Doom Ray

Chapter 133 Competitive Mode!

Chapter 133 Competitive Mode!

The ground kept shaking, cracks climbed up to the ceiling and tore off a large stone brick, and then the stone brick fell to the ground with a 'bang' and broke into several small pieces.

"There are two more!"

Wei Chen leaned on the armrest and barely stabilized his body, still changing the magazine in his hand.He remembered that this building seemed to be built by a big company with a lot of money, and it wasn't that fragile!

Seeing the opportunity, a monster rushed forward. As for its missile, it had already launched the moment Wei Chen went down the stairs, and it was still cooling down.

"Back!" Wei Chen said anxiously.These beasts are very powerful, and it must be Wei Chen who is head-to-head!
However, the building was constantly shaking due to the bombardment of the strongest evil beast. In order to stabilize his body, Wei Chen retreated slowly.But he is not fast, it does not mean that the evil beast moves slowly!With their well-proportioned limbs, they are not affected by the environment!

Fortunately, Wei Chen loaded the magazine.

"Huh~ well, go to hell!" Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and fired a shot at the evil beast that was close at hand.

".get ten points"

"Okay, there's one last one!" Wei Chen's heart was burning, he raised his gun, aimed at the crowd of evil beasts, and pulled the trigger.And at this moment, a stone brick on the ceiling, facing Wei Chen, smashed down!


Before the aftermath of the bomb had passed, the entire building began to sink, raising dust and clouds all over the sky.The evil beasts around who wanted to approach were scared back by this momentum, the 'big balloon' in the sky slowly floated over, and their tentacles danced chaotically.


The building collapsed completely, and the balloon let out a long cry of triumph.However, instead of receding, the evil beasts around them kept approaching the ruins of the building!
The only reason that can explain this is that Wei Chen is still alive!

"Haha! Fuck me and die!"


With a loud shout, a red dot suddenly appeared in the gray dust mist!In the next second, the dot disappeared!

Wei Chen kicked his legs and appeared in front of the evil beast. The evil beast responded well, and the tentacles on the tail were directly drawn towards Wei Chen.Unfortunately, it didn't work.

"Tell you to chase me!"

Since entering the dreamland, Wei Chen has been running away constantly, and fighting in unfamiliar ways to kill the enemy, very aggrieved!But now, with the lifting of the restriction on abilities, of course Wei Chen has to vent his anger!

Grabbing the drawn tentacles, without further ado, Wei Chen took the beast as a hammer and swung it at it!The system sound in the ear began to ring continuously.

". Get ten points."

".Get fifty points."



"Excellent!" Wei Chen slammed all directions, and the depression in his chest was vented in an instant.The cannonball that the evil beast is proud of can't catch up with Wei Chen at all!

The head of a high-level evil beast was smashed open by a golden fist, and the blood inside sprayed Wei Chen's face, but Wei Chen, who was used to it, didn't mind it.

"Huh~ It's almost there." After venting his grievances, Wei Chen looked up at the strongest beast and said, "If you want to get the highest score, then this strongest beast must be the last one to kill!"

After wandering here for half a day, Wei Chen will never forget his purpose of coming, besides obtaining the qualification to enter the central area, he also wants to take this opportunity to climb the leaderboard and turn these points into real 'currency'!
The best way is to praise the points to the critical value, and then kill the 'big balloon'.

Just as he was talking, the tentacles of the big balloon had been filled with shells, and with a light shake, yellow spots flew all over the sky!

"This move is quite good. The lack of power of the cannonballs can be compensated by the quantity." Praising in his mouth, Wei Chen quickly ran out of the explosion area, and looked back at the blasted debris, Wei Chen's eyes lit up immediately.

"Maybe I can try it too!"

Immediately, Wei Chen spent thirty mimics to condense into a small ball.Without building a skeleton, condensing thirty mimics is already Wei Chen's limit, any more will make this small ball lose its balance!Then, Wei Chen shifted the output target of the mimicry, and condensed a new mimicry ball.

Seeing this, Wei Chen was overjoyed, there seemed to be something going on!

As a result, mimetic balls were condensed one after another, and Wei Chen carefully let them temporarily attach to his left arm to prevent them from colliding with each other and exploding.And the other hand pulled up the tail of the evil beast from the ruins on the side, and turned towards the other evil beasts.

After a while, Wei Chen's points increased a lot, and the mimicry on his left arm was also full.Wei Chen was also a little excited. If this is feasible, it can completely solve the problem of too long condensing time of the mimic shells!

"There are almost [-] mimics, I don't know how powerful it is." Wei Chen looked at the densely packed small light balls on his left arm, his scalp was a little numb, "I need to change my look in the future!"

The big balloon in the sky let out another long cry, and after seeing a wave of missiles blowing up Wei Chen, it began to merge its tentacles together!
Immediately, an astonishing scene appeared, thousands of tentacles** began to soften, every two tentacles touched each other, fused into a thicker tentacles!The muzzle naturally increased in size!
The first wave of fusion is over, and the big balloon starts the second wave of fusion.Gradually, the tentacles under the balloon came closer and closer, and the muzzle got bigger and bigger!
Wei Chen didn't know all of this, he was only busy killing evil beasts and condensing the ball of light.

"Hiss~ what does this feel like?"

Killing a high-level monster with one punch, Wei Chen suddenly felt a chill behind his back, and a breath of death pressed against his back!Turning his head quickly, he saw a horrified scene.

It was a huge black hole, Wei Chen estimated that it was at least the size of two football fields!Then with the weak light, you can see that the hole is constantly wriggling, and without any wriggling, the blackness in the hole is a bit more intense!
"Day, it's still like this!"

Wei Chen's eyes almost popped out, that black is the head of the bomb!With your butt, you can imagine how powerful two shells the size of a football field are!
"But it's you who is trying to kill yourself!" To appease the shock in his heart, looking at his left hand surrounded by the light ball, Wei Chen suddenly had an urge to laugh.

At first, he only wanted to give the balloon a fatal blow by quickly condensing the mimetic light sphere, but now it seems that this light sphere has another purpose!
The balls of light flew up one by one, and under Wei Chen's control, they flew towards the shells being pushed out like yellow birds!


The big balloon beeped for a long time, and a bad premonition came to my heart, so I quickly wriggled the big tentacles, trying to get the shell back.

It's a pity that this creeping speed is too slow!
Those yellow birds flew into the big tentacles under Wei Chen's arrangement!

"Blast me!"

A ruthless look flashed in Wei Chen's eyes. Following his order, the yellow birds collided with each other almost at the same moment. The mimic light ball, which was not very stable, boiled at this moment!
In the center of the collision point, a white light suddenly flashed, and a yellow ripple spread out from the tentacles.

White light flashed across his eyes, Wei Chen turned his head, layers of mimicry piled up on his feet, and ran away at high speed!However, before he ran a few steps, he heard a shocking explosion from behind!

The cannonball in the tentacles was detonated by Wei Chen just like that!

"Congratulations for killing the strongest evil beast and gaining [-] points."

"The total points reached [-] points, and I successfully passed the assessment. It was detected that the examiner is strong. May I ask if you want to start the competitive mode? In this mode, you will earn more points!"

"Is that the end?"

Wei Chen was stunned for a moment, thinking that the explosion would affect him, but he didn't expect that as long as he killed the big balloon, the world would enter a suspended state.

"Competition mode? Can you say something?"

Compared with the big balloon that was killed, Wei Chen cared more about this thing that could earn more points.

"Competition mode, a total of [-] levels. The system will invite ability users who have passed the qualification assessment to compete with the examiners on the same stage, and compete for points for killing enemies. There is no time limit, and you will fight until all participants die!"

"If the examiner wins all the qualifying teams with points for killing enemies, then one-tenth of the points of all qualifying teams will belong to the examiner. Otherwise, the examiner will fail the assessment, the points will be cleared, and he will not be allowed to participate in the assessment again for a week! "

"Would you like to activate the competitive mode?"

After listening carefully, Wei Chen fell into deep thought. The harvest of victory is very tempting. He gets one-tenth of the points of all participating teams, but it is very difficult to win, because Wei Chen has to rely on the strength of a single person to compete with a team!
"Turn on!"

When Wei Chen said this, he didn't hesitate at all.For Huangfu Ling, fight!

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(End of this chapter)

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