Doom Ray

Chapter 106 Clone

Chapter 106 Clone
With Wei Chen on his back, Jin Lang galloped out, with white light flashing under every step.Speed, faster than those zombie horses!

"He Qi, Lin Tianxiong, you two idiots, hurry up!" Wei Chen urged, "Get ahead of those two!"

The golden wolf let out a low growl, and went a little faster.Originally, He Qi could have led the rope around him before the Cavalry Corpse King arrived, but now, Wei Chen's vision would just hit him!

"He Qi stop!" Wei Chen shouted towards the front.It's a pity that the other party was hot on the head and ignored it.

Wei Chen secretly said bad luck, and began to concentrate on instilling mimicry.The epee was brought out from the ground at the beginning, and the material is quite good. At least so far, the epee is still being superimposed with mimicry.

In this way, on the ground, the two red dots kept approaching.

200 meters. 150 meters 100 meters
Shout again!Wei Chen froze, opened his throat and shouted: "He Qi, stop!"

This time, although He Qi didn't hear it, Lin Tianxiong behind him heard it, and looked at the man on the back of the wolf in surprise.

who is this?

Lin Tianxiong looked at Wei Chen's face and couldn't remember for a while, but fortunately, his footsteps stopped.

"Let's go!" He Qi noticed that someone behind him was holding back his legs, and turned around and shouted at Lin Tianxiong angrily, "Buy time, let them evacuate!"

"No, no, look at the man on the wolf's back!" Lin Tianxiong pointed to the front, the people over there were somewhat familiar, yet unfamiliar.What is familiar is memory, but what is unfamiliar is strength!
"Huh~" Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "It finally stopped."

Wei Chen will 100% go crazy if he finally meets an old friend, but ends up saying goodbye.

"Now the stack is almost [-], I don't know what's going on with the other party!" Without any scruples, Wei Chen focused his attention on the cavalry corpse king in front of him, "But I have the golden wolf's array enhancement, this attack should not be as good as the previous one." Worst time!"

Calculating slowly, Wei Chen also had the confidence to fight back, and urged the golden wolf again to accelerate for the last stage.

50 meters!
Wei Chen's epee was superimposed to 220-[-], and the bone knife of the Cavalry Corpse King was also shining brightly.

30 meters!
Stacked up to 250 nine times, seeing the opponent's bone knife stop shining, Wei Chen's eyes shine brightly, and the speed of blessing the mimicry is a little faster without knowing it!

The last five meters!
Barely adding a few mimics, counting, there are more than 300 mimics attached to one of the heavy swords this time!The golden light shone around the sword body, and the air was oppressed and faintly fluctuated!
At this moment, Wei Chen could clearly see the face of the cavalry corpse king!
No earthquakes, no great fluctuations.But at the junction of the two soldiers, sparks more than ten meters long exploded!

Jin Lang turned his head, Wei Chen turned his wrist, the epee and the bone knife that hit just now actually cut apart, instead of colliding firmly.

"You are strong!" Cavalry Corpse King pointed at Wei Chen and said, "But die!"

Following the sound of the death word, the zombie horse under the crotch raised its front legs, and the golden wolf also lowered its body, and in the next second, they kicked the ground together and galloped out!

The golden wolf has mimicry, and its speed is far beyond that of a zombie horse!
When the two soldiers met again, there were still sparks, but it was not as spectacular as last time!
The two red shadows exchanged positions again. This was a horse battle. Although the mount could accelerate to gain stronger attack power, it also lost some flexibility.

The turning speed of a horse is not that fast!
However, Wei Chen is not riding a horse!The advantages of the golden wolf are fully brought out. Its IQ is higher than that of the zombie horse, and its body is more flexible than the horse. Most importantly, it is also experienced in many battles and has enough experience to deal with special situations!

I saw that the golden wolf's front paws were firmly grasping the ground, and its hind legs were lifted up, drawing a semicircle on the ground like a compass!Turning around, it didn't even take a second!
The epee and the bone knife were handed over for the third time. This time, the Cavalry Corpse King could only deal with it hastily.

"Okay!" Golden Wolf turned his head again, Wei Chen licked his lower lip, "We can win!"

Ding Ding Ding ~
The golden wolf began to move around constantly, Wei Chen took the opportunity to attack, although the Cavalry Corpse King could handle it, but the horse under his crotch had already started to get dizzy!
"It's so strong! It's completely suppressed!"

"King of Light, your reputation is well-deserved!"

The fifty captains standing in front of the tent all sighed after seeing this scene.When they met the Cavalry Corpse King, they must be thinking of how to turn around and find an opportunity to escape, but Wei Chen can beat the Cavalry Corpse King.

This is the difference!
However, after feeling overwhelmed, a fiery undercurrent ignited in everyone's hearts. With such a person, would the plan to attack the defense fail?Won't!

On the battlefield against other cavalry zombies, from time to time, a group of people looked back at Wei Chen's battlefield.

"This is the King of Light! Feast your eyes!"

"Awesome, I guess our team is not enough for one finger of others."

"Don't look, be careful!"

Compared with the captains in front of the tent, it is not so easy for them to sneak a few glances!
"King of Light, kill it to avenge the captain!"

Lu Hongyi, who was kneeling on the ground, put Zhang Zhen's head back together, and shouted at Wei Chen with a distorted face.

And the two closest to Wei Chen's battlefield have long been unable to regain their senses.

"That person, is Wei Chen?"

"Seems to be."

"Tianxiong, pinch me." He Qi kept his mouth open and almost forgot to swallow the saliva.

Ever since we separated from Wei Chen in the old dormitory building, He Qi has been following Yang Youyi. This physical education teacher is kind and careful, and led them to avoid the pursuit of the corpse king, survived, and moved with the large army .

When I joined the transfer, it had been a while since Weichen fought against the Corpse King for the first time. He Qi and his party had only heard the story of the King of Light, but they didn't know the name of the King of Light.

"You should pinch me." Lin Tianxiong spread his hands.Compared with He Qi, he really didn't spend much time paying attention to Wei Chen, he just knew that there was a lonely classmate with this name in the class.

"I always thought he was dead." He Qi smiled wryly, "I didn't expect him to be so strong."

"Hahaha, we will have the capital to brag in the future!" Lin Tianxiong said with a smile, "Every time we are overwhelmed by the No. [-] Middle School in the city, now it's okay, let's dump them [-] blocks!"

He Qi nodded.When they joined the transfer team, the government knew that Yang Youyi was taking in primary and middle school students, so he handed over all the combat power of those students in the team to him.

It has to be said that Yang Youyi is very talented. Students not only like this teacher very much, but also spontaneously form healthy competition among various schools.Later, the survival rate of this team was extremely high, and many parents were willing to send their children to Yang Youyi's team. In this way, an alternative school took shape!
"Quickly step back, don't hold Wei Chen back!"

After making up their minds, He Qi and Lin Tianxiong stayed excited and retreated to the side team. Due to special care, they did not go to deal with the cavalry zombies.

Ding Ding Ding ~
The battle was still going on, but Wei Chen found a clue.

Except for the first strike, the combat effectiveness of this cavalry corpse king is really not very good, at least compared to Wei Chen, it is a bit weak!And as time goes on, the signs become more and more obvious!
"What's going on here?" Wei Chen was a little confused, "When the red mist is turned on, the combat power should be maintained until the end of the red mist!"

Sometimes it was a blow, but this time, Wei Chen felt the force from the bone knife was so small that it reached a limit!
"Huh? Is it fraudulent? Is it true?" Wei Chen didn't dare to take any risks, and when the golden wolf turned his head, he swung the epee again, this time with all his might!

A head flew out, and the white figure on the zombie horse slowly fell from the horse's back from one side.

"Ah, I won!"

"Win, the King of Light has won!"

Although it is a foregone conclusion to judge the winner or loser by looking at the situation, everyone was still boiling at the moment when the corpse king's head was cut off!
"Death to me!"

Immediately, morale was boosted, and the cavalry zombies, who were invincible before, were beaten up by this outbreak.

clap clap~
In front of the tent, I don't know who applauded first, and then, a burst of warm applause sounded from behind.

However, Wei Chen, the person involved, frowned.

"It's so weird, it's not normal at all!" Wei Chen deduced, "Why does it feel like a substitute?"

Wei Chen stared at the headless corpse in a daze, Jin Lang glanced at it, threw off Wei Chen, and bit down on the neck of the zombie horse.

"Try it and you'll know!"

There is no conclusion to the fantasy, Wei Chen raised the healing light ball in his hand, and pressed it on the heart of the corpse.

"Impossible! Why didn't it work?" Wei Chen stared, "Could it be because of the scales?"

Recalling the corpse king he dealt with for the first time, the blue scales turned out in his hand can also block the effect of the healing technique.But this was just a small episode, then Wei Chen picked up the scimitar in the corpse's hand and slashed at the heart.

"Sure enough not!" Wei Chen Dawu, "This guy is really just a stand-in! It's a skill effect!"

But after an epiphany, Wei Chen's heart was shrouded in a haze. A stand-in is so strong, what about the main body?

There was another pressure on my heart.

"Forget it, let's help other people first." Wei Chen turned on the reluctant golden wolf, holding the epee, and killed the remaining cavalry zombies. Was beaten back to its original shape.

With a few clicks on his hand, a large piece of healing seeds flew out and fell into the bodies of those seriously injured.

"Oh! The King of Light is here!"

At this second, there was a sudden pause in the audience.The next second after the pause, what ushered in was an explosion of frenzy!

Ask for collection.Ask for a recommendation. . .

(End of this chapter)

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