Doom Ray

Chapter 99 Mighty Creatures

Chapter 99 Mighty Creatures

In the shattered ruins, a large group of zombies were swimming slowly. Once the corpse king died, these zombies could be regarded as 'free', and began to wander aimlessly again.The flowers and plants on the ground like the rotten smell of the zombies very much. They are simply delicious. In order to obtain more nutrition, these plants are covered with barbs, which scrape the flesh from the soles of the zombies' feet.

"Haha! Sure enough!" Wei Chen walked through the top of the building excitedly, yes, he and Tilted Head climbed onto the roof.Not long after Wei Chen jumped out of the deep pit just now, he thought of this.

After multiple evolutions, the body is strong enough to withstand the impact of the fall. Even if it is injured by the shock, isn't there still healing?
Therefore, Wei Chen climbed to the roof of the building, relying on the powerful assistance brought by the mimicry blessing, he easily jumped on various roofs, just like a martial arts master in a martial arts novel, showing his "lightness skills".


Wei Chen snorted, the oncoming gust of wind, and the pleasure brought by running made him speed up a bit. The gray elves had already been flying in the sky, so they were not afraid of getting lost.

Tilting his head to keep up obediently, a piece of skull was broken, and the light ball inside was shining with silvery white light, and he had to find a way to make it up when he turned around.At that time, the long thorn corpse king failed to hit the light ball, which can be described as the most lucky. When he was in the ground, he was going to replace his head with a dragon head, but then something happened to the old corpse king, and the dragon skull was abandoned in that dark place. underground.

It was precisely because he didn't change his head that he tilted his head to escape, because his original skull was crooked!

The wind whizzed by, and when Wei Chen was running to his heart's content, there was a scream from behind him, tilting his head.

"Crack! Crack!"

"What's the matter?" Wei Chen jumped back with doubts, saying as usual that the roof is safe, and no zombies came back here.However, as soon as he walked in, Wei Chen was overjoyed. He stepped on the heat shield with this guy's foot and got stuck inside.

"Give me a hand!" Wei Chen stretched out his hand, trying to pull the crooked head out, but at this moment, a black thing began to climb up the crooked head's foot bone.

"What?" He tilted his head and slapped the little thing away in disgust. The black bug fell to the ground with its feet on its back, but quickly turned over and quickly locked it in the small gap that was out of proportion to its body. .This scene made Wei Chen's scalp tingle.

It's a cockroach, a huge cockroach that, like any other animal, gets huge.

"I'll go." Wei Chen pulled out the skeletal leg with his head tilted, and said with twitching corners of his mouth, "Isn't every one of these things like this?"

Shouldn't it?Wei Chen comforted himself in his heart.Unfortunately, things backfired.

The rustling sound came from all around, and Wei Chen's whole body went numb. On the roof, where the naked eye could see, many small black figures began to emerge densely.

In the cracked gaps in the heat shield, in the fire hydrants, in the cracked water pipes, in the oil fume vents, as far as the eye can see, the gray heat shield turns black in an instant, and there are cockroaches bigger than mice wriggling.

"Let's go!" Wei Chen hurriedly took off, not daring to stay longer. If these little guys were bigger, there would probably be no other creatures on this earth.

clack clack~~
Before Wei Chen moved, the cockroaches flapped their wings and flew up, rushing towards Wei Chen from all directions.


Wei Chen took a deep breath, and jumped off the building without thinking about it anymore!These cockroaches are extremely terrifying, just during the time when Wei Chen jumped from the roof, they bit Wei Chen beyond recognition.

"Fuck!" Jumping in the air, Wei Chen cursed, these cockroaches can fly!

A cockroach accurately landed on Wei Chen's shoulder, and bit down on Wei Chen's neck!With a click, a piece of tender meat was brought down, and this was only the one on the shoulder. As long as the other parts of Wei Chen's body were exposed, cockroaches would come up and take a nice bite.

"Get out!" Wei Chen was startled, a trace of red mist began to wrap around his body, these little things are estimated to be very low level, but they can force Wei Chen to use all his strength!

In the next second, the keel waved wildly, and one hand began to condense a light ball with mimicry, and then Wei Chen didn't avoid it, and directly detonated the mimicry light ball in his hand!
The huge impact allowed Wei Chen to get rid of the cockroach successfully, but at the same time, like a bullet that had been unloaded, he accelerated violently and fell rapidly!With a bang, Wei Chen landed on the ground.

"Hey!" Wei Chen bowed his waist, gritted his teeth, lost feeling in his legs, and lay on the ground—the spine was broken!
Another loud noise exploded the ground.The tilted head also came down, but compared to Wei Chen, who tilted his head and covered the cut on his head, nothing happened. Not only was the keel strong, but the tilted head also made a cushioning action while falling, which is better than being temporarily disabled. Wei Chen lost is many times better.

"I will never go up to the top floor again!"

Wei Chen swears, it seems that this experience is full of sequelae!
Following the rapid repair of the healing technique after the red mist erupted, Wei Chen stood up slowly.Frightened, he twisted his waist and kicked his numb legs.Before Wei Chen could stand still, a group of zombies appeared around the corner.


"You guys are still welcome!"

Hearing this familiar cry, Wei Chen suddenly felt that what a happy place is below!
The remaining injuries did not affect the battle. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the red mist erupting, Wei Chen carried the keel and killed it. This time, it was more like a massacre than before!


"It's here."

After rushing for a while, Wei Chen, who was looking for a place to recover his energy, led the way by the gray elves, and wandered back and forth to the place he hid before.Everything here is as usual, and no zombies have been besieged.

However, this is just an appearance.

Wei Chen frowned, the gray elf saw much more than this!That piece of smell that belonged to Xu Jie actually spread far away!At the same time, beside this smell, there are some strange breaths.

Something happened to Xu Jie!
Wei Chen pinched the center of his brows, there was no sign of a big white dog outside, so it must be a sign of bad luck!
Sure enough, after entering the room, blood spattered all over the wall, Wei Chen clenched his fists and went out for a while, this kind of thing happened here!
The big white dog was lying in a corner beside him, and the blood had already clotted on the white hair, staining it blood red.His body was riddled with holes, and with the blood spots on the surrounding walls, it could be seen how desperate this dog was for Xu Jie!
"Xu Jie will be very sad." Wei Chen silently closed his eyes for the big white dog. He could imagine how sad Xu Jie was at that moment, and how he hoped that Wei Chen would appear in the next second to stop everything and save the big white dog.

Unfortunately, the next second in Xu Jie's heart did not come true.

Suddenly, there was a sound of bones beside Wei Chen, Wei Chen turned his head, and found that the anger of tilting his head was even worse than that of Wei Chen!On weekdays, the big white dog likes to pester him and lick his bones. It can be said that in his spare time, he spends his head tilting with the big white dog. The deep relationship does not need to be less than Xu Jie!

Wei Chen took a deep breath, and the next second, the muscles on his arms bulged!

"These people are courting death!"

Wei Chen was furious, walked out of the room, followed the remaining aura of Xu Jie and those people, rushed over, tilted his head to follow, and the exposed white ball danced wildly!

"Finally gone!"

In a dark and cold warehouse, a person sat up naked, struggling with his eyes, quickly getting used to the surrounding environment.

"This is the laboratory, right?" Zhuang Ban twitched, and then changed into a man, wearing a white robe, exactly the same as the researcher who came to record his vital signs just now!
He looked around and pulled the door. Zhuang Ban stared blankly at the door for two seconds.

"What kind of trouble is this!" Zhuang Ban was very wronged. First, he was tricked by Wei Chen, and brought here in fear. He thought he would take the opportunity to escape, but he found that he couldn't even get out the door at the beginning.

He looked around helplessly to see if there was any escape exit.Sudden!Zhuang Ban jumped up suddenly!

"Scared me to death." Zhuang Ban patted his chest with lingering fear. In this house, not only he, but also a corpse of a zombie.

Gathering his mind, Zhuang Ban rolled his eyes and came to the corpse of the zombie with a smile on his face and said, "Brother, help me!"

After finishing speaking, one hand touched the sticky body of the zombie, and before he could feel sick, an amazing scene appeared!The flesh of this zombie began to writhe, and in the next second, a person exactly like Zhuang Ban replaced the previous zombie.

"You go to be dissected, and I will help you escape."

Put the 'Zhuang Ban' back to the original position of the Zhuang Ban, and rolled his flesh and blood to become a 'zombie', wading in the original position of the zombie.

Stealing the sky for another day!This ability is amazing!

Kneeling for collection. .recommend. . .

(End of this chapter)

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