Doom Ray

Chapter 98

Chapter 98
Thanks to Nongfu and Shui for their rewards and recommendations, as well as the recommendation tickets from the beginning of the sky~~

Ability aside, the brain zombie is just a small character with no seeds.Besides, the ability was used so frequently just now, how much energy can this guy have in stock?
Seeing a man and a skeleton approaching menacingly, the brain zombie subconsciously backed away, looked at Wei Chen motionlessly, and then looked at the tilted head.Having been pitted by this zombie once, Wei Chen has become more careful now. The energy zombie king, like the energy special ability user, has four skills, one of which is occupied by mimicry.

As for the other three, one should be a mental attack, and the other is to confuse the opponent at the spiritual level.In other words, this corpse king has another skill!
"Be careful!" Wei Chen said to Weitou vigilantly, and he nodded seriously. When he came over just now, Weitou was holding the epee, and at this moment, he was holding it tightly.

While approaching, Wei Chen frowned and rubbed his temples. He was attacked continuously by the brain corpse just now, causing Wei Chen's whole head to still swell and ache.

"We must not stay!" Rubbing the center of his brows again, Wei Chen's killing intent towards this corpse king has further improved.

Gradually, Wei Chen is getting closer and closer to the brain zombie. Unless a miracle happens, this zombie king will definitely die.But now, don't be in a hurry. If you are in a hurry, you will jump over the wall, let alone the corpse king?

To be on the safe side, Wei Chen now superimposes a mimic on his feet, and when the distance is shortened to a certain level, he will directly burst out and kill the corpse king without giving it any chance to counterattack!
It got closer and closer. Until Wei Chen was seven or eight meters away from the corpse king——


Wei Chen shouted in a low voice, pointing his toes, the fragile land couldn't bear that powerful force at all, and exploded!Tilting its head followed closely behind, and the huge epee did not slow down its speed at all.

At this moment, the Brain Corpse King didn't panic, just as Wei Chen thought, this guy still has a skill left as his trump card!Just when Wei Chen was within four meters of the Brain Corpse King, his trump card was revealed!

A terrifying explosion centered around the brain corpse king and exploded in all directions!The range of influence is a full ten meters!Wei Chen was blown out with his head tilted, but the tilted head was fine, Wei Chen's front body was bloody and bloody for a while!
The smoke and dust from the explosion rolled up a small mushroom cloud. After the smoke and dust dispersed slightly, a large crater about ten meters deep appeared on the ground!It's an all-around blast!

Then, there was a roar from the pit, and the brain zombie used its power to warn the human beings who approached it—Wei Chen.

"Cough~" Spit out a mouthful of blood foam, Wei Chen stood up unsteadily, and the scene in front of him even had a double image!

All the skills of Brain Zombie are related to spirit, and this skill is no exception!In addition to the physical blow caused by the explosion, there will also be a kind of ripple in the explosion, which will blow the brain again!
Flesh injuries, Wei Chen can heal quickly, especially under the conditions of the red mist eruption, physical injuries are nothing, but mentally, Wei Chen cannot use skills to heal, at least it seems that it is not possible now .

"It's really strong." Wei Chen sighed, obviously he hadn't reached the stage of accumulating seeds, but he could be crushed by the explosion of red mist, "But you don't feel good either!"

Indeed, when the dust and mist dissipated, the corpse king in the pit was also exposed. As for its state, it was miserable!
The originally gray and white skin was now all turned out, and the dirty blood was left, dyeing it red all over.

"If this is the case, you can die!" Wei Chen said lightly, this move is powerful, but judging from the previous situation, the trigger distance is a bit short.

"Throw it over in a while!" Wei Chen tilted his head under command, and then a mimetic light ball began to condense on his hand.Otherwise, if people pass by, can't they use long-range attacks?

In this way, the exposed cards no longer have any effect.

A light fish disappeared in a flash, causing a violent explosion, and then, an epee cut into the explosion, bringing out blood.

"It's over!" Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief and slumped on the ground, "The strength is still not enough."

Wei Chen sighed, if it wasn't for this brain corpse king not reaching the seeding stage, he and Tilted Head would really be planted here, and that kind of powerful mental shock would be impossible to guard against!
The smoke in the pit dissipated, and a bloody corpse was revealed on the ground, broken in two.Wei Chen took a look twice and confirmed that the zombie was completely dead before turning his head and leaving.

"Heck!" At this moment, he tilted his head and touched Wei Chen with his bony arm, then pointed to the corpse of the brain corpse king.

"What's wrong?" Wei Chen was puzzled, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked intently at the direction his head was pointing, "What?"

Seeing that Wei Chen was a bit dull, he tilted his head and ran over directly pulling Wei Chen.Both jumped down the big pit, tilted their heads and led Wei Chen to the half corpse of the Brain Corpse King.

Then, tilting his head and grabbing it with his bony hands, he pulled out a colorless spar from the heart of the Brain Corpse King.

Wei Chen slapped his forehead fiercely, he was probably dumbfounded by the mental shock, and forgot such an important thing, fortunately, he woke up with a tilted head.

After receiving the spar, Wei Chen squeezed it. This guy hasn't reached Yunzhong yet, so the size of this spar is far smaller than the previous two.Later, Wei Chen put it together with other corpse king crystals.

"I don't know how to deal with mental attacks." Looking at the half of the corpse on the ground, Wei Chen frowned and thought, since there are skills to attack the spirit, doesn't that mean that he will encounter the same troubles in the future.

Shaking his head, Wei Chen didn't think of anything.

"Huh! What is this?"

Suddenly, Wei Chen discovered that the diamond-shaped crystal on the forehead of the corpse king hadn't lost its luster due to the death of the corpse king's brain.

"Could it be a baby?" Wei Chen's eyes lit up, and he reached out and took out the crystal.Taking the blue spar, Wei Chen immediately felt a burst of coolness.

"I don't know how to use it?" Wei Chen looked at it and tilted his head. Seeing that it was also in a daze, he probably couldn't find out the use for a while.

"It doesn't matter, study slowly."

Wei Chen thought optimistically, didn't the former corpse king spar discover its effect precisely because of special circumstances?Then, Wei Chen and Yitou jumped out of the big pit and walked towards the corpse of the thorn corpse king.

On the way, the red mist on Wei Chen dissipated.

"It's been a lot longer!" Wei Chen clenched his fists. Recently, he absorbed a lot of energy, the seeds became bigger, and the duration of the red mist became correspondingly longer.

This red mist is very good for those with special abilities. It consumes the energy in Wei Chen's brain and has no sequelae.But if it is changed to an evolutionary or a special ability user who consumes physical strength, it will be miserable. If the physical strength is directly consumed, it is estimated that the red mist will not even be able to walk.

"It seems that the total amount of energy has not changed, and it has become the amount of energy consumed by the red mist." Wei Chen speculated, after all, only the seeds have grown in size during this period, while the fruits have remained the same.

While thinking, Wei Chen came to the corpse of the long thorn corpse king, tilted his head as if he was addicted to digging, first Wei Chen took out the colorless crystal, this one is the second colorless crystal obtained by Wei Chen Stone, about the same size.

"This spike can be used!" Relying on the gourd painting, Wei Chen also found the treasure on this corpse king.So Wei Chen pulled out the long thorn without saying a word.In the next second, he stabbed vigorously towards the epee in the hand with his head tilted!

"It's not bad!" Wei Chen commented, and after putting away the other one, he looked at the keel in his hand and said, "It should be sharpened."

Wei Chen had this idea very early, but unfortunately he couldn't enter the defense line, so he had to delay it temporarily. Fortunately, now he can go to the seaside building to find someone to help with processing.After putting away his things, Wei Chen returned the same way. Although the way of death of the two corpse kings was different from his own idea, at least they were eliminated.

However, before Wei Chen had walked a few steps, his face was filled with regret!Since there are good things to take from the body of the corpse king, what about the previous ones?Especially the old corpse king's, that's a corpse spirit!
Wei Chen patted his thighs continuously, wishing he could go back underground immediately.


Angrily begging for collection, madly begging for recommendation. .

By the way, if everyone wants water experience, go to the chapter in the book review area to reply to get a reward, no one has asked for it. . . .I'm so excited to see it. . . .30 points per chapter, is there any~~~
(End of this chapter)

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