Doom Ray

Chapter 102 Battle against the Golden Wolf

Chapter 102 Battle against the Golden Wolf
Huchi~ Huchi~
Wei Chen panted heavily, and white smoke rose from the sweat on his body.

Suddenly, he stepped forward with both hands, firmly holding down a big cat that rushed up, and quickly stepped on the neck of the big cat with one foot, causing it to faint.

There is no way, these guys keep running back, Wei Chen can only make a bad plan, knock them out one by one first!

"Big brother! There are six of 660!"

Xu Jie stood aside and counted. Behind Wei Chen, there was a pile of fainted beasts.He even made second-hand preparations, allowing the tilted head to make up the knife at any time, knocking out the awakened beasts.

In his spare time, Wei Chen looked up at the sky, where it was still gray.It has been a long time since he started the challenge!

"Sure enough, it's not that easy." Wiping off the sweat on his forehead, Wei Chen calmed down and faced a rushing beast, "These should be the personal guards!"

One sideways dodged the pounce, and with a sudden force of his elbow, he hit the back of the head of the beast.

"It can't go on like this!"

Unlike Xu Jie who was cheering from the sidelines, Wei Chen understood that even if he could persist until the end, he would not have the energy to face the golden wolf.Continuously absorbing energy to evolve, Wei Chen's endurance has increased to an unimaginable height, even so, he can't bear such a wheel battle.

After another wolf guard was dealt with, Wei Chen glanced at the golden wolf who was dozing in the herd.Looking at it like that, he didn't worry about the betrayal of his subordinates at all.Unlike Wei Chen, it only needs to fight one game and win one game, then Wei Chen's early work will be in vain!

Thinking of this, Wei Chen's blood came out again, today he still has to catch this golden wolf!

"Big brother, come on!"

"Heck heck!"

Wei Chen turned his head and smiled, this feeling is very good.

In the past, let alone applause, there was no one who scolded him, and he walked on the edge like a transparent person every day.

"I don't know what happened to those classmates." Wei Chen recalled that when the end of the world just came, his class happened to have a physical education class, and many people survived. Later, he also met Lin Yihong and He Qi. , and Lin Kun.

Thinking of this name, Wei Chen's heart burst into anger again, and the strength in his hand couldn't help but increase a bit!
It also attacked the back of the head, but the fate of this beast was very different from other beasts!

After rolling over on the ground twice, the beast struggled to get up, swayed a few steps, and fell down again, with blood dripping from the corner of its mouth!Wei Chen was shocked, and hurriedly threw a healing light ball over.

Unfortunately, it's too late.



The nearby beasts cried out in mourning for their companions.

The golden wolf stood up at some point, his golden pupils radiating a cold light!

"Come on!" Wei Chen shouted loudly, if you die, you die!The end of the world has come all the way, are there still few people who died?
Not bad for this one!
Wei Chen turned his body sideways, picked up the keel, and set up a stance, killing this one can only change to the appearance of the golden wolf, that's enough!

The golden wolf took a step forward, looked at the imposing Wei Chen, and walked slowly. Every step brought a sense of oppression to the nearby beasts, especially the beasts like dogs and wolves. They all prostrated on the ground and whispered. Cry.

In the next second, a huge circle of white formations spread out at the feet of the golden wolf, like a precious carpet, showing nobility!
Wei Chen lowered his body, let go of his weight, and held the spar of the old corpse king with his left hand, like a bomb, ready to explode at any time!

Seeing this, Xu Jie subconsciously took two steps back, tilted her head and picked up the epee, and laid it across in front of Xu Jie, sharing a lot of pressure for her.But even with tilting her head to share the pressure, Xu Jie was still retreating unconsciously!

A trace of red mist began to appear on one person and one wolf, and the golden wolf began to shrink the formation, and three strange characters appeared on the formation.

When the red fog is entangled, everything is ready.In the air, there was this burnt smell.

Both grounds exploded at the same time!Wei Chen and Jin Lang jumped out at the same time, rushing towards each other.The yellow and white lights on the feet of both sides flickered, and all of them were accelerating with mimicry!
A hundred meters apart, it arrives in an instant!
With the last kick, Wei Chen crazily superimposed mimicry on the keel. This was the first time he tried to superimpose mimicry on this thing. Before dealing with zombies, he used the healing light ball as a weapon, but the keel didn't work.

Golden Wolf also made the same choice. At this stage, both are energy-type special abilities, and the competition is who can superimpose more mimics!

Layer after layer of mimicry was superimposed. Even if Wei Chen was prepared, he was still frightened by the terrifying endurance of the keel!
The earth is screaming!Still in the air, the energy emitted by the keel makes the earth terrified!
The keel and the claws of the golden wolf collided, and the huge impact instantly blew up a gust of wind, mixed with the blown dirt on the ground, and scattered in all directions!
Those dogs and wolves lying on the ground were blown backwards directly, while another pile of fainted beasts rolled backwards like a trash can in a typhoon.

"Ah~" Xu Jie yelled in fright, curled up, and tightly pulled the bone leg with the tilted head, and a grain of sand hit her face, scratching half of Xu Jie's face directly, the blood did not follow the gravitational force, But mixed in the wind, to hurt other flowers and trees.

The bones and claws were separated, Wei Chen was shocked back seven or eight steps, and Jin Lang was steady!

Taking advantage of Wei Chen's absence, Golden Wolf continued to pounce, his front paws flashed white, and it was another blow with all his strength!
Wei Chen stared ahead, and the gray elves mobilized together to capture every movement of the golden wolf, imitating it, and superimposing it on the keel again. He completely lost the blow just now. The golden wolf was physically strong and supported by the formation on the ground. Physical strength doubled again.

But it's not hopeless, Wei Chen doesn't know the upper limit of the keel's superposition!
Silently counting the number of superimpositions in my heart, my eyes were fixed on the movement of the golden wolf, and my feet quickly stood firm, but before all this was done, the golden wolf's claws broke through the air and swung down.

retreat!Wei Chen thought to himself, his body cooperated.Fighting is not based on blood, but on calm analysis!
The sharp claws scratched the tip of his nose, Wei Chen narrowly dodged it, and then rushed up with one foot on the ground!
At this time, the golden wolf is just at the time when the new and old forces are alternating, and the empty door is wide open.Wei Chen waved the keel, and knocked down on the wolf's head!

190 stacks once!
With a sound of bone cracking, the golden wolf's teeth shattered.

Wei Chen's eyes widened. The golden wolf has fought all the way, and has experienced hundreds of battles. It can easily deal with various emergencies. For example, this time, it directly grabbed the keel, and then swung its claws to slap Wei Chen. Fall to the ground!Then he raised his foot and stepped on Wei Chen.

Wei Chen hurriedly rolled over, dodging the golden wolf's claws, backed away frantically, and looked at the golden wolf with a heavy face. At this moment, his right hand was empty, and the keel was still held by the golden wolf!


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(End of this chapter)

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