Doom Ray

Chapter 128 Dream Space

Chapter 128 Dream Space
Not only Xu Jie, but even a more mature man like Huang Yang couldn't help but take a look to see what was written on it when he tilted his head to get his ID card.But after seeing the magnetic card, they were disappointed. There were only a lot of jumbled words on this identity card.

After joking around, Huang Yang took everyone to get the qualification to enter the central area.

"Not everyone can enter. There is a qualification test here. Only if you pass, the magnetic card will become a pass, otherwise it's just a card." While walking, Huang Yang slowly told everyone about the form of the test.

This so-called entry qualification examination has a total of six items, and each item is different with different standards.Those who get the card after registration can swipe the card to participate and be randomly assigned to each project.Since each person has a chance to participate once every two days, after everyone approached the assessment site, they found that it was basically overcrowded.

"How long will this take?" Wei Chen frowned, he didn't have time to waste here.

"It won't be long. Because the elimination speed is very fast!" Huang Yang dispelled Wei Chen's doubts.Sure enough, while talking, the team has already started to move forward. Although the distance of each move is not long, the frequency cannot be kept fast.

"Let me explain the rules here first, so that you don't get confused when you go in." Huang Yang said: "The assessment is conducted by a single person, and the speed of customs clearance naturally varies from person to person, but there is one thing you must know. Don't panic when you enter the assessment place. Just follow the robot's instructions, and don't try to attack the facilities in the assessment room, or you will be thrown out."

"Also, have you seen the holographic projection?" As he said, Huang Yang pointed to the high sky in front of him, where there was a projected screen.

"The above are the customs clearance records left by the top ten people in the previous qualification examinations. Don't underestimate these, as long as you are on that list, all the points you get in this assessment will be converted into practical points!"

"And this point can be used to exchange for prizes, or to hire people!" Huang Yang looked at Wei Chen and said, "You must do your best, the higher the score, the better!"

"Yeah." Wei Chen nodded, he still has a few minutes left to save Huangfu Ling!How dare you be lazy.

Then, the team moved quickly, and before they knew it, Wei Chen and his party could already see the white cabin used for the assessment ahead.Huang Yang gave a lot of advice along the way, but Wei Chen noticed one thing, Huang Yang said so much, but didn't mention the exam content at all!

"Wei Chen is here for you!"

Seeing someone come out with a disheveled face, Huang Yang hurriedly patted Wei Chen who was distracted, pointed to the white cabin in front and said, "Go in after swiping the card, and then just follow the instructions of the robot. Don't be too careless!"

Wei Chen nodded earnestly, lifted his foot, walked two steps quickly, and came to the door of the cabin. There was a card reader here. Wei Chen put his ID card on it, and only heard a beep, and the door opened up.

"Big brother, come on!"

Xu Jie cheered Wei Chen up from behind.Wei Chen turned his head and smiled, giving her a reassuring look, then took a deep breath and stepped into the door.

As soon as he entered the door, before Wei Chen could react, the door had already closed automatically.Immediately afterwards, cold voices sounded from all around, "Welcome to the dream test space, please lie down for the test participants."

"Dream test!" Wei Chen looked surprised, "I didn't expect the technology here to be so high-end! These things were only found in movies before. I really don't know if coming here is a blessing or a curse."

"Please testers lie on the bed, otherwise they will be directly disqualified!"

Seeing that Wei Chen didn't respond, the machine gave Wei Chen an ultimatum.Wei Chen had no choice but to lie down.At this moment, there was a chaotic noise all around, and Wei Chen was completely surrounded by various testing instruments.

"Sweet dreams!"

After the system finished saying this, Wei Chen felt dizzy for a while, and immediately fell asleep.


"I don't know what happened to my big brother."

Outside, Xu Jie looked worriedly at the white cabin, and Huang Yang comforted him, "Don't worry, just wait and hear the good news!"

"Brother Huang, let's go to the meeting, it's too tiring to stand all the time."

When Huang Yang comforted Xu Jie, Alan waved Huang Yang's hand and said coquettishly.This action made Zhang Qian behind feel disgusted.

On the other side, in the dream, Wei Chen was hanging on a steel wire, surrounded by clouds and mist, he lowered his head to be invisible!
"What is this for? A free fall to test the strength of the body? Or a test of perseverance, to count the time of persistence?" Wei Chen didn't know, so his hands and feet were entangled and hung on the steel wire.

"Could it be that you want to climb to the end of the other section?" Suddenly, Wei Chen had such an idea, "No, no way! This distance is too far!"

Seeing the steel wire disappearing in the clouds and mist in the distance, Wei Chen gave up this idea.

"Could it be that he really wants to walk a tightrope?" Wei Chen grimaced, he really doesn't know how to do this!

Hanging here for a while, there is still no movement around, Wei Chen has no choice but to move forward!

"Crawl first."

Helpless, Wei Chen had no choice but to hold the steel wire and move forward a little bit. The speed was not fast, but at least he would not fall.

"Hey, why is the shaking getting stronger and stronger?" Suddenly, Wei Chen found that his body began to sway from side to side non-stop, and asked in surprise, "Is it still like this because the wind is too strong?"

Since it was at a high altitude, Wei Chen subconsciously thought of the influence of the wind.

"No, the corners of the clothes were not blown!" Wei Chen looked at the loose parts of his clothes, but they didn't move against the wind.Suddenly, Wei Chen felt a bad premonition.

He remembered that when he was watching cartoons before, he was also stepping on the steel wire alone, and the villain behind him kept shaking the steel wire at the other end in order to cause damage, trying to make it fall.Wei Chen still remembered that he laughed happily at that time, but now, he can't laugh anymore!
"Fuck, there's something behind!"

After reacting, Wei Chen hurriedly turned his head. Sure enough, not far behind him, there was a very tiny black spot. Wei Chen was horrified to see it, because the black spot was gradually getting bigger!

Wei Chen quickly crawled forward, turning his head to pay attention to the movement behind while climbing.At the beginning, I didn't feel anything, until the black spot at the back gradually became bigger, and when it was big enough for Wei Chen to see clearly, Wei Chen's entire scalp exploded!
The black spot turned out to be a huge cockroach, bigger than the ones Wei Chen had seen before!What's more, there was more than one cockroach. There were so many cockroaches that they even formed a black line with just this steel wire!
"It's the dog's day!"

Wei Chen just wanted to scold his mother, once he was caught up, he probably wouldn't even have any bones left.Immediately, Wei Chen struggled to crawl forward, but how could his speed compare to those cockroaches?
"Fuck, never mind!"

Seeing the cockroaches behind, he had to catch up with Wei Chen and was quick to wit. He quickly slapped his hand on the steel wire a few times, then opened his mouth, and bit down on the steel wire!

Slightly ~
With a crisp sound, the steel wire was bitten open by Wei Chen.Immediately afterwards, the two sections of steel wire separated, and the cockroaches behind fell directly, and Wei Chen successfully shook them off.

But here came the problem, the cockroach was thrown away, Wei Chen was also falling, the steel wire was too long, it was endlessly long, Wei Chen couldn't be sure whether he hit the ground first or was pulled down to the end by the steel wire!
"Fight! You can't just be eliminated like this!"

Wei Chen gritted his teeth and pulled the wire to move forward. Although the distance was very short, it was better than nothing!Maybe this little distance is a chance!

Uh, I always want to say something, ask for favorites and recommendations. .Thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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