Doom Ray

Chapter 135 A Losing Situation

Chapter 135 A Losing Situation

"Look at the sudden increase of people on that list! What's going on?" A person waiting in front of the white cabin shouted in surprise.

"I don't understand, look at that Alande team, it can be very famous in the central area! Now some event should be triggered, and the various strong teams have started to compete! Today is not in vain!"

"Friend, who is that King of Light? Didn't he add a team to his suffix? Is he alone?"

"It's just a clown, it will be squeezed off the list in a while."

In the dream, Wei Chen was constantly fighting, unaware that the outside world had already begun to boil.

"The other teams have already started, I have to hurry!"

Wei Chen frowned after waving a large ball of mimetic light in his hand, because the system prompted that the fourth level had passed.

"If this continues, we will be caught up!"

Calling up the leaderboard, Wei Chen looked at the team whose scores kept rising with a solemn expression.That speed is much, much faster than him!

"The fifth level begins, boss battle, silver snake."

Wei Chen shivered, boss battle!
As soon as the system finished speaking, four giant silver pythons emerged from the four doors.Three of them are about ten meters long, with a waist like a bucket, and a pair of square eyes staring straight at Wei Chen.There was another one that was about twenty years old, and it quickly coiled itself up after leaving the gate. When the snake letter spat out, several sparks flashed.

The three snakes twisted and rushed towards Wei Chen, who casually threw the condensed ball of light over.


".Get five hundred points."

"So weak?" Wei Chen was taken aback, it was a boss fight anyway, even if these three were just younger brothers, they wouldn't be so vulnerable, right?But the fact is that these four snakes are vulnerable.

"It is estimated that there are only silver moon ranks, and the previous mobs should only have star ranks!"

Soon, Wei Chen figured it out. Since it was a checkpoint, it must be done step by step, and the monsters would go from weak to strong.It's just an appetizer that has nothing to do with the front, and the focus is on the back!
"The Sixth Pass"

As for the other teams, they are also relying on their own abilities to earn points at the moment.

"Boss, I can't hold it anymore!"

"Don't be afraid, look at me!"

The captain of this team suddenly exerted force, a green mist appeared all over his body, and his speed soared!Waving his fists, he charged into the pile of monsters.The monster's offensive was stopped for a while!
"The burst of characteristics is strong! When will I be able to do it."

If Wei Chen were here, he would definitely be surprised, after all, he has never seen the evolutionary's characteristics explode!
"Hmph, let's dream, it's not so easy to find a matching spar."


"Everyone use all your strength to catch up with those teams!"

"it is good!"

The captains of many teams began to cheer up the players. Each team member showed their own strength, and the points were rising rapidly!

However, the team that does this is not a strong team.

In a dream, Alan De and a group of main team members sat leisurely in the middle, surrounded by ordinary team members forming a circle, trying to keep the monsters out of the circle.

"Okay, you hit the mine, go help me, remember to save your energy, don't be too aggressive!"


Chu Lei nodded in response, he picked up a leg of some kind of monster from the ground, a blue light flashed in his hand, and threw it towards the place where there were many monsters.Afterwards, as soon as the beast's legs touched other monsters, they exploded!
Basically every strong team will adopt this method.The monster points in the previous levels are low, so there is no need to waste your limited physical strength here!

"They're all hiding their clumsiness!"

Huang Yang stared at the leaderboard, No.1 is still Wei Chen, but starting from No.2, the changes have been very big!Many teams couldn't hold on in the first few rounds, and started the final explosion. Once the explosion broke out, the points will naturally increase, and the ranking will also rise.But after the outbreak, there was no stamina, and these teams were cleared out, and the rankings were squeezed down by other teams.

"Look, big brother is still No.1!" Xu Jie didn't expect so much, as long as Wei Chen still remains the number one, she will be very happy.

"Don't be too happy!" Zhang Qian put a hand on Xu Jie's shoulder and said, "Those powerful teams should be dormant!"

"Yes, although I don't know what the game can hold, but Wei Chen will get more and more difficult as the game progresses." Huang Yang agrees with Zhang Qian very much, "You must know that there is only one person for him!"

"Just wait, big brother is not easy!" Hearing the objective analysis of the two, Xu Jie retorted very unconvinced. Along the way, Wei Chen's strength has already been deeply rooted in her heart!
"Look! The Blazing Team is up!"

"Ah! The Thunder team also appeared on the list! There are also Aland and the Shemale team!"

The changes on the list caused exclamations from the surrounding crowd, many of whom came from the central area.

".The seventh level."

Wei Chen wiped his forehead, although there was no sweat there.Dragging the screen, Wei Chen also began to get nervous.All the teams started to work hard, and the speed of the points climb increased significantly!
"The levels are limited, and I don't know how many levels they can pass." Wei Chen frowned. There are a total of twenty levels. Except for the boss battle, the rest of the levels compete for the speed of killing enemies. Wei Chen is only one person, so he must not be able to compete with those. Strong team.

"No, the killing speed is still too slow!"

The monster of the seventh level appeared, the routine is the same as before, but the strength is much stronger than before!Wei Chen gathered a ball of light and smashed it over, only to hear a few system prompts.

"It's become stronger again, probably at the second level of Silver Moon!" After guessing the monster's strength, Wei Chen began to think about tactics. If this continues, he will lose!

"The seventh level is the second level of Silver Moon, then the next level will be the third level, and the tenth level should be the boss battle again, and the strength is at the first level of Lieyang! Doesn't that mean that at the beginning of No. 11 level, all the characters that appear Is it a Fierce Sun rank monster?"

Thinking of this, Wei Chen was taken aback. He himself was only at the second level of Lieyang, but he had to face the overwhelming monsters of Lieyang!

"Assuming that I can reach the eleventh level at most, then the key to scoring points lies in these levels!"

"But, this is already the fastest speed!"

Wei Chen was annoyed, his attack method was only this mimicry, and the attack method such as the mimic ball was completely figured out by himself.

"If you continue like this, you will lose! Since this is the case, I am thinking of a new method!"

It's not the end yet, Wei Chen doesn't want to give up.The output in hand has been accelerated, and I want to win a little more points.

"Why don't you try to use one mind at two times?" Wei Chen frowned. He had this idea a long time ago. Energy-type special abilities can only use one skill at a time. If they can use one mind at two times, it will be a huge Huge help!

"Two things at once?" Wei Chen thought about this, and stretched out his other hand to condense the new mimetic light sphere.But an unfortunate scene happened, the mimetic light sphere that had been condensed by the other hand disappeared at this moment!
"Fuck! It hurts!" Wei Chen, who was a little depressed, could only output obediently.

"There must be a way!" Wei Chen slapped his head, "Think quickly!"...………… Next week's featured tweets, I hope the favorites will keep coming! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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