Doom Ray

Chapter 105 All Power!

Chapter 105 All Power!
"This way please~"

Then Wei Chen followed this person to a tent, surrounded by a circle of people 100 meters outside the tent, looking carefully, Wei Chen could find that Zhang Zhen and Lu Hongyi were also in the team.It seems to be to prevent further eavesdropping.

Asking Xu Jie to stay outside the circle of people, Wei Chen walked in.

"Such a big tent!" Wei Chen realized how big it was when he approached the tent, "There should be a lot of people inside!"

"Sir is here!"

Seeing Wei Chen walk in, Bai Kun's eyes lit up. As a spiritual leader, Wei Chen is indispensable in action!
"Come, come, please sit down!" Bai Kun led Wei Chen to the upper seat, "Uh, let Mr. Wei sit here first."

The place Bai Kun pointed at was next to the first seat, but Wei Chen didn't mind, it was the same wherever he sat.

"Come on." Seeing that Wei Chen finished, Bai Kun clapped his hands, "Let me introduce to you, this is the King of Light."

This remark caused an uproar in the audience.

"He is!"

"How is it different from the video, much younger!"

"Tsk tsk, what a little boy."

Hearing these words, Wei Chen was stunned. It is certain that there is a difference from before taking a bath, but why did he make such a badass comment?

Bai Kun coughed, his face was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect these people to be so outspoken.

This time, such a large tent was specially set up to accommodate these people. They are all well-known teams nearby, with strong survivability and high ability to handle affairs. They are the backbone of this attack.

Since the news leaked last time, the line of defense they want to attack should not be as simple as before.

The meeting got to the point, and Wei Chen became idle again.His task is to detoxify those who broke off their collars on the road, and to deal with the enemy's top combat power, all of which are very easy.You know, he can have three levels of accumulation here, especially the golden wolf can greatly give the people around him strength.

"Lin Jinze, you are in charge of the east side of the defense line."

"Sister Hua, you are responsible for appeasing the common people and notifying the evolutionaries within the defense line."

"Yang Youyi, you are also with the main force."

Bai Kun looked like a leader, standing at the front seat, holding a notebook, and assigned tasks one by one in an orderly manner.Every time he said to a person, Wei Chen would look at that person's position.There is a nameplate on the table, which is easy to recognize.

"Yang Youyi." Wei Chen read the name, "I seem to have heard of it!"

After thinking about it, I have no idea.


While Bai Kun was assigning tasks one by one, someone suddenly patted the table and stood up.Wei Chen turned his head and saw that he was a big man with short hair, wearing a strange dress, which looked very warm.

"Su Pei, what's the matter?"

Bai Kun was not angry at all, but just looked at him quietly, waiting for the following.

"Tuan Zhang, why do you let Yang Youyi and others go to the main team?" Su Pei pointed rudely at Yang Youdao, "There are teenagers in his team, what's the use!"

Bai Kun frowned. Indeed, when he was assigned, he intentionally took care of Yang Youyi's team. After all, most of the team is young and needs to grow.

Wei Chen also understood a little bit that Bai Kun wanted the young people in Yang Youyi's team to be plated with gold.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect someone to talk about it."

"Of course, I'm not happy with this arrangement! Why should our team raid the enemy's rear!"

"The enemy's rear! Hey, brother's team is pretty strong!"

"Fucking shit, this is asking us to die! Look how good the main team is, with the King of Light around, it's much safer!"

There was a lot of discussion below, but most of them wanted Bai Kun to change his team to an offensive route with a high survival rate.Everyone wants freedom, but the premise is to live!

Finally, the tent gradually became quiet, waiting for Bai Kun to explain.

"Fairy, me too."

At this moment, a word came into everyone's ears clearly.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound, and suddenly, there was a clear sound of swallowing saliva in the tent.

Everyone didn't wait for Bai Kun's explanation, but Wei Chen spoke instead.

Su Pei broke out in a cold sweat immediately. When he said that, he really didn't consider Wei Chen's age. Now it's all right, it's tantamount to scolding someone.

So this farce ended because of Wei Chen's words.

Bai Kun heaved a sigh of relief. Originally, he had organized a set of righteous speeches to calm down these profit-oriented teams.It doesn't seem to be useful now.

"Wait, I have something to say!"

As if to save face, Su Pei stood up again.Seeing this, many people secretly scolded idiots in their hearts.

"There is one more question!" Su Pei said: "How to shield the collar! Baituan should at least come out and give a demonstration to make us feel at ease!"

Many people's eyes lit up and nodded.They were able to come here this time because Bai Kun said that he had a way to invalidate the function of the collar!

Wei Chen is also very curious, he also wants to see how Bai Kun can do this.

However, Bai Kun shook his head in front of the crowd and said, "I can't do it."

There was an uproar all around, it couldn't be done, what does this mean?
"Bai Kun, are you kidding us?"

"Cut, I've been wasting time here for a long time."

"Let's go, I'll tell you how can there be such a cheap thing."

Su Pei is very proud, this is the stubble he found.

"Be quiet!" Bai Kun imitated Su Pei and slapped the table fiercely, "I can't help it, but others can!"

Hearing this, everyone subconsciously looked at Wei Chen.Wei Chen shrugged, expressing that he was helpless.

"I can only tell you that this is a device that can block the collar for 30 seconds, and all the capabilities of the collar will be invalidated. You can take off the collar at that time!" Bai Kun said: "I can't guarantee that there are no lackeys here. For the sake of the overall situation, It can only be used on the day!"

real or fake?

Everyone is uncertain, you look at me, I look at you.

"Leader! It's not good!"

At this moment, a person suddenly ran in outside the tent with a frightened expression on his face.

"There is a zombie cavalry brigade rushing over!"

What?Zombies?cavalry?When will zombies still have cavalry?Just before everyone digested the information, a loud roar came from outside.

"Humans. Die! We live!"


"What's the situation!" Someone exclaimed, and ran out of the tent, and everyone hurriedly followed, but their team was outside!

Different from other people's reactions, Wei Chen's heart is as deep as water, and the fighting power of a talking zombie is definitely not low!

Sure enough, a tent, the outside world, how miserable it is!

There were about fifty people in the tent, and each of them had their own team. If a team was counted as 20 people, it would be more than a thousand people. Including Bai Kun's large group of corpse hunters, the combat strength was nearly two thousand.

However, just such a pile of people was forcibly cut in half by these zombie cavalry!The leader of the zombie, single-handedly, was heading towards the tent!

"Ah, I fought with you!"

Suddenly someone around ran out like crazy, because his team happened to be stationed on the line that was cut!
"Don't go!" The people behind hurriedly grabbed him, thousands of people couldn't stop the existence, and if he went, he would just die!

"Brothers hold on!"

The circle of people was gone, and everyone frantically stepped forward to support the zombie rushing towards the tent.There is no room for loss in the tent!
"Stop!" Zhang Zhen took the scimitar and slashed at the horse's leg, but he didn't expect the horse's leg to go over the scimitar, and its hoof directly crushed Zhang Zhen's head!

"Captain!" Lu Hongyi roared and rushed up. Unfortunately, he couldn't catch up with the horse at all, so he could only hug Zhang Zhen's body and cry in pain.

"Let's go too! The teacher is still in the tent!"

"Good! Find a rope to trip it over!"

So, the two figures pulled out a hemp rope, each holding one side, and rushed over.

"Don't go!" Seeing this scene, Yang Youyi stepped forward like crazy.

But, before that, Wei Chen moved!

When Zhang Zhen died, he was still thinking of countermeasures to stop the corpse king from charging, which would make it easier to fight.However, now you can no longer just sit idly by!
Seeing the two people rushing forward holding the rope, Wei Chen completely remembered that Yang Youyi was their school's physical education teacher back then!The two people who charged were his former classmates!

The red mist began to rise, and the cavalry's charge, the first blow, was the most terrifying!
But as soon as the red mist appeared here, the Cavalry Corpse King over there was not far behind, and traces of red mist began to entangle.Wei Chen's heart sank, the keel was no longer in his hand, he couldn't use a strong attack!


Call ~
Suddenly, a shout came from the battlefield, and then, a huge weapon flew towards Wei Chen!
Wei Chen shivered, and understood the intention of tilting his head.Gritting his teeth, the mimicry was superimposed on his feet, and he jumped up vigorously.

Started with the epee, the huge inertia brought Wei Chen to fly backwards, Wei Chen rolled over, and the mimicry began to pour into the epee crazily!

Hurry up!Wei Chen shouted.Layers of mimicry began to superimpose quickly.

fifty floors, one hundred floors
But the Cavalry Corpse King is doing the same thing!

Seeing this, Wei Chen in the air broke out in cold sweat, what should I do?
At this moment, a wolf howled in the distance, and a golden wolf wrapped in red mist galloped to the side, stepping on the white formation, and three strange characters appeared on the formation!

The golden wolf came running, and Wei Chen just landed on top of it!



Please collect~~~
(End of this chapter)

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