Doom Ray

Chapter 130 The Trading Library is Open!

Chapter 130 The Trading Library is Open!
Three flames flew past, Wei Chen threw himself on the ground sideways, barely dodging.

"Why are you so strong!" Wei Chen dripped water gloomyly, "Don't tell me this is just a low-level evil beast!"

As soon as he went out before, Wei Chen ran into this thing. Relying on his previous fighting style, Wei Chen rushed up directly, but he never expected that this thing is so powerful!With just one blow, Wei Chen was beaten violently back!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wei Chen jumped out of the window and escaped. Fortunately, the house was not high enough to fall to his death.

"How do we fight this?" Wei Chen looked behind him in the blink of an eye, and saw a crimson reptile there, which looked very much like a hunter zombie, but there were some differences. It was much larger than the hunter zombie, with more well-proportioned forelimbs, and There is a tail on the buttocks.Every once in a while, these three tails will be filled with a bomb, which is not powerful, but enough to kill Wei Chen!

"Come again!"

Seeing the flash of yellow light, Wei Chen knew that this thing was launching missiles again, and the journey was endless!
"There must be a way!" Wei Chen's eyes turned cold, and his thoughts changed sharply.

"This thing is very powerful and has long-range attacks, but it can't catch up with me!" Wei Chen thought, "Is there something wrong with my feet?"

Therefore, Wei Chen turned his head and stared at the feet of the evil beast, and immediately discovered the doorway.This thing doesn't need to hunt zombies, and the front and rear legs are very well-proportioned, as if a person is crawling on the ground.But, can a person crawl and walk fast?
"That's true, but I can't fight him in close quarters!"

Sighing, Wei Chen could only think of a way to get rid of this thing first.

There is a big shopping mall not far ahead, Wei Chen got into it without thinking.Weichen has been to this shopping mall often, and he is familiar with the roads inside.As long as this evil beast follows, Wei Chen will definitely find a way to get rid of it!
"Come on, this is my home game!" Wei Chen secretly laughed.Picked up the pace.

Three more shells were fired, Wei Chen was used to dodging, and was chased all the way, and he gradually figured out the attack route of some shells.

"right here!"

Wei Chen stared at it and climbed up the stairs.This staircase does not lead to the second floor, but the third floor!

Three shells exploded beside Wei Chen!Wei Chen stood up in disgrace, it was hard to avoid on the stairs.

"Just keep up."

Hearing that the beast was climbing the stairs patteringly, Wei Chen was secretly delighted, and his pace quickened a lot.The third floor of this mall has a spinning slip that goes straight to the ground!This is also Wei Chen's goal!

"Hmph~ ten yuan at a time, you really know how to steal money!" Wei Chen snorted coldly when he came to slipping and saw the price on the sign beside him.Looking back, he saw that the evil beast was also rushing over, and Wei Chen got into the slippery place directly.This is his dream, no matter how much he sits, he doesn't need money!
Three flames exploded at the slippery mouth, but unfortunately, Wei Chen had already got in.

"Hey~ I often jump off the building, and I don't feel it anymore."

Sitting on the slide, Wei Chen shook his head. He used to like the feeling of sliding down, but now, he skipped all the stairs, what is this?
"Haha, I really didn't catch up!"

Landing firmly, Wei Chen patted the dust on his body, and hurriedly left here, fearing that the monster would catch up.

Walking on the empty street, Wei Chen couldn't help sighing, "It's like a ghost town!"

"What should I do now? Is it really only possible to find those points packages? Forget it, just look for it."

Therefore, Wei Chen began to carefully search for the tiny credit package.A generation of light kings ended up in such a miserable state in their dreams.

"There's one!"

Soon, on the empty street, Wei Chen grabbed a point bag.After crushing it, the cold voice of the system came to my ears.

"Get the points pack, get a little point."

"Bastard! Stingy!" Wei Chen yelled, and he worked so hard to get a little points, which is still a long way from two thousand.Even so, Wei Chen could only take his time.


"Get the points package, get three points."

"Here!" Wei Chen scratched at the small spot in the air.

"Get the points package and get seven points."

"Seven o'clock! This is the highest time so far!" Hearing the system prompt, Wei Chen was slightly delighted.Then he continued to work hard, while looking for more credit packages, while secretly guarding.

"Get the points package and get four points."

"Get... three points."

".Two points."


Gradually, Wei Chen also found out the way. Point packages are distributed according to the land, and there will be one every ten square meters, usually floating in the center of the land.

I don't know how many points I have gained, but suddenly, when Wei Chen crushed the next point package, the system's prompt sound changed!

"Congratulations, your points have reached [-], and you have opened the trading library. Those who participate in the assessment can use the points in their hands to exchange for the required items."

"Trading library!"

Hearing this, Wei Chen shouted, the key to breaking through is this thing!

"Ding~ Please select the type of transaction."

Following Wei Chen's exclamation of "trading library" just now, this thing jumped out directly, forming a projection in front of Wei Chen, with various categories written on it.Such as food, daily necessities, weapons, armor, medical supplies, etc., there are other options at the footer.


Without further ado, Wei Chen went straight to the point.With the sound of 'ding', the projected page turned over, revealing all kinds of weapons.

Going through it from beginning to end, Wei Chen was dumbfounded, it was full of guns!He won't use it!

"I would have learned this if I knew it earlier."

Wei Chen couldn't help feeling a little regretful. Outside, he had been using the keel knife in melee combat, killing very well. Where would he learn how to shoot such a weak point?
"You have to change it if you don't!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth and pulled the weapon page to the top, where the guns are the cheapest.

"One hundred points, in exchange for a plasma cutting pistol, whether to exchange it."

"Yes!" Wei Chen said with certainty.

"The exchange is successful, and thirty bullets will be given away for free." The voice of the system continued: "It is found that the examiner's life is dying, do you want to exchange it for the treatment liquid?"

After receiving the gun and three rows of magazines that appeared out of thin air, Wei Chen nodded and chose yes.His condition is really not very good now.

"Low-level healing liquid needs [-] points, whether to exchange it."


A small green bottle emerged from the air, and Wei Chen took it with one hand.

There was a needle at one end of the bottle, and Wei Chen directly stuck it into his arm without saying a word.

"Tsk, it's a match for my healing technique!" Looking at the wound that healed quickly, Wei Chen secretly said, "But why does it look a bit like playing a game?"

"Ding~ Life has been restored to half, please check."

"Life?" Wei Chen was startled, and immediately clicked to check.I saw that there were really red blood bars on this page!
"That's right, it's a dream after all, death can't be judged." Seeing this, Wei Chen thought clearly.There is no pain in the dream, and the effects of many serious injuries will not be shown here at all, and it is understandable for the system to make a blood bar.

"Okay, just treat it as a game!"

Wei Chen thought about it, and loaded the gun with a magazine.

It's time to hunt!

Please collect~~~Please recommend a ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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