Doom Ray

Chapter 134 Competition Begins

Chapter 134 Competition Begins

"Are you sure you want to activate competitive mode?"

"Yes!" Wei Chen nodded.

"The competition mode is on, and the examiners can enter the venue first to pass the level."


Wei Chen's foreground suddenly changed, and he came to an empty field.The ground here is blue, and the surrounding walls have been replaced with star maps, making it look very spacious and bright, which fascinates Wei Chen deeply!
"Breakthrough begins!"

The cold voice of the system brought Wei Chen back to his senses from the scenery in front of him, and he saw four doors slowly rising around, and roars came out from the doors!
"Aww!" "Roar!" "Hungry!"

"It seems like killing monsters that don't listen!" Wei Chen was ready to go, "But a protracted war is not good for me!"

The troublesome problem of energy-type special abilities lies here. Once the energy is exhausted, they can only fight with their bodies.However, the system is still notifying Wei Chen of a message in time.

"It is detected that the examiner is an energy-type special ability user, and it is specially approved to restore all energy every 5 minutes."

"it is good!"

Wei Chen's eyes shone with golden light, and his face showed joy, and then traces of red mist began to emerge from his skin.The second-level seeds of Lie Yan can make more use of the limited energy in the fruit, and Wei Chen can maintain this red mist state for about ten minutes now!In this way, recovering energy once every 5 minutes means that Wei Chen can activate the red mist state without limit!
A big gray wolfhound appeared in the door frame, gritted its teeth and ran towards Wei Chen with green eyes.


Wei Chen directly smashed its head with a punch, it was too weak.

"Get some points."

"Only a little?" Wei Chen frowned, it seemed that there was a long way to go!

All kinds of monsters began to appear one after another from the four doors, including zombies, wild beasts, and evil beasts, as well as all the strange creatures. Wei Chen didn't know how to classify them.

In the outside world, the pot has exploded at this moment!

"Aland! Did you hear the announcement!"

"Understood." The strong man named Alande touched his head, "Brothers are called, everyone go in and earn points!"

"Then which examiner? Do you want it?"

Alan De looked at the person in front of him with disdain, "Red Hair, we just have to do our best! Even if he wins, it's only one-tenth of the points, so be bold!"


"Sister Chixin, let's go!"

The woman called Chi Xin nodded, "Of course! I also want to see who is so arrogant!"

"Okay, I'll go to the team!"


"Can you tell who the examiner outside is?"

A man was smoking a cigarette and asked a boy in front of him. If you look carefully, there is a small gap on the boy's forehead. Judging by the boy's expression, he seems to be able to pass through everything through this gap! "

"Abe, no, it's blocked by the system." The boy with third eyes shook his head and said, "Why do you have to look so carefully? Doesn't this prevent us from getting points?"

The man put down his cigarette, smiled and said, "I just want to see who is so courageous. I didn't dare to light that challenge at the beginning."

After saying that, the man stood up and said, "Let's go, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Bibi!"

After the news came out from the system, all the teams in the central area took action. This is a good opportunity to collect points!

The system notification was repeated three times, reaching almost every team and everyone's ears.And somewhere in the central area, a series of white buildings rose from the ground, full of sleeping devices, providing venues for these participating teams.

"Look, that's Burning Man!"

"Hey! What was the ranking of this team last time?"

"Sixteen looks like it!"

After hearing this, someone next to him interrupted: "Fart, it's already thirteen! Oh, my God, that's Blazing Heart! It's so beautiful!"

"Oh? Who do you think is more beautiful than her or me?"

Suddenly, a charming voice sounded from behind the man.

The person being questioned swallowed, and he knew who it was without turning his head just to listen to the voice.The audience next to him subconsciously walked a little further away, for fear of getting into trouble.

The man turned his head and said without tears: "You are beautiful, you are beautiful!"

"Really! Well, I see you look good, come to my room tonight!"


After hearing this, the surroundings were immediately filled with gloating laughter, but everyone carefully covered their mouths and snickered, not daring to be blatant.

The unlucky ghost who was named had a bitter look on his face. The person in front of him was called Mei Nu. She was very enchanting, with a very good figure and face, but he was just a personal monster. Whoever was caught would be unlucky.

The most terrible thing is that this person's team is ranked fifth on the leaderboard, and he can't afford to mess with it.

"Wow, Thunder Squad has appeared!"

"Get out of the way and let me see!"

"Awesome, this equipment and the number of people are indeed ranked first!"

"So many celebrities! I don't even want to participate and just want to watch the real-time points ranking!"

"Haha, me too, why don't we go together?"

"Good together!"

There was a lot of discussion outside the white building, but no one was talking about Wei Chen. After all, compared to Wei Chen, the new rankings of those strong teams are more attractive.

Beside the assessment cabin outside the central area, Xu Jie and the others stared at the newly projected screen in astonishment.

"Wow, big brother is awesome! More than 5000 points! Number one!"

Seeing that there was only Guangwang's name on the projection screen, Xu Jie said happily.However, Huang Yang and Alan, who knew the inside story, kept changing their expressions.

"This kid!" Finally, Huang Yang sighed, "You have the guts!"


"The fourth level is open!"

"Phew, there are so many!"

Wei Chen flicked his arm, this one will be killed, it will really kill him!But for the sake of points, this kind of work has to continue.

The fourth wave of monsters emerged from the four doors, and they were also wild beasts, zombies, evil beasts, and monsters of unknown species.Of course, compared with the previous monsters, the fourth wave of monsters has more points, one with four points.Also, stronger!
"Try a new move, be a fortress!"

The system restores his energy every 5 minutes, so there is no need to worry about Energy Wei Chen, so the next step is to squander it!
Mimics were created one by one by Wei Chen, and when there were thirty, Wei Chen threw them towards places where there were many monsters.



A large number of monsters were blown away, and the system began to make countless noises in Wei Chen's ears.

"Haha, it's much better!"

Today's monsters are not strong, and Wei Chen will be a big one when he explodes!The efficiency is much faster than before.

With a good start, Wei Chen naturally made persistent efforts, and piles of mimic light spheres flew out. This kind of light spheres is quick to make, requires no effort, and is very easy to use.Even later, Wei Chen didn't stick to a fixed number, and threw the existing light balls wherever the monsters approached.It's really a scene where one man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it!
But at this moment, new names began to appear on the standings!

The competition begins here!
(End of this chapter)

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