Doom Ray

Chapter 104 Preparing to Attack

Chapter 104 Preparing to Attack
"The King of Light has appeared? Who is it?"

Zhuang Ban, who had recovered his breath, remembered the person mentioned by the old researcher, and Wei Chen's figure flashed in his mind.

"I'll go, can't it be him?" Zhuang Ban stared at the wall in front of him for two seconds, "Isn't it?"


"Forget it, they're all here anyway, I'm sorry for my reputation if I don't go along with it." Zhuang Ban pretended to straighten his collar, although it was an illusion.

However, before taking two steps, Zhuang Ban came back again.

"Oh my god, it's still scary!"


"What a majestic dog!"

"Sure, this is the King of Light, and ordinary dogs are not worthy of following him!"

"Hey, I'm going to find some dog food, I hope someone won't eat it."

Walking in the garden behind the beach, Wei Chen began to look for a shop for polishing weapons. He wanted to sharpen the keel.Wei Chen and his party quickly got used to the various gazes along the way, and Xu Jie even raised her head, looking around very proudly.

However, there is still one member who can't get used to it.

The golden wolf bared its teeth and looked around, the hair on its body was still a little fried, wishing to eat those who pointed at it, it could understand people's words, so naturally it knew what they were shouting.

When did the dignified wolf king receive such treatment.

"Sorry, can't do it!"

"Thank you." Wei Chen sighed, "Does the boss know which equipment is more powerful?"

"Probably not. Complete facilities can only be found in the defense line."

The line of defense left, Wei Chen sighed, he hadn't been there yet.

"Then thank you boss."

"No, no, no!" The boss waved his hands again and again, looking flattered.

After leaving the shop, Wei Chen began to look for another one, but he didn't give any hope. He knew the hardness of the keel, and without really professional tools, don't even try to polish it!

Wandering here and there, Wei Chen specially picked those weapon shops with storefronts, which looked more reliable.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

One changed house, and as soon as she entered the door, Xu Jie was attracted by the weapons hanging on the wall. The boss was so ingenious that he even inlaid crystal stones on the weapons, which only added to the splendor.

"Hey! My lord, don't come to me to buy weapons, it doesn't apply!"

Seeing Wei Chen and his group enter the door, the boss recognized Wei Chen at a glance and hurried forward to greet him.

"Not applicable?" Wei Chen understood, co-authoring these is just for pretending.

"That's right, I'm just trying to be beautiful, not flashy." The boss smiled brightly, "It's okay to bully those young people, I dare not say something like an adult."

Wei Chen nodded, but this didn't conflict with his purpose, he didn't come here to buy swords in the first place.

"Boss, do you have any grinding tools?" Wei Chen asked, "It needs to be very powerful."

The boss was stunned after hearing this, and then he was overjoyed!He really has grinding tools!

"Yes, yes!" The boss said excitedly, if he could follow the path of the King of Light, he would no longer need to sell these flashy weapons, but directly recruit some high-tech talents to build a real weapon shop!

The boss hurriedly led the way, leading Wei Chen and his party to a small yard, where there was a machine humming.There are a few big men next to them, they should be the operators.

"My lord, don't you know what to polish?" The boss asked respectfully.

Wei Chen took out the keel and handed it to the boss.The boss took it carefully. There was still a little blood and flesh on the keel. The boss didn't mind at all and wiped it off with his own clothes.

"My lord, give me three days, no! Two days! I will definitely fix it!" The boss vowed, then turned around and shouted: "Guys, big business!"

So, the group started working noisily.

Seeing the smooth grinding of the keel, Wei Chen was relieved, he was afraid that the keel would break the machine.

To settle one matter, Wei Chen took some supplies in the garden and went back to the door of the suite that Lu Hongyi gave him.

However, the door is closed, and the enlarged hole in the door has also been patched.

Wei Chen frowned, he could hear many inappropriate voices coming from this room, it seems that Lu Hongyi didn't get this suite down.

dong dong dong~
When Wei Chen didn't pay attention, Xu Jie knocked on the door.

"Who is it!"

"I hate it, it's so annoying!"

"How about another room?" Wei Chen suggested to Xu Jie, "This place is occupied."

"En." Xu Jie nodded reluctantly.

Just when Wei Chen was about to leave, the door opened, and a man with a slightly pale face appeared in front of everyone.

"Who are you! What are you doing knocking on my door?"

"Sorry, I made a mistake." Wei Chen apologized, and then he was about to turn around and leave.

"Wrong knock?" The man looked displeased, and was about to explode. The corner of his eyes turned to Xu Jie, his eyes lit up, he licked his lower lip and said, "Well, if you let that little girl come and accompany us, I won't hold accountable."

"Cut~ brainless." Xu Jie said with a look of disdain, didn't he see a golden wolf and tilted head next to Wei Chen?
"Haha, bastard, someone called you stupid!"

"Pull it in and let's train and train!"

Xu Jie's voice was not loud, but it was still heard by a group of people inside.So he started to make fun of the man who opened the door, maybe because he had too much self-esteem, the man who opened the door suddenly looked gloomy!
"Stop!" The man who opened the door shouted to stop Wei Chen and his party, gritted his teeth and said, "Leave the girl! Or I'll kill you!"

Wei Chen ignored it.This guy is just like a mad dog!
"court death!"


There was a crisp loading sound.

In the next second, the man who opened the door was shot flying to the wall inside and exploded into a bloody flower.Then, there was a long scream.

"What are you doing!" The companion of the man who opened the door was shocked and angry when he saw this scene, rushed out of the door, and then was frightened stupid.Because there was a golden wolf staring at him at the door.

Yes, that shot just now was taken by the golden wolf. It has lived in the wild for a long time and will not allow anyone to threaten it, so the man who opened the door was miserable.

"Stop!" Wei Chen stopped the golden wolf from continuing to kill. After all, this is a human society, and it doesn't pay attention to the rules of the wild jungle.

Golden Wolf heard Wei Chen's words, and was about to turn his head and leave, but someone was trying to kill him!
Three gunshots sounded, and the bullets bounced off three sparks on Golden Wolf's body.


With a low growl, the golden wolf charged forward!Although Wei Chen and the others were at the top of the stairs and couldn't see the scene inside, they could imagine how bloody the accident was after hearing the cries for help.

"I have to let Xu Jie teach me well later." Wei Chen shook his head: "It's not easy to get along with if it goes on like this!"

It's fine if you bite these scumbags to death, what if some children don't open their eyes and grab the golden wolf's tail when they settle down in the future?
"Is it Mr. Wei Chen?"

Suddenly, a voice came from downstairs.

"Hmm," Wei Chen replied, poking his head out, and found a person standing there, sweating profusely, obviously just rushed over.

"Great! Come here quickly, we are going to attack!"


Wei Chen was startled, it was finally about to start!


Please collect~~
(End of this chapter)

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