Doom Ray

Chapter 101

Chapter 101
"Tell you to pretend, tell you to act recklessly!"

Wei Chen sat on a rock, with a crying face, and poked the mutated plant with the tip of the keel bone. Before that, he promised Xu Jie to catch the golden wolf, and then he really came.

It was not difficult to track the golden wolf. There were a lot of beasts left on the battlefield before, and the gray elves could easily find the direction of these beasts.

But it's hard to catch a wolf!This is the beast king, surrounded by a large group of guards, with tigers and wolves on the ground, and eagles and falcons on the ground. Killing these creatures is no easier than killing zombies.With healing skills, Wei Chen can easily deal with zombies, and corpse kings of the same level can also be easily killed.

Switched to a creature, the healing technique can only provide healing to the opponent.

"Big Brother, why don't you forget it?" Xu Jie saw Wei Chen's difficulty. They are now in a wasteland, and the Beast Legion is not far away.

Wei Chen shook his head, gave Xu Jie a reassuring look with his thumbs up, and then continued to struggle.

But seeing the majestic appearance of the golden wolf, Wei Chen was also moved. Once the golden wolf succumbed, Wei Chen could command this large group of beasts freely, and with Xu Jie's presence, communication would not be a problem.

This will be a great boost!

Staring at those beasts, Wei Chen's thoughts began to come alive. There must be a solution, the difference is whether he can think of it or not.

"Big brother, maybe you can directly confront the golden wolf." Seeing that Wei Chen was still frowning, Xu Jie began to suggest, "The golden wolf is an animal after all, and it's best to rely on strength to subdue it. If you go around, the effect may not be good."

Is that all right?Also, many times it is artificially complicating things, so go straight!
"Let's go!" Wei Chen raised the keel, listened to Xu Jie's words, and went to shout.

"By the way, Xu Jie, come here and help me translate."

"it is good!"

Walking towards the beast, Wei Chen put in his mind what he had learned before, controlling balance and using the body.The next battle was a real fight.


Seeing someone approaching, the beasts stood up one by one. After the baptism of the last days, these creatures became even bigger.The golden wolf also stood up, stared at it for a long time, and recognized Wei Chen. This guy was the one who teamed up with it to kill the Corpse King last time.

"Call out!" Wei Chen directly asked Xu Jie to shout.

"The golden wolf comes out to die!"


Hearing that someone offended the guards, a big black bear angrily waved its forelimbs and rushed over, as if to teach these overwhelmed people some lessons!
With a huge body and fast running, this blow is extraordinary!

Afterwards, Wei Chen grabbed the black bear by one of its paws and threw it out. It was only at the level of Yinyue, and it was not enough to look at.When the black bear was about to hit the ground, Wei Chen saved his hand and prevented the black bear from falling.

Next, as Xu Jie said, these beasts are very simple, as long as they beat them head-on, they can basically be subdued!This black bear is exactly like that, lying obediently behind Wei Chen.

There is a play!

With a start, Wei Chen felt relieved, at least Xu Jie's method would work!
"Continue!" Wei Chen said.

"Come out and die!"

Then, after hearing this, another beast rushed out angrily.Wei Chen was dumbfounded when he saw this animal, it turned out to be a big white rabbit, but the huge fangs proved that it is no longer the plaything that was slaughtered by others in the past!

Before the rabbit could react, Wei Chen led the rabbit by the ears and threw it out again. This trick was learned from Yan Yan back then. These wild beasts chose to charge, which was just right for them to deal with.



The next one to appear was a giant wolf, which was thrown out by Wei Chen in the same way. However, after this one was defeated, it did not run behind Wei Chen, but returned to the camp of beasts. Because of the same family of golden wolves.


"it is good!"

As soon as Xu Jie yelled, a big yellow-haired dog ran out impatiently, bared its teeth, and saliva continuously flowed out of its open mouth.

"Cut~Xiao Liang is much prettier than you!" Xu Jie said disdainfully, thinking of the big white dog, her eyes turned slightly red.

Wei Chen shook his head. Since he was young, his family had little money and never raised animals, so he naturally couldn't understand Xu Jie's feelings.He even said something about grabbing one instead.

Pets can be rotated continuously after death, but the love left by each pet is irreplaceable!

"Hey!" Wei Chen shouted secretly, using the same routine as before.But this big yellow dog has a coping strategy of his own!
At the moment when Wei Chen was about to grab it with one hand, the big yellow dog quickly rolled over and rolled aside, avoiding Wei Chen's grasp.Then, he quickly put his limbs on the ground, stood up, and rushed over!
This routine can be described as very skilled.

It's a pity that Wei Chen has the help of gray elves, unless his speed is much faster than his own, no matter how he changes his tactics, he will not be able to escape Wei Chen's grasp.

One foot was raised quickly, and one whipped the leg, sending the big yellow dog flying.

"Come again!"


A falcon swooped down. This was Wei Chen's first time dealing with prey in the air!

Facing the flying falcon, Wei Chen stretched out his hand to let it catch it.So, it was Falcon who foolishly grabbed Wei Chen's hand, and was smashed to the ground in the next second.



A big buffalo galloped over in the herd of wild beasts.
"Come again!"

"Shut up!"


"Huh~ Take a rest!" Wei Chen was tired, and a large group of wild beasts had been recovered behind him. Looking at the posture, he probably didn't clean up these miscellaneous fish, and the golden wolf would not appear.At the same time, I also secretly admired this golden wolf in my heart. I guess it was like this at the beginning, and it took these beasts under its tent.

"Big brother, hurry up, those beasts are back!"

Just when Wei Chen resumed his meditation, some wild beasts behind him began to stir, and some ran back directly, crawling beside the golden wolf, begging for forgiveness.

"This~" Wei Chen was dumbfounded, why is he still like this?The duck you got is still flying?

Gotta go faster!If all the beasts behind him ran away and had to do it all over again, Wei Chen would probably go crazy, it wasn't just one or two!It's a whole army of beasts!There are always thousands of them!
Some of the wild beasts that appeared earlier were easy to deal with, but later on, they could no longer be solved with one move or two moves, especially the few beasts just now, which completely forced Wei Chen's mimicry skills out.Most of these beasts live in highly competitive jungles, and fighting can be said to be instinctive.

"Quick, quick!"

Two more ran over, Xu Jie hurriedly urged.

"Okay, let's continue." Wei Chen said depressedly, his energy had only recovered half, and there were a dozen or so of them who ran back, and they were all of good strength!

Sure enough, as expected before, those beasts that ran back entered the battlefield again!

In this case, let's face it, Wei Chen is not the boy who only knows how to give up on himself before!

Ask for collection~~~Ask for collection again~~~Thirdly ask for collection~~~Finally ask for recommendation^_^
Thanks to those big brothers and sisters who often vote for me.

(End of this chapter)

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