Doom Ray

Chapter 96

Chapter 96
Wei Chen didn't know all of this, his preconceived thoughts, coupled with his focus on finding the location of the corpse king, caused him to ignore the arrangement of the zombies on the ground!
"Slow down."

Afraid that the corpse king would lose him after him, Wei Chen deliberately slowed down.And he himself was leaning on a broken sofa that had just been wiped clean.Tilting her head and the big white dog were still playing, and Xu Jie watched all this quietly as usual.

At this moment, the crisis comes!
Wei Chen's brain suddenly rang. At this moment, the golden skeleton became unstable and fell to the ground.

what happened?

Wei Chen clenched his teeth, his eyes protruded, and he lay sideways on the sofa with his hands covering his head.

"What's the matter, big brother?" Seeing Wei Chen like this, Xu Jie panicked, tilted her head and immediately drew out her epee, and became vigilant. The narrow space caused a trace to be drawn by the epee on the ceiling.

At this moment, Wei Chen only felt that his mind was chaotic, painful, and blank. Fortunately, this feeling only existed for a moment, and then there was a burst of dizziness, staring at his eyes. Fortunately, he gradually recovered.

After a short period of confusion, Wei Chen panted heavily on the sofa. He definitely didn't want to experience the feeling just now again!

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Wei Chen had improved, Xu Jie asked hastily.But even Wei Chen himself doesn't know about this matter, so how can he answer?

"never mind."

Finally, a standard panacea answer was given to Xu Jie.

"Not good!" After relieving himself, Wei Chen immediately turned his head to control the golden skeleton. If he was chased up by the corpse king, it would be over and all previous efforts would be wasted.

"It's okay." Feeling the familiar feeling, Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, but the next moment, his whole face became serious—the gray elf that was flying in the air was gone!

"Calm down!" Wei Chen secretly reminded himself that the golden skeleton is still there, as long as he keeps running forward, it's very simple, don't panic!One hand greeted the gray elves habitually, but at this second, Wei Chen discovered another serious problem.

At the same time, he can only use one skill!
After the gray elf is summoned on weekdays, this guy will not occupy the skill position, it just needs Wei Chen to exert strength at the moment of summoning, and then the gray elf will become independent.

But now, Wei Chen still needs to maintain a golden skeleton. This thing is not the same as the gray elves. If Wei Chen doesn't care about it, it will be gone.

How to do?
Wei Chen is in trouble. This plan to lure corpse kings to kill each other is based on the premise that the gray elves lead the way and the golden skeleton lures the monsters. Now without the gray elves leading the way, Wei Chen can only let the golden skeleton run around.Although the distance between the golden skeleton and the other corpse king is almost a straight line, how many normal people can walk out of the straight line with their eyes closed?

Let's forget it?

Wei Chen was a little reconciled, the plan he had finally made was in vain!

"Also, what was that just now?" Compared to this, Wei Chen was more concerned about the shock in his mind before, it came so suddenly, without any warning.

"Could it be the ability to attack mentally? A lackey? A corpse king?" Thinking of this, Wei Chen was shocked. Whether it was a lackey or a corpse king, Wei Chen didn't want them to have such abilities.

"No, go and see!"

Wei Chen sat up and shouted, he tilted his head and walked outside, but when he left, he turned his head and stopped Xu Jie who was about to follow.

"You stay here, don't join this time!" Wei Chen said very seriously.This attitude really startled Xu Jie.

Wei Chen continued: "The situation is more dangerous this time, so don't go."

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded obediently, considering Wei Chen's painful face before, she understood that this time it was not that simple!
Of course, Wei Chen was not so stupid as to continue to carry out the plan. He went out this time to find out the reason, or to say, to directly kill this problem at this moment, the threat is too great!
If the other party is a lackey, then with this move, he can completely kill himself!You must know that at that moment just now, Wei Chen was in such pain that he couldn't do anything!If zombies have such abilities, the situation is not optimistic!This ability is estimated to make this corpse king directly invincible!
The moment of being stunned is enough to kill the opponent several times.

The only good news is that Wei Chen can still feel the exact position of the golden skeleton.

"Here!" With his head tilted, Wei Chen ran all the way, grabbed a handful of low-grade yellow crystals and began to recover.

"Hey!" Tilting his head, he was absolutely loyal, and followed Wei Chen closely to protect him.

Wei Chen changed his mind, first killed the corpse king together with Tilting Head, and then summoned the gray elves to find the culprit of the incident just now.After all, without gray elves, finding the culprit is like finding a needle in a haystack.


Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief, compared to the unknown enemy, this corpse king is much easier to deal with.

"Get ready!" Wei Chen clenched the keel tightly. It wasn't the first time he had killed the corpse king, but he was still a little nervous and uneasy for some reason.

Controlling the golden skeleton to continue to move, Wei Chen waited on the spot. Due to the arrival of the corpse king army, there were no wandering zombies nearby.And the environment is also good, there are few piles of miscellaneous stones, the surrounding walls are covered with plants, and there is no broken meat on the ground.

But it is such a place, and the war is about to start.


Hiding behind a corner, Wei Chen calmed down, as soon as he turned another corner, he would face the zombies!

"It's now! Explosion!"

Suddenly, Wei Chen yelled loudly, sensing that the golden skeleton was about to turn around, Wei Chen directly ordered the detonation, killing him by surprise!


The moment Wei Chen gave the order, Wei Chen burst out with all his strength, and the red mist immediately began to wrap around his body, trying to burst out with all his strength, destroy the corpse king in the shortest time, and look for the person who can make a fuss mentally, or the zombie!
However, when Wei Chen rushed up with his head tilted, the expected explosion sound did not come, and the second after Wei Chen jumped out of the turning, the sudden scene completely stunned him .

"How is this possible!" Wei Chen exclaimed in surprise.

The scene in front of him was really unacceptable to Wei Chen, because in front of his eyes were not the unexploded golden skeleton, but two zombies!

One of them was the corpse king who was seduced by Wei Chen before, very silly and innocent.And the other one has a lozenge-shaped blue crystal on its forehead, and its eyes are different from other zombies, they are blue!Especially its brain is a full circle bigger than the seduced corpse king!
It's it!

Seeing this scene, Wei Chen was quite sure that it was this zombie who destroyed his plan just now, and made himself miserable through special methods.

This was Wei Chen's second thought, this guy was able to pretend to be his golden skeleton, and deceived Wei Chen ruthlessly!
This is another corpse king!
Wei Chen quickly understood the identity of this zombie, and his face immediately turned pale.

How to do?
Wei Chen's forehead began to break out in cold sweat. If he fights, he may not be able to beat him. There is a corpse king with a brain on the opposite side. As long as he disturbs himself mentally, he will definitely lose!And he has already used the red mist to explode, no matter from which angle he looks at it, he has no advantage!
At this moment, Wei Chen felt a little regretful, he was not greedy enough, this was completely self-inflicted!
"Hey!" Tilting his head, he also saw that the opponent seemed difficult to deal with, lowered his body slightly, turned his head to look at Wei Chen, and waited for his instructions.

But Wei Chen, he has nothing to do.


After saying this, Wei Chen turned around and left, the mimesis on the soles of his feet began to be blessed crazily, and he accelerated crazily.Tilting his head, he hurriedly followed.In this situation, he can only run away. As long as he escapes this catastrophe, he can think of various ways to slowly kill these two corpse kings in the future.

Sure enough, the worst thing happened, these two corpse kings never thought of letting Wei Chen escape!The same feeling, the familiar pain, happened at this moment on the battlefield!
"Bastard!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth and endured. Now that the red mist was erupting, Wei Chen suffered significantly less damage, but this attack still successfully prevented Wei Chen from escaping.

Wei Chen's footsteps stopped, and the yellow light under his feet directly converged and disappeared.The pain in his head made him unable to take a step forward!


Seeing this, another corpse king rushed up, and the red mist began to entangle him while running, and the battle went straight into a fever!A pair of sharp claws popped out, and rows of dark red spikes began to emerge from all over the body. The next moment, these spikes shot towards Wei Chen at a very fast speed!

Recommend to start, ask for collection, ask for recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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