Doom Ray

Chapter 109 Siege

Chapter 109 Siege
Thanks for the rewards of Yan Nieshu and Xiong Eat!

After the joy of victory came days of mourning.

For the whole day afterward, a sense of sadness permeated the seashore.In some teams, all the members were wiped out, leaving only one captain crying loudly there.

Wei Chen, who was lying on the sofa, woke up and stretched himself.

"It's almost time to get the keel." Wei Chen secretly looked forward to it, "I don't know how it was polished."

I went to the toilet to get some water to wash up. This room is the original one. Bai Kun asked someone to clean it. As for the dead people inside, who would dare to ask Wei Chen to hold them accountable?
In the toilet, when he looked up and saw his face in the mirror, Wei Chen curled his lips and said, "It doesn't look like a boy."

Indeed, compared to before, Wei Chen is not as decadent now.

Before going out, Wei Chen covered back the blanket that Xu Jie had slipped off. As for the golden wolf and Tilting Head, Wei Chen was really not flattered.When I came back yesterday, I tilted my head and insisted on licking the golden wolf's thigh, but the golden wolf is not a big white dog, so naturally he refused.As a result, he tilted his head and simply took advantage of the golden wolf's sleep and stuffed his feet into its mouth.

"Tsk tsk~ Why is your vigilance so poor?" Wei Chen was dumbfounded, "At least he is the king of beasts, so he still dares to sleep like this."

In fact, it was Wei Chen who misunderstood the golden wolf. How could he use it to do the usual vigilance tasks?If there is an enemy situation, the falcon in the sky will call the police, and all it has to do is take a good rest.

After going out, to the backyard, Wei Chen's appearance brought a brief moment of tranquility here.After Wei Chen walked over, heated discussions erupted in the market again.

"I saw the King of Light! I saw the King of Light!"

"Haha, he just walked past me!"

The nearby small vendors have long been accustomed to it and shook their heads in disdain, but they didn't know that they were the same way back then.

"My lord! My lord!"

When he came to the weapon shop, the boss hurried out to greet him.

"My lord came just in time, we finished the work!" The boss led Wei Chen to the backyard, pointed to a person and introduced: "Look at this one, I specially invited him here, he used to live next door to me, and his ancestors have been blacksmithing for three generations. That’s great! Just call him Wang Tiecun, just call him Old Wang.”

Next door
Wei Chen nodded towards Master Wang, and the boss took the keel from the side and handed it to Wei Chen.

No, that is no longer a keel.The curved side was ground quite sharply, completely turning into a bone knife. Since it was made of keel, its hardness was terrifying.

Although the boss didn't say anything, Wei Chen knew that the grinding wheel must have been damaged a lot!

"Thank you!" Wei Chen touched the keel knife and nodded solemnly to the boss.

"No, no, no." The boss waved his hand, "Just use it to kill two corpse kings."


After leaving the shop, Wei Chen asked the boss for a rope, and tied the bone knife to his body.

"Huh, the attack is about to start." Wei Chen thought as he walked, "Judging from the current situation, the creatures behind the scenes will definitely increase the defensive strength of the defense line, and a fierce battle will inevitably be fought."

"It's a good thing the opponent doesn't have a seed! This is my advantage!"

Wei Chen clenched his fists, his biggest reliance now is the lackeys of the behind-the-scenes creatures who have no seed stage!
"We must win!"

Making up his mind, Wei Chen went out and laid down the line of defense, so he could go to his parents and younger sister, so that the second elder would not be like himself, running around all the time without a foothold.

"Assemble! Hurry up, it's time to fight!"

Suddenly, someone shouted with a loudspeaker, and the crowd put down the goods in their hands as if they had heard some order, and rushed towards the door one after another.

"Take your time, don't rush!"

The trumpet continued to shout, organizing order.

Wei Chen took a deep breath and came to the crystal stone booth. The owner of the stall had known Wei Chen for a long time, and when he saw him coming, he just nodded calmly.

"I want all the crystals!"

"Okay!" The owner of the stall climbed onto the tricycle behind him and unloaded bags of crystals from it.

"It's all here!" The boss patted the dust on his hands and said, "Mr. Wei, remember to leave me a more prosperous booth at the defense line!"

"Don't worry, it's up to you to choose when the time comes!" Wei Chen nodded with a smile, and he was not polite, and directly put a few corpse king crystals on top of piles of crystals.In just a few seconds, whether it was the spar on the booth or in the bag, all of them had faded at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"It's amazing!" The stall owner exclaimed.

Can the spar conceived by the corpse king be divine?

"Okay, thanks."

After absorbing a large piece of spar, several corpse king spars frantically flashed yellow light, even the old corpse king's one.

"That's enough!" Wei Chen put away the spar, feeling confident in his heart.If there is an emergency, the spar that constantly restores energy is the trump card to save your life!

"Get out of the way, the King of Light is going out!"

Hearing this, Wei Chen burst out laughing, this stall owner is really interesting.

The crowd moved out of the way, and Wei Chen walked over.

"Now I'm used to it a lot." Walking this way, Wei Chen's expression was flat, and in the past, he probably would have been like a needle.


"You don't have to come."


Wei Chen shook his head, originally he only wanted to call out Tilted Head and Golden Wolf in the room, but Xu Jie had to go too.

"That's a battlefield." Wei Chen continued to dissuade.

"I don't care. The leg is mine. If you have the ability, you can chop it off."

Wei Chen was helpless, seeing Xu Jie's resolute face, he was helpless.

"Follow me!"

Immediately afterwards, a group of people came to the assembly point, and the team had already set off one after another. Xu Qing held the horn to direct, and a line was connected to the horn, and it was connected to several cars, with two large doors on the roof. bass.

Seeing Wei Chen, Lu Hongyi ran over from the team, he was also a member of the main team.

"Mr. Wei, thank you for helping the captain get revenge!"

Before Wei Chen could respond, he ran back again, making Wei Chen a little confused.

"Big brother, you know what."


Xu Jie said with red eyes, "In today's world, revenge is a luxury."

Wei Chen was startled, he had never considered this issue because of his great strength.

In the last days, there is so much helplessness, relatives are killed, female relatives are insulted, teammates die tragically, tens of thousands of tragic stories are staged almost every day.Without strength, there is no way to take revenge, how many people are living with this kind of hatred.

Unknowingly, Wei Chen took out the spar of the old corpse king, pinched it and said, "If your revenge is true, I will avenge it for you!"

"Let's go!"

"My lord, get in the car!"

A car was parked next to Wei Chen, waiting for him to come up.

At the same moment, somewhere in the last line of defense.

"Xiaobai, are you ready?"

"hold on!"

The teenager sitting in front of the computer was sweating profusely, his fingers were moving rapidly on the keyboard, looking very elegant.

"Hurry up, time is running out, and the attack over there is about to start."

"Conglong, don't worry, if it doesn't work, we can only work hard on Weichen."

"Hey~ Mr. Ou, don't let your heart go too far."

If Wei Chen knew that Mr. Ou was also an important member of the underground organization, he would suddenly realize it. No wonder Bai Kun knew his ability from the beginning.

"Believe him, he is a star, and he can forcibly challenge the existence of the corpse king."

Thinking of the great war back then, Mr. Ou still had a fresh memory.

"Okay, boss, I'll see you next."

Call ~
At this moment, many people present took a deep breath.

On Wei Chen's side, all the teams had already arrived in front of the defense line.

"This line of defense is really good!" Wei Chen commented, "Just like the ancient city, it is hard to imagine that it was built within a year."

"Big brother, this is the technology behind the scenes." Xu Jie explained from the side, "This line of defense was built in a week."

a week.

Wei Chen was really taken aback.

"Everyone get ready, the shield bearers step forward and get ready."

Xu Qing commanded at the top of his voice and shouted all the way, but now his voice is very hoarse.

"Wait for the order, everyone has only three seconds to untie the collar, remember, only three seconds, can't be fast, can't be slow!"

When they heard that the collar was undone, everyone was engrossed. Following Xu Qing's order, everyone put their hands on the collar, waiting for the time to undo the collar.

"Woo~ I'm so nervous!"

"Calm down, see the opportunity!"

"Yeah, if someone doesn't react in a while, remember to remind each other and do me a favor!"

"Yes, yes, definitely!"

Xu Qing wiped off the sweat from his forehead. At this moment, the atmosphere was terribly oppressive.It is a rare opportunity to usher in freedom, and I have to cherish it.

Xu Jie just grabbed Wei Chen's hand, and her palm was also full of sweat.

Wei Chen gave her a reassuring look, and if he couldn't do it, the red mist erupted, and he just detoxified everyone.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Although it was a very cold day, everyone was sweating profusely, and the hands holding the collars were shaking all the time.The audience was silent, even the sound of someone swallowing saliva in the distance could be heard clearly!
On the wall of the opposite line of defense, a large number of lackeys have long been waiting, and there are many people with lofty ideals among them, who are ready to take the opportunity to turn against the water!


Huang Conglong let out a red mist, holding many broken crystals in his hands, his whole body was trembling.Xiaobai in front of the computer is so busy that he only regrets that his parents lost two hands!
Their mission is to shield the towers on the final line of defense, disabling all electronic functions of the collars.

Xiao Bai hit the carriage return heavily, his whole body jumped up suddenly, and the two words came out of his throat!
"It's done!"

At the same moment, outside the sentry line, Xu Qing kept his eyes open, his eyes were red, ignoring the inflow of sweat, for fear of leaking something.

Suddenly, a faint red light flashed and disappeared in the distance.

It's now!

Xu Qing took out a strange metal rod from his arms, pressed a button on it, and hit the ground heavily.

Like the sound of embroidery needles falling, it was heard by everyone, and suddenly, a cold breath spread.

Then the gray elves, Wei Chen could clearly see that those collars were slowly turning white, as if they were frozen by something.

Finally, Xu Qing inflated his lungs.

"Untie it!"

Untie it!
Xu Jie covered her mouth, and noticed from her perspective that Xu Qing's horn was suddenly covered with a layer of blood mist!
"Untie it!"

"Ah! Break it for me!"

Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha~~~
For a moment, the crackling sound resounded throughout the audience.

"Brother, I will help you!"

Those who unbuttoned the collar found that some people hadn't reacted yet, so they hurried forward to the collar around his neck and pulled it off.

"Ahh! Free!"

"Really, it's true! My abilities are still there!"

Wei Chen jumped into Xu Qing's car, helped him untie his collar, and gave Xu Qing a treatment by the way. The sound just now made his throat crack.

"Thank you."

"Quickly order the attack!"

"Okay! Xu Qing held the microphone tightly with both hands, Wei Chen drew out the keel knife, and under Xu Qing's watchful eyes, he walked out of the front of the formation, and the golden wolf followed consciously, letting Wei Chen ride up.

Seeing Wei Chen approaching, the audience fell silent, and the next second, Xu Qing closed his eyes and shouted:

The map under Jinlang's feet was huge, covering everyone.

"Let's go!" Wei Chen yelled, riding first, and the people behind him exploded!
"Ah, ah, go!"


A huge roar hit the opposite line of defense!


Angrily begging for collection! !recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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