Doom Ray

Chapter 129 The challenge begins!

Chapter 129 The challenge begins!
"A little bit!"

The falling speed is getting faster and faster, here, the air seems to be unable to provide resistance to Wei Chen.

"Hurry up!"

Wei Chen gritted his teeth, and pulled himself up vigorously with his hands.He fell for a few minutes, and now he can see the ground!However, at this moment, the downward trend suddenly turned, and Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it looks like it's coming to an end." Wei Chen held the steel wire tightly and looked down with lingering fear. This was much more exciting than bungee jumping.

"That's not right! Since you turned the corner, why didn't you hit the finish line?" Suddenly, Wei Chen came to his senses, this situation is very unreasonable now!
"Could it be that the suspension point of this steel wire is suspended?"

After much deliberation, Wei Chen could only use this reason as an excuse.But then, the facts also proved Wei Chen's thoughts, he began to feel that he was rising rapidly, and the ground was getting farther and farther away from him.

"Just hanging around like this? What about the assessment?"

Wei Chen turned his head and looked behind him, suddenly——

The steel wire had been broken unknowingly, like an offline kite, Wei Chen was thrown out just like that, but at this moment, a building suddenly appeared behind Wei Chen, and Wei Chen who was thrown out happened to bump into it On the glass windows of a house!
Everything happened in an instant, there was no time for Wei Chen to react.Fortunately, the quality of the glass was not very good, and the guardrails were not strong. Wei Chen triumphantly broke through the window, and accidentally smashed on the soft bed.

"What's going on!" Wei Chen stood up, completely confused by this series of accidents.After touching his hot back, Wei Chen realized that he was injured!

"Why is there no pain?" Looking at the dark red blood on his hand, Wei Chen wondered, but then he was relieved, "Yes, I'm in a dream!"

Afterwards, Wei Chen looked at the mirror beside him and began to check the wound.The huge impact caused all the springs in the mattress to be stuck into the flesh. When Wei Chen took off his clothes, the blood on Wei Chen's back was bloody, which was comparable to the rotten flesh of a zombie!The arm was not much better either, there was no pain, and Wei Chen didn't realize that the steel wire was already deeply embedded in his hand!
"Hiss! It's so serious!" Wei Chen was taken aback, "I guess the bones are not much better."

"Wait, didn't I have treatment? How could I forget such an important thing?"

Suddenly, Wei Chen remembered that he has the ability to heal these wounds.Immediately according to the usual feeling, use the healing technique.

"Sorry, this test does not allow the use of special abilities."

"This?" Wei Chen was dumbfounded, "This is my dream!"

Tried twice, not only was the skill useless, but was also warned by the system.Reluctantly, Wei Chen left the room and looked around for some bandages and cloth to wrap it up.

"Bandages. Here it is! The gauze should be put aside, and" muttering to himself, Wei Chen skillfully dug out what he wanted from each drawer, then froze, suddenly Looking back around, memories flooded into my mind like sea water.

"Isn't this my home!"

In the eyes, some mist began to appear.Wei Chen even forgot to bandage the wound and wandered around.From time to time, the hands touched some tables and home appliances.Every touch is so familiar.

"This is the place where I was punished to stand before. This is the place to eat. This is"

Touching everywhere, Wei Chen took a deep breath and returned to the previous room.

"It still smells like this!"

Wei Chen couldn't help taking two more breaths of the familiar breath, but the fly in the ointment was that he smashed the windows and the bed.

"I don't know how the real home is like this." Shaking his head, Wei Chen took back the sadness, took out some towels and began to bandage himself.When you're done, find a piece of clothing you've worn before and change into it.

"What is the content of the assessment?"

After finishing everything, Wei Chen sat on the chair, touched the familiar lines, and began to think.

First, the steel wire broke, the cockroaches attacked, and then he returned to his home.Wei Chen didn't understand what the system was supposed to do at all.

"The degree of memory integration has reached the target, and the assessment begins."

Just as Wei Chen was thinking, the cold mechanical sound resounded all around.

"I'm going! It's only officially starting now!" Wei Chen really wanted to go out and smash those machines.

"The attack begins. If the person participating in the assessment dies, the assessment ends."

Before Wei Chen could react, there was an earthquake!

"Please get [-] points within the limited time, otherwise it will be considered as a failure and the assessment will be over."

"Two thousand points?" Wei Chen hid under the table, listening to the system's introduction to the content of the assessment.

"To kill a low-level evil beast, you get ten points, for a middle-level evil beast, you get fifty points, for a high-level evil beast, you get one hundred points. For killing the strongest evil beast in this assessment, you get one thousand points. Points package to get points."

"The explanation is over, and the assessment begins!"

The earthquake stopped.

Swallowing his saliva, Wei Chen only felt his face twitch. The strongest evil beast only has [-] points!
"I don't know how strong this evil beast is?" Thinking, Wei Chen got out from under the table, "I hope it's not too strong! By the way, I can't use my abilities yet!"

Patting his forehead, Wei Chen suddenly felt a headache.

"It doesn't matter, just treat it as never!"

After saying that, Wei Chen ran to the kitchen to look for a few kitchen knives, but immediately gave up these useless things, kitchen knives might not even be able to kill a person.So, he turned around and got a wrench.

"Fortunately, there is no time limit!"

After taking some bandages and wrapping them in old books, Wei Chen is ready to go out to earn points.

"Huh! What is this?"

Suddenly, Wei Chen felt a small object fly by his cheek, and immediately grabbed it with his hand.

"Get the points package, get five points."

I see!Wei Chen looked suddenly enlightened, it seems that these little things are point packs.But to be honest, this thing is too small, if it wasn't for accidental encounter, Wei Chen might not be able to find it.

"It's probably the most important thing to hunt those evil beasts!" After scrambling around, Wei Chen quickly gave up the idea of ​​earning points on the point bag, "Although I don't feel pain, I can't fight hard!"

"Calm down, be calm."

After warning himself, Wei Chen opened the door and walked out, but what he didn't expect was that there was a blood-red monster at the door of his house!

Woe to the beast!

"Big brother will definitely win No.1!"

Outside, Xu Jie was full of confidence in Wei Chen.

"Tch, I'm not afraid to flash my tongue, those on the list, which one is not powerful and invincible!" Seeing that Huang Yang was deserting, Alan went to Xu Jie's side and hit him: "It's only been less than half a minute, and they are blowing here. "



With a squint, Alan didn't continue to argue with Xu Jie, but he didn't know that this action made Xu Jie even more angry.

But what Alan said is not wrong, Wei Chen is running away in a panic at this moment!


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(End of this chapter)

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