Doom Ray

Chapter 132 The Hope of the Showdown!

Chapter 132 The Hope of the Showdown!
"This is to play with the dead!"

Wei Chen gritted his teeth and pulled the weapon bar on the projection screen in front of him to the bottom.

"Nuclear bomb. Ten." Seeing this thing, Wei Chen was speechless for a while, and his expression returned to normal after he pushed it up a little, "Heavy energy cannon, [-] points!"

so good?

This price stunned Wei Chen for a while. His current funds are only fifteen hundred.

"It's changed!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth and said, the strongest evil beast is definitely not something that can be dealt with by ordinary weapons. To deal with this kind of thing, we must use strong medicine.

"...a cannonball as a gift."

"Fuck, only one!"

With one hand stretched out to support the heavy cannon, and the other hand holding the cannonball presented by the system, Wei Chen's not-so-good face turned gloomy.One cannonball, that is to say, Wei Chen only has one chance to attack!

"Fight it all, if you can't, think of a way! Anyway, it's in a dream, and if you die, you won't really die!"

Seriously, Wei Chen ran up to the rooftop carrying the heavy cannon.Since the strongest evil beast can fly, then give it a blow from above!
"Dang bang~"

The iron gate on the roof was kicked open by Wei Chen, and he stepped up to the roof. Wei Chen stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes.

A huge red meat ball was slowly floating towards him. Unlike other beasts, the strongest beast had very small limbs, its body bulged like a balloon, and its two beards fluttered in the wind.What frightened Wei Chen the most was that the tentacles under its body were densely packed, like the roots of an old tree.

There was a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and Wei Chen could clearly feel the pressure contained in the wind.

"First strike is stronger!"

After the shock, Wei Chen showed a ruthless expression. Once this evil beast runs away, the building he is in will definitely be wiped out!
Therefore, Wei Chen held up the heavy cannon with one hand, and he loaded the only shell into the rifling. After a burst of crackling, purple stripes began to appear on the surface of the heavy cannon, full of explosive power!
Wei Chen put his eyes on the scope, aiming at the top of the beard of the strongest evil beast, and put his ears on the cannon, he could clearly hear the buzzing of the cannon's internal mechanical operation.

"Huh~ It's quite powerful, don't let me down."

After saying that, Wei Chen pulled the trigger.


The cannonball disappeared in the muzzle in an instant, and when it appeared the next moment, it had already exploded on the forehead of the strongest evil beast!

The huge air wave brought up a circle of purple ripples, spreading around.Those weak beasts who were also standing on the roof were directly crushed into powder by this shock wave!

"Kill. Get ten points."

".Get fifty points."

".get ten points"

Wei Chen quickly opened the trading library, and the points on it were beating crazily!
61 hundred.130.
The crazy increase in points is something to be happy about, but Wei Chen's teeth did not let go at all, and he clenched tightly like before the cannon!It doesn't matter how fast the points jump, as long as the reminder to get [-] points is not jumped out, then the crisis of the 'big balloon' will not be resolved at all!
"Exchanging for a cannonball!"

Seeing that the aftermath of the shells tended to be stable, Wei Chen immediately shouted to the screen.

"Sorry, not enough points."

"How can it be not enough!" Wei Chen was dumbfounded, and looked at the number of points in the corner in a blink of an eye. It was almost a thousand, but the system said it was not enough!Co-authoring this cannonball cost thousands of points!

Before Wei Chen could come up with a solution, the tentacles of the strongest evil beast shook, and thousands of shells exploded like bees that had been stabbed in a honeycomb. Maybe one shell was not very powerful, but with so many shells, It can completely achieve a qualitative change!


Almost at the same time, all the shells exploded on the roof of the building where Wei Chen was standing!The whole building trembled and wailed like the sound of a bell.


A very abrupt crack appeared in the center of the building, and the building finally couldn't bear the force and broke apart from the middle.Then it slowly tilted and slammed into the building next to it.Then, the sound of clattering came out, glass shards fell like snowflakes, and a huge cloud of dust rose up.

"Cough cough."

In the ruins of another building, Wei Chen kicked away the slate that was pressing on him, coughed twice subconsciously, and then began to pant heavily.Fortunately, it was in a dream, and Wei Chen didn't feel the slightest discomfort when he inhaled the dust.

"Forget it, if you can't beat me, can't you hide?"

After spending three hundred in exchange for a high-grade healing liquid, Wei Chen pierced his neck, and the wound on his body began to heal quickly.After recovering from his injury, Wei Chen raised his head and looked into the dusty sky, Ren Ke vaguely saw the strongest evil beast still floating in the air!
"If I had known this, I might as well have taken the opportunity to escape and save up to [-] people." Wei Chen stood up, "The heavy artillery exchanged is completely wasted!"

Wei Chen regretted a little: If only I had calmed down just now!
Today's regrets can't save the situation.So Wei Chen went downstairs quickly, he had to run out of the building before the next wave of attacks came, otherwise he would be buried with the building!

While running, Wei Chen clicked on the projection screen and began to look for things he could use. After clicking twice in the category, Wei Chen suddenly found that there was another category at the footer.

"What's in it? I don't know what it's for?" Wei Chen was a little puzzled, "It doesn't matter, just open it and have a look!"

So, driven by curiosity, Wei Chen clicked on the option of other categories, then stayed where he was, and kept saying something in his head: I am a pig!

The first item in this category is called Ability Restoration Injection, and the price is [-] points.

"Ah!" Wei Chen went crazy, "Why didn't you check it earlier!"

With his ability restored, these evil beasts need to be killed as many as possible, so there is no need to ambush them slowly. Even if it is the strongest evil beast, Wei Chen dares to confront it head-on!

"It's still three hundred, hurry up and earn it back!"

With hope, there is motivation. The heavy artillery is gone, but the cutting pistol is still there. Wei Chen immediately took it out and held it in his hand, and started to run downstairs frantically.


Some evil beasts in the opposite building saw the flickering figure in the ventilation window of the corridor, flicked their tails, and fired missiles one after another.

Wei Chen glanced at the detector, and suddenly felt his scalp tingling, surrounded by dense red dots, too many!
"Huh? There's one running up downstairs!"

While observing the red dot, Wei Chen saw a small red dot began to move up the stairs.

"It's just in time!" Wei Chen stopped, raised his gun to aim, saw the red figure appearing, and pulled the trigger.

". Get ten points."

"Killing 29!"

Wei Chen said, keep an eye on the detector.Later, during the process of going downstairs alone, Wei Chen encountered a dozen evil beasts, some climbed up from the bottom of the building, and some came in through the corridor windows, but their results were all the same, and Wei Chen shot them to death head off.

"It seems that there are more than thirty, and the consumption of bullets must be counted!"

The crappy marksmanship has caused Wei Chen a great loss at the moment. Every time he kills a low-level evil beast, he will consume three to four bullets.After going back and forth, Wei Chen had to kill a few more in the end.

Of course, the only favorable condition for Wei Chen now is that those evil beasts above the intermediate level cannot squeeze in!Soon, Wei Chen came to the lobby on the ground floor.

"There are so many here! Fly a kite for a while, and if you kill enough, just jump out of the window and leave!"

Having an idea, Wei Chen fired a shot at the evil beasts that were crowded together!
On the other side, the tentacles of the strongest evil beast had already been filled with cannonballs. After sensing Wei Chen's specific position, the cannonballs swarmed out!

There was a loud whistling sound, Wei Chen was startled, and unknowingly accelerated his shooting speed, trying to earn enough points in this last period of time!


The shells were gathered together and all blasted to the bottom of the building. In the next second, the building would collapse and cease to exist!And at this moment, Wei Chen is only thirty points short of one thousand points!
Time is running out!
(End of this chapter)

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