Doom Ray

Chapter 131: The Strongest Disaster Beast Comes!

Chapter 131: The Strongest Disaster Beast Comes!
"I didn't expect you to be here!"

After getting the gun, Wei Chen immediately thought of the evil beast that had chased and killed him for a long time.Then go back the same way and hide at the corner to observe the movement of the monster.

"It's time for revenge! Get ready, three, two, go!"

Thinking silently in his heart, when the evil beast turned around, Wei Chen turned around and appeared from the corner, aimed the gun in his hand at the evil beast and shot indiscriminately!
"Bang Bang Bang~~~"

The chaotic gunshots passed, and a cloud of white smoke rose in front of Wei Chen.


Three missiles flew, this guy is not dead!

Wei Chen hurriedly dodged sideways, and then looked at the evil beast whose tail was still swaying. His palms were instantly wet.

what's the situation?
Wei Chen murmured in his heart that at this distance, no matter how bad he was, he could still hit a few shots.Then the only possibility is that it missed the point!
"Change the magazine!" Wei Chen suddenly reminded himself, while quickly backing away, he quickly took out a magazine in his hand, and put it in two or three times. In case of emergency, Wei Chen was on the road to change the magazine. Have practiced many times.Then he pulled the trigger against the coming evil beast.

"Bah~ bah~ bah~"

This time, Wei Chen did not shoot out all the bullets like last time, but flew the kite while carefully aiming before hitting, and the hit rate immediately increased a lot!

Another shot was fired, soaring straight over the head of the evil beast.

It worked!
Seeing this, Wei Chen was secretly happy, and gave a little sigh of relief.It seems that as long as there are weapons, these slow things are not difficult to deal with.

"Kill low-level monsters and get ten points."

"It's better to go to pick up the points package to get more." Wei Chen was depressed, "I spent more than half of the bullets, what's the price of the bullets?"

"Five points for a clip."

The system replied pertinently.

Hearing this, Wei Chen almost boasted, and he almost lost money by cooperating with him.

Then, Wei Chen started to earn points, but most of them were collecting points packs, only to shoot when he encountered one or two evil beasts occasionally, leaving the cost of the bullets there, Wei Chen didn't dare to be presumptuous.

"It is detected that the efficiency of killing the enemy is not high, do you want to buy a detector?"

After accumulating about [-] points, such a reminder came from Wei Chen's ear.It sounded good, so Wei Chen called out the trading warehouse, and found the so-called detector after a lot of trouble.

"Five hundred points, stealing money!" Wei Chen said with heartache, "It's better to change it, it's safe!"

Considering that this thing can detect evil beasts, Wei Chen will buy it no matter what. If the points are gone, he can earn more. If his life is gone, this dream is over.


There was another light bell, and the detector slowly took shape in the air.

Take a look at this thing.I saw a large hole on the top, which should be used to put it on the arm. An electronic screen is constantly flashing, like a radar, and the nearby buildings are marked on the screen. Since it is three-dimensional, Wei Chen can easily Clearly find out which floor the monster is on.

"I didn't expect there to be one on top behind me!"

Putting on the detector, Wei Chen quickly discovered a beast dormant on the tall building behind him.

"Ignore it, go to the points bag."

As he said that, Wei Chen continued to work. The system asked him to take a detector to search for evil beasts faster. Unexpectedly, Wei Chen used this thing to avoid the limelight.But also thanks to the detector, Wei Chen searched for the credit package much faster!

"This is just a mid-level monster, it's so much bigger!" Wei Chen said looking at the detector in his hand, which pointed out that there was a big monster moving back and forth on the street not far in front of him.

"Do you want to do it?" Wei Chen stopped, that's fifty points!
"It doesn't matter, fight!"

There were three magazines in the exchange office, Wei Chen slowly approached the big guy, and while walking, he still didn't forget to collect the credit packages that appeared on the road.

This place is already some distance away from his home, but after all, it is the city where Wei Chen has lived for more than ten years, and he is still very familiar with the surrounding building layout.

Soon, he found a relatively good sniper point.

"Do you want to change the gun?"

Crouching in a building, Wei Chen hesitated a bit. Compared with the low-level evil beast, this middle-level evil beast is not only a grade larger, but also covered with a layer of scales.Most importantly, there are six tails behind it!That means six muzzles!

"Now there are more than 300 points, let's see if there is a powerful sniper rifle!"

Wei Chen swipe the screen to start searching.Gradually, Wei Chen also understood the way to clear the level. He had to keep getting new equipment to hunt down more evil beasts.

"More than 300 more than 300. Got it!"

Wei Chen found a firearm worth exactly [-] points, with a scope, but judging from the posture, it should not be a sniper rifle, and the name of the gun is also a series of numbers.

"That's it!" After Wei Chen made his decision, he exchanged the gun. When he received the gun, the system gave him three magazines, each with twenty bullets.

"rely on you!"

While talking, Wei Chen stroked the body of the gun, leaned against the window, and moved the scope slowly, aiming at the wandering mid-level evil beast on the street.Then, fire!
"Bang bang bang~"

With just one pull of the trigger, three bullets were fired, and because the distance was close enough, the bullets happened to be less affected by wind and gravity.


The bullet pierced through the skull of the monster, blasting a tender pink flower.

"Kill the mid-level evil beast and get fifty points."

"That's it? So simple?" Suddenly, Wei Chen had a very unrealistic feeling. He was chased by the evil beast before, but now he can kill this thing in one shot.

Putting away the gun, Wei Chen continued to go to the next location, "Maybe the real difficulty is the previous section!"

Wei Chen estimated that many people didn't even have the qualifications for the formal assessment!

The next step is simple, this gun with a scope plus the detector and Wei Chen's familiarity with the terrain, Wei Chen began to kill continuously, basically one bullet can kill a low-level or mid-level monster, and the points are also high. In a steady stream of rising!
"Congratulations, the points have reached [-] points, the advanced mode has been turned on, the strongest evil beast has appeared, please prepare."

advanced mode?

Wei Chen, who was lying on the side, was stunned. No wonder there were only low-level and mid-level monsters before.

"Drip drip~~~"

Suddenly, the detector in Wei Chen's hand roared crazily. Wei Chen looked down, and the screen was densely covered with red dots!And these red dots are constantly approaching Weichen!

"Fuck, don't let people live!" Wei Chen yelled, so many evil beasts, after a round of bombardment, he guessed that there would be no bones left.

"Find the strongest evil beast, please pay attention!"

To make matters worse, the system's notification sound came so timely, Wei Chen, who was still in a relaxed state, was tense all over at this moment.

On the screen, an overwhelming red dot quickly approached him.Those buildings are not in the slightest hindrance!

"This thing can fly!"

(End of this chapter)

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