Doom Ray

Chapter 97 Relay

Chapter 97 Relay
Ding Ding Ding ~
The needles hit the metal, making a crisp sound.

Tilting his head, he suddenly plunged into Wei Chen and the corpse king. With a sweep of the epee, the strong wind directly blew the needles, posing no threat to Wei Chen behind.


Seeing that the spikes were intercepted, this time the Long Spiked Corpse King roared and charged forward. Two huge spikes grew out of his palms, clasping his five fingers together, like a warrior holding two knives.

Wei Chen recovered from the pain, and stared heavily at the front. Whether it was the combat power of tilting his head or his own fighting style, he would not lose to the thorny zombie, but the problem was that this long-haired zombie Behind the stabbing zombies, there is a headache-inducing corpse king.

Sure enough, at the moment when he tilted his head and swung the epee, Wei Chen felt a wave emanating from the Brain Corpse King, and then he tilted his head and loosened his hands, and the epee hit the ground directly.


The severe pain caused the head to curl up, and a bony hand grabbed the head, looking very uncomfortable, and even forgot that it was still fighting!

The sharp spikes hit the crooked head with no flesh, although its power was greatly reduced, it also sent the crooked head flying.

"Damn it!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth, knitting a woolen yarn in this way!As long as his side attacks, the brain zombie king will interfere, directly making himself and Tilted Head lose their resistance.Even escaping will be affected by this mental shock.

In this way, passively, Wei Chen ushered in the second round of attack by the long-stabbed corpse king.

"Be careful!" Wei Chen yelled, the target of this attack was to tilt his head.

The long thorn corpse king stepped forward, the two thorns glowed coldly, and pierced into the eye hole of the tilted head!
"Get out!" Wei Chen was in a hurry. He remembered that the weakness of the skeletons was their heads. There was a small ball of light inside, which was the foundation of their livelihood. If they were solid, they would definitely not be able to survive if they tilted their heads!
Wei Chen rushed to the rescue, relying on his speed, in time!

However, just as Wei Chen was about to exert his strength, severe pain began to appear in his head again!How could the brain corpse king in the back give Wei Chen a chance to rescue him?
"Ah!" Wei Chen roared angrily, feeling pain on the one hand and anger on the other.This kind of helplessness and aggrieved, never suffered!The long thorn corpse king did not hesitate, and with the strength of the forward rush, combined with the sharp long thorn, he poked in the eye hole of the tilted head!
Half of the skull shattered.


A heart-piercing roar resounded among the quiet tall buildings.Numerous bloodshots quickly filled Wei Chen's eyeballs, and after he came out of the ground, he tilted his head and followed Wei Chen all the time, inseparable, obedient to Wei Chen's words.

On the other hand, it tilts its head and is unaccompanied. It almost regards Wei Chen as a relative. It can be regarded as the most special one among all the skeletons. It has its own thoughts, cares about its own image, and likes another one. Only a skeleton, this point, even the old corpse king didn't expect it.Especially after getting the keel out of control, the head tilt became more and more uncontrollable, and he began to follow Wei Chen to see this novel world.

However, that's it.

"Go to hell!" Wei Chen yelled, no matter how much mimicry his body could bear, he crazily superimposed on his feet. At this moment, he just wanted to tear this spiked zombie in front of him to shreds!

Finally, the mimicry superimposed on the soles of Wei Chen's feet far exceeded the limit he could bear, so the soles of Wei Chen's feet cracked open!Red blood filled the newly bought shoes.

The pain washed over Wei Chen's nerves, making him even crazier!The center of gravity is lowered, and the strength of the whole body is concentrated on this cracked foot.

However, at the moment Wei Chen jumped out, a familiar wave followed!

"Get out!" Wei Chen went crazy, waving his fist and hitting his head!

However, that kind of mental pain was not overwhelmed by this punch, on the contrary, under the attack of Wei Chen's punch, it became more intense!
Between the teeth, a layer of enamel was forcibly worn away, and a faint fishy smell filled the mouth. Wei Chen, who was mentally shocked, was unable to move again. The enemy was in front of him, but he could only stare blankly!
The long thorn corpse king saw that the tilted head was no longer moving, and slowly pulled out the spikes on his hand. His two green eyes turned to face Wei Chen, but at the moment it just pulled out the spikes, a sudden change suddenly appeared. !

An arm with spikes, spinning, and flying in the air together with blood flowers!

Tilting his head jumped up from the ground, his head was shattered, and he could even see the glowing white ball of light inside it!I saw one of the bone claws raised slightly, with a little blood on it, and the other hand was retracted to the chest, with the fingertips close together, like a five-fingered dagger!

At this moment, he tilted his head and started screaming, and the brain corpse king once again received a painful and unbearable mental shock, but this blow failed.

The long thorn corpse king looked at his broken arm that flew out, and didn't respond for a while, but it was okay, the brain corpse king gave it enough reaction time!
The roar sounded again, and the red mist on the long thorn corpse king suddenly became more vigorous!

The spikes lashed hard at the crooked head's skeleton, but such an attack obviously had no effect. Immediately afterwards, the Long Spiked Corpse King opened his mouth to bite the white ball of life on the crooked head.

"go away!"

Wei Chen yelled loudly, seeing that the tilted head was fine, an inexplicable sense of excitement arose spontaneously, and the cracked feet that had been prepared for a long time made the whole person pull out an afterimage while walking!The ball of light in his left hand rose and pressed towards the face of the Spiked Corpse King.

The ball of light disappeared, Wei Chen was affected again, and the long thorn corpse king was rescued by the brain corpse king again!

It's time for a dog!Wei Chen cursed in his heart, this corpse king must never be kept!
This kind of ability is too heaven-defying, especially with the cooperation of someone, it can almost kill one by one.This is just now, if this corpse king develops well, maybe one day, this world will be its world!

Gritting his teeth, the pain Wei Chen endured may be due to his familiarity with this kind of sympathy. This time the mental shock did not bring as much pain as before, but it still made Wei Chen unable to move.


Just when Wei Chen was hit by the mental shock, he tilted his head. He happened to pass through the most painful time, and his body could move freely.

The head was sideways to avoid the disgusting rotten mouth, and then suddenly exploded, and the shoulder hit the throat of the thorn king.Boom, with one hit, the long thorn corpse king's throat was completely sunken, and he could not make a sound. He tilted his head and continued to attack, but the brain corpse king's side sent waves, blocking the continuous offensive of the tilted head.

However, at this moment, one of the biggest problems was exposed.

Wei Chen moved, the corners of his mouth curled up, and the ball of light emerged from his hand, swinging towards the long thorn corpse king.He thought of the key point. Corpse kings are generally special abilities, and some of them are energy-type special abilities like Wei Chen. That is to say, apart from the shortcoming that the brain corpse king will spend all energy, there is another problem. , cannot use two mental impact skills at the same time!
Sure enough, if this blow hits, the thorn zombie must die. In this case, the brain zombie must use the mental shock on Wei Chen!But the consequence of this is that the tilted head can be moved, the mental shock is transferred, and even some sequelae do not continue to happen to it.

One bony hand grabbed the spikes, and the other went straight for the spiked corpse king's head.It's a pity that this blow only scratched the skin, and after a wave of fluctuations, he tilted his head and stopped.

As a result, Wei Chen exploded, and the huge ball of light quickly pressed towards the long thorn corpse king!
It's like a mutual relay, whether it's tilting his head or Wei Chen's fighting talent is very strong, it's not comparable to the pampered corpse king!Soon, they mastered the rhythm, and the long-stabbed corpse king was retreating steadily. Even the brain corpse king was still in chaos, and even occasionally made mistakes, and the mental shock used the wrong person.


In the end, there is no other way for the brain corpse king, not every corpse king is of Yunseed rank!
"Death!" The final blow!Wei Chen gritted his teeth slightly, the pain caused by the continuous mental shock was not so pleasant!
Chi la~
The ball of light hit the long thorn corpse king, and a puff of black smoke with a burnt smell witnessed the death of a corpse king.

"Huh~" Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at the brain corpse king.

Before, it had the cooperation of the long thorn corpse king. Not only could Wei Chen and Yitou not be able to approach it, they almost let the long thorn corpse king kill him, and the interfering Wei Chen had no time to rescue it.

And now, it can only die!


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(End of this chapter)

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