Doom Ray

Chapter 95 The Truly Powerful Legion

Chapter 95 The Truly Powerful Legion

On the vast battlefield, human beings are waiting in full battle. In the opposite camp, there is a blue altar-like building. Wei Chen will never forget the dull eyes of his parents at that time.

"Big brother?" Xu Jie looked at Wei Chen's hideous face, a little worried, this was the first time she saw Wei Chen showing such an expression.

But soon Wei Chen recovered as before, mobilized the gray elves to continue monitoring, the yellow light in his hand began to gather, and after a while, a big ball of light appeared in his hand.

Xu Jie looked at Wei Chen curiously, not knowing what he was going to do.

The ball of light kept changing, and under Wei Chen's control, it became longer and longer, and finally turned into a shape that was thicker at both ends and slender in the middle.

"The consumption is okay."

The completed guard Chen checked the energy reserves in his mind, and found that the consumption was not large, so he continued to work on this strange stick, and a small disc grew out of one end of the stick. In general, Like a short-handled golf club.

"Hey!" Just when Xu Jie was confused, she tilted her head to see the way, and as Wei Chen's masterpiece continued to take shape, she knew what it was, especially the one Wei Chen was making. At the same time, he kept turning towards him.

Yes, what Wei Chen formed in his hands was a leg bone, including the thigh bone, long leg bone, knee bone, and finally the sole of the foot. Everything was made according to the various parts of the tilted head.Of course, the ratio must be much smaller.

"There's not enough energy." After finishing the soles of the feet, Wei Chen began to worry. It was impossible to complete his own process with the current energy.Wei Chen's idea is to make a skeleton first, and then add skin and flesh made of mimicry to the skeleton. In this way, a golden man is born.

Taking out a corpse king spar, Wei Chen began to make it while making additions. No matter what, this work still needs to continue.

In addition to energy, there is another problem that is also very troublesome. Wei Chen's education is only a high school level, and he is still a failure. He knows nothing about the structure of the human body. In this way, the complexity of the skeleton cannot be seen clearly in a short while.

In the end, Wei Chen decided to keep things simple.

"I really don't know how this guy removed bones of the right size from the keel." Sitting on the skeleton, Wei Chen said with emotion, "This process can't be solved in a short while, it seems that this guy has a lot of research on bones. "

"Isn't it because I often disassembled and reassembled myself for playing?"

Looking at the tilted head, Wei Chen recalled the first time he noticed this skeleton, because of his bad hands and feet, he was blown away by the black skull when he got out of the plant. He also dismantled himself and passed through the warning zone section by section.

With the completion of the lower body, Wei Chen put away the colorless and transparent corpse king spar and replaced it with the old corpse king's.Starting from the spine, Wei Chen understood that his budget was still too small, even if he cut corners on the spine, the consumption would not be comparable to that of a long leg bone.

"Hey, brainless, why does this thing need flesh and blood?" Wei Chen dismissed his original intention due to lack of energy.Before, he wanted to make a villain, just like he made a fish.

"As long as it can attract the other party's attention." Wei Chen lowered his requirements on himself, and the speed of making the skeleton was a little faster.This thing can be regarded as the most important part of his plan, replacing him and attracting the corpse king's attention.

"It's really hard to make a spine." Seeing a crooked spine take shape, Wei Chen sweated quietly, wondering if this thing can walk, and if it will break when walking.

After finishing the spine, only the hands, ribs, and head are left in the whole skeleton. The hands are relatively simple, similar to the leg bones. When the ball is formed, it turns out to be a skeleton with a ball of light on it, which looks very weird.

"It's so ugly!" Xu Jie commented.

Hearing these words, Wei Chen almost slapped her in the face. Anyway, it was something Wei Chen painstakingly made, and he didn't bring such shocking words.But speaking of it, compared with the tilted head, this golden skeleton is just like the ancient Dongshi Shi, the gap is not so big!
"Heck!" Tilting his head and shaking his head vigorously, just now Wei Chen kept looking at it, causing him to think that this golden skull was made by Wei Chen exactly like him, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

Wei Chen scratched his head in embarrassment, indeed, he looked a little blushing after making it like this.

"It doesn't matter, a black cat and a white cat are good cats that can catch the teacher." Wei Chen thought optimistically that no matter how beautifully made, this thing is also a one-time consumable, "I don't know how fast it is?"

Compared with the previous mimic fish, the speed shouldn't be much worse.

Sure enough, Wei Chen controlled the golden skeleton to move two steps, and the speed was very satisfactory to him. The fly in the ointment was that because the golden skeleton was not connected well, the connection points between the bones would be disconnected when moving.

"Okay, let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, the golden skeleton ran in one direction, where there was a corpse king sitting on the altar and taking a nap.

"Let's hide and watch the show!" Wei Chen said with a smile, through the gray elf's vision, the golden skeleton is like his incarnation, and he is very comfortable to direct.

Afterwards, a group of people found a dilapidated small room, waiting for Wei Chen's good show!
A yellow shadow quickly passed through the ruins, and densely packed zombies slowly appeared around, but Wei Chen would not waste the energy of the golden skeleton on these cannon fodder.

This is something made with two corpse king crystals!

Thus, the most heaven-defying ability of the golden skull appeared. As a product of mimicry, this thing can float in the air!Therefore, Wei Chen didn't need to think about how to hide at all, he just dodged through the windows between the buildings.

In the last days, the most distinctive feature is the fences on the windows on the second and third floors, which have basically been demolished.

"Hurry up!" Approaching the location of the corpse king, Wei Chen became a little excited and a little nervous, "I hope there is no protective cover!"

Wei Chen will never forget how much trouble the old corpse king's protective shield caused him.

"It's really impossible to blow up it with some energy!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth and said, the whole body of the golden skeleton is full of mimetic energy, and if you throw a rib at random, the power will be extraordinary.

But in fact, God is on Wei Chen's side!The golden skeleton flashed into the altar in the blink of an eye, and a large palm slapped the corpse king.

A slap on the face of this corpse king!Immediately afterwards, the palm exploded, and the energy of the explosion hurt the corpse king again.

"Hungry?" The corpse king was probably a pampered creature. After being slapped, he didn't react for a long time, and stared blankly at the golden skeleton who turned his head and ran away.



A deafening roar spread through the zombie army, and the corpse king was furious!Jump directly from the altar!

"Hmph~ I'm hooked!" Wei Chen sneered for a while, and sure enough, these zombie kings' brains are not very developed.Generally speaking, as long as the other party is not allowed to grow up to be as smart as the old corpse king, then the hope of human beings is still very high.

The golden skeleton whizzed past in the air, with the zombie king chasing after him, Wei Chen didn't have to avoid other zombies - that's how urine is.

Compared with the light golden skeleton, this corpse king's ostentation is not small, every step will collapse the ground, making a lot of noise, but the more so, the happier Wei Chen is, who doesn't want his opponent to be a pig Woolen cloth?

Unfortunately, this happiness will soon come to an end.

Not far in front of the golden skeleton, a team is neatly lined up, and various types of zombies are divided in an orderly manner.Of course, this is not to face the coming Golden Skeleton, but this legion, which is what it is!


It's Sunday, and I'm still busy. I finished this chapter at two o'clock in the morning. . .

The underpants will be pushed next week, remember to join us!

(End of this chapter)

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