Doom Ray

Chapter 103

Chapter 103
Hearing the constant explosions from the wasteland, Xu Jie raised her head worriedly, half of her face was scarred, and she looked a bit hideous.

"Big brother, are you okay?" Xu Jie wanted to tilt her head and asked.

Tilting his head and scratching his head, not knowing how to express it, he finally nodded and settled down.Seeing this scene, Xu Jie felt relieved.But in fact, the situation is very bad.

Without the keel, Wei Chen couldn't fight the golden wolf at all, so he could only keep wandering, looking for opportunities to get back the keel.

"Maybe we can use another way!" Wei Chen thought while running, "I have the corpse king spar, and the seed development is [-]% stronger than it, and my red mist burst time will be longer than it!"


The golden wolf chased after him, and struck another claw. Wei Chen didn't dare to resist, and ran away with the imitation superimposed on his feet.

"Huh, it's really strong." Wei Chen admired Jin Lang, "The abilities are all auxiliary, just like mine."

"Wait, like me?"

Thinking of this, Wei Chen was stunned, and was almost hit by the oncoming claws.The next second, Wei Chen almost laughed out loud, and after laughing for a while, he wanted to shoot himself to death.

"Damn it, I can't even remember my own skills!" Wei Chen laughed at himself. The golden wolf made up the formation so cheerfully, wouldn't it be solved by just dispelling it?

As soon as the white light flashed from Wei Chen's hand and flew towards the golden wolf, the golden wolf subconsciously twisted his body to avoid it, but unfortunately, the flying speed to disperse the white light was not slow at all!


In Golden Wolf's doubts, white light entered his body.In the next second, the circle of white formations under its feet suddenly disappeared!
"Haha, go to hell!" Wei Chen laughed, without the blessing of this formation, the golden wolf would at least be twice as weak!
The mimicry superimposed quickly, and Wei Chen punched the confused golden wolf.

The golden wolf took a few steps back and shook his head repeatedly, Wei Chen took advantage of the victory to pursue, and punched down with his shining fist, the golden wolf immediately came back to his senses, stretched out his paws and punched Wei Chen!
Boom!Wei Chen stood firmly on the ground without retreating.

Evenly matched!

The golden wolf bit the keel, bared its teeth and looked at Wei Chen in front of it. It didn't expect Wei Chen's skills to be so special, maybe because it was not convinced, the golden wolf opened the formation again, and three characters appeared on the formation.

The corner of Wei Chen's mouth twitched, and a disperser was thrown over——

The array is gone!


The golden wolf was so angry that he opened his mouth and bit Wei Chen.

"Hey! Just right!"

Then the gray elf slowed down, and Wei Chen quickly reached out to take out the keel.

"Surrender, you can't win!" Avoiding the golden wolf's mouth, Wei Chen stopped chasing and persuaded: "Come on, let's deal with zombies together, they are also earth creatures, there is no need to kill each other."

After Wei Chen finished speaking, regardless of whether the golden wolf understood it or not, he kept adding mimicry to the keel, slightly on guard.

The golden wolf is uncertain, it understands that the bone stick can superimpose a lot of mimicry, enough to compare with its state after blessing the array!
Seeing that the golden wolf didn't move, Wei Chen was not in a hurry, and continued to superimpose the mimicry, taking this opportunity to see how strong the keel really is.In this way, one man and one wolf began to look at each other.

Five seconds. Ten seconds 20 seconds.
Finally, the red mist on Jinlang's body receded one step at a time before Weichen.

In this way, the golden wolf was completely frozen, like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the golden wolf was at a loss now.

"Come on." Wei Chen stretched out a hand and said, "Come with me."

The Golden Wolf lowered his head in frustration, this was the first time he had lost.In the old world, it was also the wolf king, and at that time, it was the youngest and its physical fitness was at its peak.

After the new world came, it led the group to wander around and encountered many challenges.But without exception, it all won, all relying on the powerful blessing of the array.That's why this guy was dumbfounded after Wei Chen dispelled its formation just now.

"Did you lower your head?" Wei Chen thought to himself, "Is this a success?"

Wei Chen thought in his heart, approaching the golden wolf step by step, since he surrendered, it's okay to touch it, right?
What if there is a surprise attack?Wei Chen felt apprehensive, and his pace slowly slowed down.

"Never mind it!" Wei Chen cursed in a low voice, "A sneak attack is a sneak attack, it can't beat me now!"

Gaining confidence, Wei Chen walked over boldly, ignoring the deep roar of the golden wolf, and rode on it with a big thorn.


Jinlang began to struggle frantically, twisting his body and trying to throw Wei Chen off.It's like a man who finally catches up with the girl he likes, and just agrees to go to dinner and watch a movie together, and the man can't wait to take off his pants.

"I'll go." Wei Chen held onto the wolf's fur tightly. To be honest, the wolf's back was hard and uncomfortable. "Stop, stop, let me get down."

Wei Chen admits defeat, he can't take it anymore.

After getting off the wolf's back, Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn't know that the golden wolf heaved a sigh of relief even more than he did.

"Ah! Big brother is awesome!"

Seeing that Wei Chen successfully climbed onto the back of the golden wolf and got off again, Xu Jie ran over excitedly and walked around the golden wolf.

"Xu Jie, it won't betray, right?" Seeing the golden wolf baring its teeth, Wei Chen asked a little worriedly, "Do you want to beat it again?"

"No, no, no." Xu Jie quickly waved her hand, "No, unless you die, it will follow you."

Xu Jie continued, "In the last days, the more powerful the beast is, the less likely it is to betray after surrendering."

Wei Chen nodded, it seems that Xu Jie has a lot of research on this aspect.

"Then let's go." Wei Chen said, a lot of time was spent here, and the attack on the first sentry line of defense would soon be launched.

"By the way." Wei Chen asked Xu Jie, "What about these beasts?"

Looking at the huge body scattered all over the floor, Wei Chen suddenly felt a headache. He couldn't afford to feed so many big guys!

"Don't worry, they will hunt zombies by themselves." Xu Jie began to popularize the knowledge about wild beasts for Wei Chen, "These are the guards of the golden wolf, and they each have their own men. There is no problem in surviving, and As long as the golden wolf calls out, these personal guards will rush over with their subordinates. And "

Hearing what Xu Jie said clearly and logically, Wei Chen was still in the fog.

"Stop, stop." Seeing that Xu Jie had no desire to stop at all, Wei Chen hurriedly stopped him, "Let's go back to the beach first."

"Oh." Xu Jie replied unhappily.Seeing this, Wei Chen threw a ball of healing light over to heal the wound on her face.

This action warmed Xu Jie's heart.

"I'm going back to take a shower!" Xu Jie suddenly shouted.

"It's up to you." Wei Chen said as Xu Jie watched the rapid transformation, this girl's mood was different every second.


Wei Chen turned his head to greet the golden wolf, and the golden wolf walked over very awkwardly, and he could see that it was very reluctant.

"Don't worry, follow me to eat meat!" Wei Chen touched the golden wolf's head, but the feel was not good at all, the golden wolf's fur was stiff.
"That's right!" Wei Chen stopped, and gently knocked the keel in his hand towards the ground.

Wei Chen swallowed, this is the effect of more than 500 mimics.What surprised him even more was that this was not the upper limit of the keel's blessing!


"Not bad, very exciting."

A man wearing a researcher's clothes was leaning against an empty corner. In the next second, he almost collapsed on the ground as if he had collapsed.

"It scared me to death, I don't want to play like this." Zhuang Ban leaned against the wall, and the surroundings were very close. He could clearly hear his heart, which was still beating violently.

Although he knew that this place was terrifying, he never thought that it would be so cruel!
If he hadn't changed places with that zombie, he would have been burned by now.Yes, burn!

After going through a series of inspections, Zhuang Ban clearly heard the researcher say the word 'unqualified'.Then someone pushed the 'Zhuang Ban' and poured it directly into a stove, where a raging fire soon rose.

As for how Zhuang Ban came out, of course he killed a researcher and helped him replace the zombie.

blah blah blah~
Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps around the corner, and Zhuang Ban hurriedly got up, took out the booklet next to him, and pretended to study it seriously.

"I heard that the King of Light has appeared."

"Hmph, so what? It's not for adults."


"Hey, Xiao Lin, why are you here?"

As soon as the two of them passed the corner, they saw Zhuang Ban who was 'concentrating on', and one of them, who was older, asked immediately.

"Ah, no, it's nothing, just check the data." Zhuang Banqiang answered calmly.

The older researcher frowned and said, "This is the cleaner's registration form? What's there to study?"

"I..." Zhuang Ban almost burst into tears. He didn't know what it was, but Zhuang Ban thought quickly and replied: "I want to complain, so I dismissed him. The toilet is not clean."

"Complaint? Wasn't he introduced by you?" The old researcher asked a little confused.

Zhuang Ban wanted to cry but had no tears, how could he know so much.

"By the way, what's wrong with your voice? It sounds weird." The old researcher continued to ask.

Now Ban Zhuang wanted to die. Who were these researchers? He had only been out for a long time, so he was exposed like this.

Fortunately, the old researcher just patted Zhuang Ban, and said kindly and caringly: "Forget it, you should take a good rest, you have been tired enough recently."

"Let's go, Xiaotian, where did you just say?"

"King of Light."

"Oh, yes, tsk tsk, it's about time, these people still don't know how to unite!"

Watching the two go away, Zhuang Ban completely slumped on the ground.


Woohoo, it's done in the middle of the night, high-profile requests for favorites and recommendations! ! !If there are many supporters, we will continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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