corner of Wei Chen's mouth curled up, and the mimesis in his hand formed a throwing knife, and he threw it towards a nearby residential building.Mimic went through the window, blasting a flower of blood.

"The enemy is hiding, everyone be careful!"

Seeing Wei Chen's actions, the team leader at the back quickly understood, and immediately notified the news. Therefore, the team that was originally facing forward began to look vigilantly at the houses on both sides.

The mimicry is swung out again and again, and every time, a string of blood flowers will be brought out, and sometimes there will be double wear.

Gradually, the lackeys couldn't bear it anymore!

"Fuck, go out and fight with them!"

"Go, it's useless to ambush here!"


"Wait, we don't have to leave if others go out."

As a result, more and more lackeys walked out of the ambush site, assembled with their companions for a while, and rushed towards the main team.

"King of Light, leave these to us, and you continue to clean up the secret sentries!"

Seeing the lackeys rushing, several captains licked their lips and suggested one after another.Following Wei Chen, they couldn't wait to kill Xiang Da, but with Wei Chen around, it was not their turn to make a move.

"Okay, be careful, run away if you can't fight, don't die."

Wei Chen gave a warning, holding a corpse king spar in one hand, and pointing out healing seeds one after another in the air with the other hand, submerging everyone in the main group.

"Brothers, go! These light balls can heal injuries, let me go!"


Several small captains took the lead and confronted the lackeys.Although the running dogs are very pampered on weekdays, the resources they get are not comparable to these wild teams that often go out. On average, they are one or two levels higher than these field teams!

The two sides have already played against each other, and the situation is showing a one-sided trend. However, the side that loses is not the wild team, but these lackeys whose average level is one or two levels higher!
Battle experience, kill the enemy and cooperate.These are things that you can never learn in Jinwowo, even if you knew it before, they will all be wasted in Jinwowo!

What's more, there is a white formation on the ground!

"Haha, die to me!"

He Qi looked excited. These former classmates created a cooperative method, taking turns to be at the front of the attack, while the two next to them assisted the main attackers to fend off those back arrows.

Judging by their ease of use, there should be many times of running-in.

Turning to Wang Zijian's team, they cooperated in pairs and advanced and retreated together.The other students in Yang You's area were the same, they all had their own ways of dealing with the enemy, and they didn't hold back at all, while he himself was in the backcourt to help.

Lu Hongyi has a new team, and the coordination formation of the corpse hunting group is similar, so he will not be very abrupt in the team.

"Hold it!" Wei Chen took a corpse king spar and stuffed it into the golden wolf's mouth.

"it is as expected!"

Seeing that the spar in Golden Wolf's mouth immediately changed from yellow to white, Wei Chen understood that the function of this corpse king spar is not to transform the energy of other spars into the spar energy needed by the host, but to convert energy Into a universal energy!
"But why didn't you absorb the yellow spar last time?" Wei Chen frowned, "Forget it, let's talk about it later, now is not the time."

Seeing that the golden wolf began to absorb energy to maintain the formation, Wei also began to clean up the ambushes.

Seeing that Wei Chen made another attack, many cursed bad luck, hurried downstairs, ran out of the ambush point, and joined the frontal battle.But it didn't take long before they discovered that the teammates around them were rapidly decreasing, and on the other side, not only could they not be killed, but the more they fought, the more crazy they became!

"Damn it!"

A lackey looked desperate and lost his will to fight.Seeing someone rushing towards him, he threw away his weapon and knelt down.

"Forgive me, I was also forced!" The man felt that kneeling was not sincere enough, and began to kowtow, "Everyone is human, so let me live."

"Yes, yes, let us live. We are also forced. There are so many children in the family to support, and I can't help it!"

Seeing this, another running dog also knelt down and begged for mercy.

Someone took the lead, and more and more lackeys knelt down. For a while, the battle came to a standstill. The members of the main group didn't know how to deal with these people, so they had to turn their heads to look at Wei Chen.

Seeing this, Wei Chen stepped forward, without further ado, swung his knife and directly chopped off a prisoner's head.

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect King Guang to be so cruel.

"Those who sincerely surrendered have already surrendered, and they won't wait until now! Don't worry about these dog lives!" After speaking, Wei Chen swung his knife again and chopped off another person's head.

Several small captains nodded, thinking it made sense.If you really want to surrender, you can surrender at the beginning of the battle. There is no need to wait for someone to put a knife on your neck before thinking about surrendering.

Besides, these people betrayed their own race!

"Ah, I fight with you!"

With no hope of surviving, a lackey raised his knife and killed Wei Chen with an angry face.

With the sword in his hand, Wei Chen beheaded a running dog again.

Immediately afterwards, the battlefield, which had been quiet for a while, began to fight again!The team is heading towards the headquarters at high speed!


Woo~~ I really want to hang out with my friends and watch Women's Federation 2. But I still hold back, for the sake of the readers.

Keep asking for collections, this is really important! !

(End of this chapter)

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