Doom Ray

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

"Haha, I killed three cavalry just now!"

"Hey! Awesome!"

"That's right, I'm in the main force!"

Saying this, the man's face was filled with red light.Others were envious, the main force not only greatly improved the survival rate with King Guang, but it was also an extremely high honor afterwards.

"Speaking of which, the King of Light is really majestic, that great sword, that mount."

"you do not say."

The two men were talking, looking into the distance, there was a golden wolf, and next to the golden wolf was a young man, beside the young man stood an epee.

Wei Chen looked at the battlefield, and didn't know what to say. There were only a hundred cavalrymen, but they killed three times as many humans!And judging from the situation of the corpse king clone, there is more than one such team!
"Headache." Wei Chen rubbed the center of his brows, "Humans are still too weak!"

On weekdays, the human team relied on guerrilla warfare to maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses, but once they were placed on a frontal battlefield, the gap immediately became apparent.

"It seems that the line of defense is necessary!" Wei Chen murmured, but most of the people over the tent had this idea.Today's defense line is still in the hands of those behind-the-scenes creatures, and it is quite inconvenient to enter and exit, and there may even be situations of snatching loot.

"Wei Chen! Wei Chen!"

"Hey!" Wei Chen turned his head to look at Lai Renren and said, "Are you all alright?"

"Haha, thanks to you." He Qi laughed loudly, "I didn't expect you to be the King of Light."

"Yeah, I'm looking at you now." Lin Tianxiong also came over, but he didn't know Wei Chen very well before, so he left Wei Chen subconsciously.

"Tianxiong!" Wei Chen greeted the visitor, but Lin Tianxiong felt a little flattered by this gesture.

"Hey~ Wei Chen, come here, there are many former classmates over there, they must be surprised to see you!" He Qi leaned on Wei Chen's shoulder and led him to a place.

This scene was clearly seen by everyone outside the tent.

"Yang Youyi, does your person know King Guang?" Someone asked subconsciously.

"It should be." Yang thought for a while, and then said surprisingly, "He seems to be a student of our school before."

These words made the people around turn their heads one after another, and Su Pei's expression was as ugly as if he had eaten shit.

"how do you know!"

I don't know if it was because of habit, Su Pei asked directly, but the next second, he regretted it.

Yang spread his hands together, and said angrily, "Guess!"




Leading Wei Chen to his camp, He Qi clapped his hands and shouted loudly: "Look who is here!"

Wei Chen smiled, he knew that He Qi made a circle on purpose, everyone was paying attention to the situation on the battlefield at this moment, and did not notice the person behind.

"Who is it!"

"Hey, isn't this He Qi back?"

Wei Chen who was walking behind frowned, he didn't recognize those who turned their heads!
"Wang Zijian, what expression do you have!" He Qi raised his brows, "Go away, it's none of your business here. Also, where are the people from our school!"

"I went to the battlefield." Wang Zijian said with disdain on his face: "Seeing King Guang killing all directions, everyone was sent to death in a fever. Who do you think you are? You are poor in combat effectiveness, and you can't plan your offensive strategy well. You have to follow the example of King Guang and charge into battle, a bunch of idiots!"

"You coward is worthy of saying these things?" He Qi was dissatisfied.

"Don't mess with him." Lin Tianxiong stepped forward and pressed He Qi's shoulder, afraid of conflict, "We have our own fighting style, which is no worse than theirs!"

"Huh!" He Qi snorted coldly, then ignored him, and Wang Zijian sneered. In this special school, camps were divided according to the old school. In terms of combat ability, it is the strongest of all camps!

Wei Chen was very emotional. From his position, this was a small disturbance. The special school run by Yang Youyi was like a small society in the last days. It was highly competitive, but there was no great danger. It was very suitable for teenagers. growing up.

Controlling the gray elves to look around, there are children in their teens, and the older ones are just grown-ups like He Qi. I have to say that Yang Youyi's team is doing very well.

"Let's go, find someone else!" There were no classmates here, so He Qi had to take Wei Chen towards the battlefield. Now that the battle is over, they should be back soon.

"No need for He Qi." Wei Chen stopped him, pointed to the front and said, "He's back!"


He Qi's eyes lit up, and he went up to greet him happily, but what greeted him were several stretchers.

"It's okay, it's just hurt."

Seeing the despair on the faces of He Qi and Lin Tianxiong, Wei Chen hurriedly told the truth, which really gave them a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Wang Zijian on the side gloated and said with a gleeful smile: "Hahaha! Look, what can I say, idiots are going to die! Even the King of Light is unwilling to save these idiots."

This person is like this?

At this moment, not only Wei Chen, but also the people nearby who heard this, frowned deeply. It's fine to bicker on weekdays. There were heavy casualties over there, but you are here to add insult to injury.

Not only the students from other camps, but even the students who were with Wang Zijian subconsciously stayed away from him.

"Fuck, a dog can't spit out ivory!" He Qi rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush up to beat someone, but Lin Tianxiong quickly held him down.Bickering is fine, but fighting is punishable. The content of the punishment is very simple. Go out to do missions with the people who fought. Of course, in the end, either one person will come back, or all of them will die outside!

Yang Youyi's statement is very simple, human beings don't need internal rubbish.

"Hmph, that's the truth!" Wang Zijian said mercilessly.

"Who says I'm not willing to save them?"

At this moment, many people's throats were stuck.

They never noticed that there was another person behind He Qi, and they didn't react until this person made a sound.

"Cut, who is that, do you think you are the King of Light!" Wang Zijian pointed at Wei Chen, not only did He Qi's anger disappear at this scene, he almost burst out laughing.
A few classmates next to Wang Zijian recognized Wei Chen, but they were all speechless in surprise and failed to stop Wang Zijian in time.

"I think I should be." Wei Chen said with a smile, this guy is really top-notch!
I should be.
Hearing this, Wang Zijian finally recovered from his invincible state. It was a cold day and his thick clothes were all wet in an instant.

"Haha, if you don't try to die, you won't die, you know?" Seeing the pig's face, He Qi finally couldn't help but burst out laughing.Immediately, Wang Zijian felt ashamed.


Sorry sorry, a little late. . .

(End of this chapter)

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