Doom Ray

Chapter 100 Cavalry!

Chapter 100 Cavalry!

Following the breath, Wei Chen found that Xu Jie's behavior was different from the others, with a slight deviation.

"Not caught." Wei Chen felt relieved for the time being, he must have run into a team or lackeys who planned to plot evil. Looking back on the two incidents that happened around him before, this time it was not bad.

And not far ahead, there is a group of people chasing crazily.

"Damn it, this little girl can hide!"

"Boss, why don't you just forget about it, it's a waste of time and energy."

Xu Jie kept slipping away, and this group of people also became impatient, so some people proposed to give up.

"Don't worry, the benefits of finishing this vote are definitely better than what you can get from killing zombies and beasts!" A character who resembled the captain said, "Don't you think that girl and that white dog look familiar?"

Hearing this, some people's eyes lit up, obviously thinking of something, and some people still looked puzzled. The captain continued to explain: "This woman is probably the one who is with the King of Light! I just don't know why they separated. If we Wouldn't it be a double gain to capture her and sacrifice her to those behind the government?"

"Good!" Many people praised one after another, but some people expressed their worries, "Then what should the King of Light come?"

Thinking of the guy who easily killed the corpse king in the video, many people trembled.

"There is no way to turn back now!" The captain shouted loudly, boosting morale, "We can only survive if we catch the girl!"

Everyone nodded, killed his dog and beat his companion.The hatred has already been forged, so why not do nothing and keep fighting until the end!Maybe there is still a glimmer of life, isn't it?

"Speed ​​up and grab that girl before the King of Light!"

"it is good!"

After some words, the team quickened their pace, and many people couldn't bear the excitement of this different kind, and shouted out.

"Be quiet!"

Someone in the team immediately came out to warn.The person who was warned smiled brightly, and then the smile froze.The purple cannonballs all over the sky passed over their heads!
"No! Let's go!" The captain yelled, there is only one possibility for this situation to happen - there is an army of zombies ahead!
"What about the girl?"

"It's almost there, why don't you hold on for a while?"

Many people are very unhappy about giving up halfway, which is really a big loss.

"If you don't go, I will go!" The captain was angry, what a joke, there was a whole army of zombies in front, who would dare to rush in except King Guang?Thinking of this, the captain immediately regretted what he had done just now, and was obsessed with money for a while.

Stopping his body, the captain started to turn his head. Seeing this, several team members had no choice but to turn around and run back with the captain, but there were also several team members who were very unhappy and continued to chase.

"Stupid!" the captain cursed secretly while bowing his head.At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the captain, he had no time to stand still, and bumped into it directly.


Just now, he was running almost at full strength, but he was a little stunned by the collision. After finally compose himself, he saw the food in front of him clearly. The captain swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead unconsciously.

He hit a horse!
Yes, a live horse, brown and black, very majestic, and its streamlined body looks full of explosive power!Only one pair of eyes, only the white of the eyes.Mutated flies crawled around on its face.

The captain raised his head slowly, because right now, there was another person, no, a zombie!
Its white scales looked very thick, and there was no gap between each scale.A pair of green eyes were staring at the captain in front of him.And behind this zombie, there is a zombie cavalry brigade lined up in an orderly manner!
"You... die, we live!"

Just when the captain's eyes were full of disbelief, a white bone machete chopped off his head.The team members behind were also not spared.


"It should be right in front!" Wei Chen judged slightly, Xu Jie should not be far away from him.

At this moment, running behind Wei Chen tilted his head, pulled him suddenly, and pointed to the sky. Wei Chen looked up, and there were purple cannons all over the sky!
"I'll go!" Wei Chen cursed secretly, all these shells were aimed at him!It seems that even the prediction has been made!

"Rush over!"

Now that the matter has come to this point, Wei Chen doesn't pursue the cause anymore, and hastened to rescue Xu Jie and run away.

Not long after, those purple shells in the sky descended on the ground.

Boom boom~
The huge air waves intertwined with each other, converging into cyclones in the middle.

Not to me!Wei Chen's eyes widened. After the purple shells fell, most of them landed on some big rocks that got in the way, blowing them flat.

Wei Chen looked ahead, a little confused, there are three zombie legions in such a place!When did the corpse king become so free of money?
But fortunately, in the middle of the journey, Xu Jie seemed to change lanes and broke away from the pursuit.

"Come out!"

Walking to an open space, Xu Jie's breath disappeared in a small space built of stones.Sure enough, when she heard a familiar voice, Xu Jie poked her head out, her eyes were red, and there were still tears on her face.

"Woo~~~Big Brother, Xiaoliang is dead!"

"Okay, it's all right." Wei Chen patted Xu Jie's head and comforted him, "I'll catch one later for you."

"Who wants it!" Xu Jie was furious, "What do you think Xiao Liang is!"

Wei Chen was dumbfounded, then sighed, and apologized to Xu Jie, he really can't comfort people.

"Okay, let's go!" Wei Chen tilted his head to pick up Xu Jie, and left quickly. There is a large army ahead, so we can't stay here for long!

Not long after they left, a group of zombies passed by on zombie horses.

Going back the same way, according to Xu Jie's strong request, let Wei Chen go back and bury the big white dog.

When they came to the small room, Xu Jie stood at the door, not daring to go in to see the miserable appearance of the big white dog, so the job of burying it fell on Wei Chen and Tietou.

"Wait here."

Wei Chen habitually warned, use your imitation to blast a big hole in the ground, and together with Tilting Head, go to clean up the big white dog's body.However, as soon as he entered the door, it was not the red-stained corpse of the big white dog that caught his eyes, but two red-skinned zombies.They were squatting there, chewing the meat of the big white dog.


Tilting his head and taking a step ahead of Wei Chen, he exploded angrily, and directly smashed the two zombies into meatloaf with his big sword.

"Hey~" Wei Chen sighed, fortunately Xu Jie didn't come in, otherwise this girl would be sad again.

"Big brother, are you alright?"

"Not yet, don't turn your head!"

After tidying up the wreckage, Wei Chen found a rug to wrap it up.After going out, he quickly threw the body of the big white dog into the pit and buried it.

"Okay." Finding a cloth and wiping the blood on his hands, Wei Chen said, "Let's go, let's go back to the beach first."

"Hmm~" Xu Jie nodded, feeling very depressed.Suddenly, the girl raised her head, looked at Wei Chen and asked, "Are those two corpse kings dead?"

"Dead!" As he said, Wei Chen took out the spoils - two colorless crystals.

"That's good, let's take Xiao Liang's life in exchange for it!" Xu Jie said with a determined face, "It's not a loss!"

Wei Chen was speechless secretly, how much she hated zombies!

"Big brother, you said just now that you would help me catch another one." Xu Jie, who comforted herself, took Wei Chen's hand and said.

Wei Chen nodded, and assured him: "Yes, I can catch any animal you want!"



"Then I want that golden wolf!"

"I'm good!"

Wei Chen gritted his teeth and agreed, it's hard to chase after a man once said!


Thank you all!
Continue to ask for collection and recommendation tickets

(End of this chapter)

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