Doom Ray

Chapter 108 Found out?

Chapter 108 Found out?

Being ridiculed, Wang Zijian blushed, not knowing whether he was angry or ashamed.

"If it were me before, I would laugh along with you." Wei Chen pondered, "The vision is different now!"

Will this go on prematurely?Wei Chen secretly slandered, if he was just an ordinary evolutionary, he would probably be struggling to survive in the bottom of the apocalypse just like He Qi and the others.

But compared to Wei Chen, they are much more relaxed.

Ever since he learned the truth about human beings being controlled, a lot of burdens have been unknowingly placed on Wei Chen's shoulders.If you want to shoulder these, you must constantly improve your strength, so that you can fight against those corpse kings who are getting stronger and stronger.

"It's still the most comfortable time during that time." Unknowingly, Wei Chen remembered the days when he was cheated by the old corpse king. At that time, he saw his parents were still alive, his sister was fine, he didn't have any psychological pressure, and he lived very happily every day comfortable.

"He Qi, quickly get the bandages and cotton, Zhang Zhiqiang is dying!"

Suddenly, a girl carrying a stretcher shouted in the distance, pulling Wei Chen back to reality.

"Okay, wait!" After laughing, He Qi was excited and hurried to the nearby medical point, but within two steps, He Qi turned his head leisurely and looked at Wei Chen with resentment.

With the King of Light here, what do you want a bandage for?
"He Qi, you should go get it first." Wei Chen sat on the ground and said, "I still need to recover."

He Qi nodded and ran away.Wei Chen sat cross-legged, and the young people around him didn't dare to breathe for fear of disturbing him.

Soon, Wei Chen finished his meditation, opened his eyes, nodded to Lin Tianxiong who was guarding the side, and then tapped his fingers, several balls of light flew towards the approaching teams.

"Great, the King of Light is working hard!"

In front of the stretcher, Lin Yihong let go of her hanging heart.Sure enough, with the treatment of the light ball, the wound on Zhang Zhiqiang's body healed instantly, but due to excessive blood loss, his face was still pale.

"Thank you!" Lin Yihong clasped her hands together and thanked the center of the battlefield.

"Thank you for going in the wrong direction!" He Qi, who had already rushed over with a bandage, touched Lin Yihong, then pointed to the camp at home and said, "Thank you there!"

"What! Is the King of Light here to inspect?" Lin Yihong was startled, "Is he here to assess our combat effectiveness! Will we be eliminated from the main force if our combat effectiveness is not good?"

Looking at Lin Yihong with a panicked face, He Qi smiled ninja, almost holding back a flaw.

"No!" Lin Yihong squeezed her palms and shouted suddenly, "We must quickly get Zhang Zhiqiang and Gao Liang to stand up for a while!"

After finishing speaking, she took a bottle of water, and before He Qi could react, Lin Yihong's little hands shook and splashed on the faces of Zhang Zhiqiang and Gao Liang respectively.


"Don't, don't, don't!" He Qi twitched, "Can you stop being so hasty, you'll know when you meet the King of Light in the past."

He Qi wiped off his sweat and persuaded her in every possible way, but Lin Yihong finally agreed with worry.But before they had walked a few steps, two people approached her, one was Lin Tianxiong whom she was familiar with, and the other, seeing this, Lin Yihong's eyes lit up.

"Wei Chen, you're still alive!" Lin Yihong's eyes widened, she shouted excitedly, put down the stretcher, walked over quickly, and hugged Wei Chen.

Touching the soft body, Wei Chen has no evil thoughts, this hug is full of friendship, very sincere!
"Okay." Letting go of Lin Yihong, Wei Chen carefully looked at the students in front of him——

He Qi, Lin Yihong, Lin Tianxiong, Gao Liang and Zhang Zhiqiang lying on stretchers.

There are about fifty people in a class, and now, only one-tenth of them are left!

Wei Chen feels that the biggest change should be Lin Yihong and Gao Liang. The former has short hair and looks very capable, while the latter has lost the arrogance of the past and looks very peaceful!
Seeing their former classmates, Zhang Zhiqiang and Gao Liang also sat up, just when they were woken up by the splash.

"King of Light!"

When Gao Liang saw Wei Chen, he quickly got up and nodded to him. Before that, he was also a member of a small family in the No. [-] city, Wei Chen of the Way of Nature.

"No, then what are you doing with your life?"

Wei Chen waved his hand quickly, but Lin Yihong saw this action, and almost cried.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Lin Yihong backed away with her little feet, didn't know where to put her hands, and kept muttering: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I admitted the wrong person."

Wei Chen was dumbfounded, he didn't expect Lin Yihong to react so strongly.

"You can't do that." He Qi stepped forward to comfort him, "It's okay, they are the same person."

Hearing this, Lin Yihong was stunned for a moment, blinked at He Qi, and then looked at Wei Chen.


Then, a scream resounded through the sky.


"It's a dog, and fingerprints are everywhere."

A row of soldiers held guns and patrolled the line of defense in a goose step.Every step is very neat, and the landing sound is very consistent.However, at the end of the line, there was an incompatible voice.

"I knew I wouldn't be with them." Zhuang Ban wept.In order to facilitate the advance, he specifically killed a relieved soldier and took his place.

Now Zhuang Ban is looking for a way out, as for Wei Chen's mission, he doesn't care so much, survival is the most important thing.


Another door opened, and there was only a faint light inside. Zhuang Ban, who followed in, swallowed.

"Where is the ground here?" Zhuang Ban looked around and said, "This kind of project can't be done in a year or two."


da da~
With two neat steps, the entire team stepped aside, and all the soldiers saluted towards the aisle.

"Fortunately, I react quickly." Zhuang Ban broke into a cold sweat, "It's just who, it's so ostentatious."

Following the team for a while, many senior figures passed by on the way, but Zhuang Ban didn't see the team react like this.

"Master!" The front team leader shouted loudly.

"Hello master!"

Owner!Hearing the soldiers shouting, Zhuang Ban was startled. He didn't expect that human beings are really like slaves.But in the next second, his hands were all wet, master, isn't that the boss here?

Sure enough, the next moment, a person walked in the dark passage, and Zhuang Ban carefully peeked at him with sideways eyes.

"Huh?" As if noticing that someone was looking at it, the one who came over looked at the source of the sight.

"I'll go~" Zhuang Ban hurriedly corrected his eyes, "So sensitive."

"Soldier, what's your name?"

was found!Zhuang Ban swallowed, summoned up his courage and said, "My name is the third row. The number is."

"Yeah." The creature behind the scenes compared the documents and found that Zhuang Ban was right, and the photos were exactly the same.

"If you look around in the future, you may lose your eyes."


After saying this, Zhuang Ban seemed to collapse.

mixed up~
Following the team's turn, Zhuang Ban continued to move forward, but the creatures behind the scenes looked at him with some doubts.

"The collar is malfunctioning? Why didn't you feel the fluctuation?"


Ask for collection, ask for recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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